Hi, I would like to submit my candidacy as PTL of OpenStack-Helm for the Stein cycle. I've been with the OpenStack-Helm project since its inception, and have found it to be the most enjoyable and satisfying OpenSource project I've worked on to date. From the project's early days as a PoC, through to its current state with real-world uses in a multitude of configurations and scale from medium deployments running traditional workloads to edge VNF specific. These users range from academia, telco and enterprise, right through to home labs, and we as a core review team have made some great new friends along the way. That said there is still a huge amount we need to do within OpenStack-Helm, to build on these foundations and capitalize on the work we have done to date. As PTL my priorities would be as follows: *) Uphold the 4 Opens *) Improve documentation for both onboarding developers, and operations *) Build up a more diverse group of reviewers *) Finally cut the fabled 1.0 release *) Build more links between OSH and other related projects Regardless of the outcome, I'm excited to continue contributing to OpenStack-Helm. Regards, Pete Birley