Fix novnc proxy configuration

The guest consoles are not visible through the horizon UI because
novnc proxy is set to compute node by default thus a port forwarding
to dom0 is required. Besides, Mirantis uses an internal host name -
"public.fuel.local" - as the novnc's base url which cannot be
resolved by users therefore need to be replaced with the real public
IP address.

Change-Id: I819d13dca1a8263247fe443606095ba33b142756
Closes-Bug: #1513551
This commit is contained in:
John Hua 2016-01-25 14:31:53 +08:00
parent c44842113e
commit 7b01f345c6
2 changed files with 82 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ ASTUTE_PATH = '/etc/astute.yaml'
ASTUTE_SECTION = 'fuel-plugin-xenserver'
LOG_ROOT = '/var/log/fuel-plugin-xenserver'
LOG_FILE = 'compute_post_deployment.log'
HIMN_IP = ''
if not os.path.exists(LOG_ROOT):
@ -76,6 +77,18 @@ def get_astute(astute_path):
return astute
def astute_get(dct, keys, default=None, fail_if_missing=True):
"""A safe dictionary getter"""
for key in keys:
if key in dct:
dct = dct[key]
if fail_if_missing:
reportError('Value of "%s" is missing' % key)
return default
return dct
def get_options(astute, astute_section):
"""Return username and password filled in plugin."""
if not astute_section in astute:
@ -144,15 +157,15 @@ def init_eth():
if ip:
himn_local = ip[0]['addr']
himn_xs = '.'.join(himn_local.split('.')[:-1] + ['1'])
if '' == himn_xs:
info('himn_ip: %s' % himn_local)
return eth, himn_local, himn_xs
if HIMN_IP == himn_xs:
info('himn_local: %s' % himn_local)
return eth, himn_local
reportError('HIMN failed to get IP address from XenServer')
def check_hotfix_exists(himn, username, password, hotfix):
out = ssh(himn_xs, username, password,
out = ssh(HIMN_IP, username, password,
'xe patch-list name-label=%s' % hotfix)
if not out:
reportError('Hotfix %s has not been installed' % hotfix)
@ -163,19 +176,28 @@ def install_xenapi_sdk():
execute('cp', '', '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/')
def create_novacompute_conf(himn, username, password):
def create_novacompute_conf(himn, username, password, public_ip):
"""Fill nova-compute.conf with HIMN IP and root password. """
template = '\n'.join([
s = template % (himn, username, password)
mgmt_if = netifaces.ifaddresses('br-mgmt')
if mgmt_if and mgmt_if.get(netifaces.AF_INET) \
and mgmt_if.get(netifaces.AF_INET)[0]['addr']:
mgmt_ip = mgmt_if.get(netifaces.AF_INET)[0]['addr']
reportError('Cannot get IP Address on Management Network')
s = template % (public_ip, mgmt_ip, himn, username, password)
fname = '/etc/nova/nova-compute.conf'
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
@ -252,19 +274,45 @@ def forward_from_himn(eth):
execute('service', 'iptables-persistent', 'save')
def forward_port(eth_in, eth_out, target_host, target_port):
"""Forward packets from eth_in to eth_out on target_host:target_port. """
execute('iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'PREROUTING',
'-i', eth_in, '-p', 'tcp', '--dport', target_port,
'-j', 'DNAT', '--to', target_host)
execute('iptables', '-A', 'FORWARD',
'-i', eth_out, '-o', eth_in,
'-m', 'state', '--state', 'RELATED,ESTABLISHED',
'-j', 'ACCEPT')
execute('iptables', '-A', 'FORWARD',
'-i', eth_in, '-o', eth_out,
'-j', 'ACCEPT')
execute('iptables', '-t', 'filter', '-S', 'FORWARD')
execute('iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-S', 'POSTROUTING')
execute('service', 'iptables-persistent', 'save')
if __name__ == '__main__':
astute = get_astute(ASTUTE_PATH)
if astute:
username, password, install_xapi = get_options(astute, ASTUTE_SECTION)
endpoints = get_endpoints(astute)
eth, himn_local, himn_xs = init_eth()
if username and password and endpoints and himn_local and himn_xs:
check_hotfix_exists(himn_xs, username, password, 'XS65ESP1013')
himn_eth, himn_local = init_eth()
public_ip = astute_get(
astute, ('network_metadata', 'vips', 'public', 'ipaddr'))
if username and password and endpoints and himn_local:
check_hotfix_exists(HIMN_IP, username, password, 'XS65ESP1013')
endpoints, himn_xs, himn_local, username, password)
endpoints, HIMN_IP, himn_local, username, password)
if install_xapi:
install_suppack(himn_xs, username, password)
create_novacompute_conf(himn_xs, username, password)
install_suppack(HIMN_IP, username, password)
# port forwarding for novnc
forward_port('br-mgmt', himn_eth, HIMN_IP, '80')
create_novacompute_conf(HIMN_IP, username, password, public_ip)

View File

@ -39,9 +39,29 @@ function create_image {
function mod_novnc {
local public_ip
public_ip=$(python - <<EOF
import sys
import yaml
print astute['network_metadata']['vips']['public']['ipaddr']
cat > /etc/nova/nova-compute.conf <<EOF
service nova-novncproxy restart
service nova-consoleauth restart
source /root/openrc admin
create_image "TestVM" "xen" ""
create_image "F17-x86_64-cfntools" "hvm" ""
glance image-list >> $LOG_FILE
glance image-list >> $LOG_FILE