=============== Gabbi + Tempest =============== Gabbi-tempest is a Tempest_ plugin_ that enables testing the APIs of running OpenStack services, integrated with tempest but without needing to write Python. Instead the YAML format_ provided by gabbi_ is used to write and evaluate HTTP requests and responses. Tests are placed in YAML files in one or more directories. Those directories are added to a ``GABBI_TEMPEST_PATH`` environment variable. When that variable is passed into a tempest test runner that is aware of the gabbi plugin, the files on that path will be used to create tempests tests. The test harness sets a series of enviornment variables that can be used in the YAML to reach the available services. The available variables may be extended in two ways: * Adding them to the environment that calls tempest if the values are known. * Setting them in a subclass of the plugin if the values need to be calculated from what tempest knows. For each service in the service catalog there are ``_SERVICE`` and ``_BASE`` variables (e.g., ``PLACEMENT_SERVICE`` and ``PLACEMENT_BASE``). A useful ``SERVICE_TOKEN``, ``IMAGE_REF``, ``FLAVOR_REF`` and ``FLAVOR_REF_ALT`` are also available. Read the docs at https://gabbi-tempest.readthedocs.io/ .. _Tempest: https://docs.openstack.org/tempest/latest/ .. _plugin: https://docs.openstack.org/tempest/latest/plugin.html .. _gabbi: https://gabbi.readthedocs.org/ .. _format: https://gabbi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/format.html