Adjust HA-proxy config for slapd service.

HA-porxy config for slapd service was tuned.

Change-Id: I05492ad36bc4be070053ac30ef079dbfc89d42a7
Related-Bug: #1599065
This commit is contained in:
Maksym Yatsenko 2016-07-05 11:26:22 +03:00
parent b60d40b799
commit 856dfaea79
1 changed files with 10 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -62,14 +62,17 @@ class plugin_ldap::ldap_proxy_init (
internal_virtual_ip => $internal_virtual_ip,
ipaddresses => $controller_ip,
server_names => $controller_nodes,
order => '180',
listen_port => '389',
define_backups => true,
haproxy_config_options => {
mode => 'tcp',
stats => 'enable',
option => ['ldap-check',]
option => ['tcplog','clitcpka','srvtcpka', 'ldap-check'],
balance => 'leastconn',
mode => 'tcp',
'timeout server' => '28801s',
'timeout client' => '28801s',
balancermember_options => 'maxconn 10000 check',
order => '180',
listen_port => '389',
} ~> Service<| title == 'haproxy' |>
balancermember_options => 'check inter 20s fastinter 2s downinter 2s rise 3 fall 3',
} ~> Service<| title == 'haproxy' |>