I'd like to submit my candidacy to remain serving as keystone PTL for the next cycle. It has been my privilege to serve as PTL for this past cycle, during which we made progress on several major issues, especially on transitioning our RBAC model to steer away from the admin-ness problem and to understand read-only roles, as well as enhancing application credentials with fine-grained access control and support for federated users. In the upcoming cycle, policy and RBAC continue to be a top priority. As we near the completion of migrating keystone's own policies to understand system scope and default roles, we need to look forward to driving these changes across the rest of OpenStack while ensuring as smooth a transition as possible for operators and end users. Beyond that, my top focus will be on incrementally improving the quality of keystone as a product, starting with enhancing our testing to ensure it is more stable and reliable and encompasses all the scenarios that are important to us, from rolling upgrades to federation to performance testing. As more and more we face a simple lack of people-hours within the team to drive massive features, my strategy will be to remove roadblocks like CI issues and technical debt in order to empower new and existing contributors to drive the features they want to see in keystone, whether that is quota limits, federation enhancements, better support for Edge use cases, or whatever other life-improving ideas come up. Thank you for your consideration, Colleen (cmurphy)