Amend hz-table-footer documentation and allow optional message

Provide directive examples in the ngDoc.
Allow user to pass in a template string to replace the
<span>...</span> in hz-table-footer.html.

Change-Id: I4f1aecabb1066a5f653fca7649f1ec1abfa04f37
Closes-Bug: #1549431
This commit is contained in:
Cindy Lu 2016-02-24 10:28:02 -08:00
parent 566a3f408a
commit 79ac24e18b
2 changed files with 52 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -20,31 +20,60 @@
.directive('hzTableFooter', hzTableFooter);
hzTableFooter.$inject = ['horizon.framework.widgets.basePath'];
hzTableFooter.$inject = ['horizon.framework.widgets.basePath',
* @ngdoc directive
* @name horizon.framework.widgets.table.directive:hzTableFooter
* @description
* The `hzTableFooter` directive provides markup for a general
* table footer. It takes an array of table items.
* The `hzTableFooter` directive provides markup for a general table footer.
* It takes an array of table items. By default, it simply prints out
* 'Displaying x items'. However, you can provide a custom template message.
* It will override the span tag in hz-table-footer.html.
* @restrict A
* @scope
* @example
* ```
* <table>
* ...
* <tfoot hz-table-footer items="items"></tfoot>
* </table>
* ```
* or
* var message = "<span>{$ items.length $} items</span>";
* ```
* <table>
* ...
* <tfoot hz-table-footer items="items" message="{$ message $}"></tfoot>
* </table>
* ```
function hzTableFooter(basePath) {
function hzTableFooter(basePath, $compile) {
var directive = {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
items: '='
templateUrl: basePath + 'table/hz-table-footer.html',
transclude: true
transclude: true,
link: link
return directive;
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
// use the message template if provided by the user
if (attrs.message) {

View File

@ -288,6 +288,24 @@
expect($element.find('span').text()).toBe('Displaying 3 items');
it('displays the correct custom message string', function() {
$scope.message = "<span>{$ items.length $} items</span>";
var markup =
'<table st-table="fakeTableData" st-safe-src="safeTableData" hz-table>' +
'<tfoot hz-table-footer items="safeTableData" message="{$ message $}">' +
'</tfoot>' +
$element = angular.element(markup);
expect($element.find('span').text()).toBe('3 items');
it('includes pagination', function() {