Initial nfv testcases

Includes tests for cpu pinning, numa topology and hugepages.

Change-Id: I2124bdf308b24f749eaea17b20a7e7fabbb2840a
This commit is contained in:
Przemyslaw Czesnowicz 2015-08-31 16:45:25 +01:00 committed by Waldemar Znoinski
parent 34832f591a
commit 0b3f5d9885
13 changed files with 685 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -109,3 +109,4 @@ Tips
To run a subset of tests::
$ python -m unittest tests.test_intel-nfv-ci-tests

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@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ History
0.1.0 (2015-06-15)
* First release on PyPI.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.. image::

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import sys
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cwd = os.getcwd()
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import intel_nfv_ci_tests
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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to intel-nfv-ci-tests's documentation!

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@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ Or, if you have virtualenvwrapper installed::
$ mkvirtualenv intel-nfv-ci-tests
$ pip install intel-nfv-ci-tests

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
To use intel_nfv_ci_tests in a project::
import intel_nfv_ci_tests

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@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
# Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import libvirt
import multiprocessing
from tempest_lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest_lib import decorators
from tempest_lib import exceptions as lib_exc
import testtools
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from tempest.api.compute import base
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest import config
from tempest import test
CONF = config.CONF
def get_core_mappings():
"""Return core mapping for a dual-socket, HT-enabled board.
Generate mappings for CPU. Has following structure:
{numa_node_a: ([core_1_thread_a, core_2_thread_a, ...],
[core_1_thread_b, core_2_thread_b, ...]),
The physical cores are assigned indexes first (0-based) and start
at node 0. The virtual cores are then listed.
>>> get_core_mappings(2)
{0: ([0, 1], [4, 5]), 1: ([2, 3], [6, 7])}
# get number of real CPUs per socket, assuming a dual-socket,
# HT-enabled board (2 * 2)
cpu_per_soc = multiprocessing.cpu_count() / (2 * 2)
# calculate mappings
core_mappings = {
soc: (range(soc * cpu_per_soc, (soc + 1) * cpu_per_soc),
range((soc + 2) * cpu_per_soc, (soc + 3) * cpu_per_soc))
for soc in range(0, 2)
return core_mappings
class FlavorsAdminTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
Tests Flavors API Create and Delete that require admin privileges
def skip_checks(cls):
super(FlavorsAdminTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
if not test.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
msg = "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA extension not enabled."
raise cls.skipException(msg)
def setup_clients(cls):
super(FlavorsAdminTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
cls.flavors_client = cls.os_adm.flavors_client
cls.servers_client = cls.os_adm.servers_client
def resource_setup(cls):
super(FlavorsAdminTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
cls.flavor_name_prefix = 'test_hw_'
cls.ram = 512
cls.vcpus = 4
cls.disk = 0
cls.ephemeral = 0
cls.swap = 0
cls.rxtx_factor = 2
def flavor_clean_up(self, flavor_id):
def server_clean_up(self, server_id):
waiters.wait_for_server_termination(self.servers_client, server_id)
def _create_flavor(self, cpu_policy='shared',
flavor_name = data_utils.rand_name(self.flavor_name_prefix)
flavor_id = data_utils.rand_int_id(start=1000)
flavor = self.flavors_client.create_flavor(
name=flavor_name, ram=self.ram, vcpus=self.vcpus,
disk=self.disk, id=flavor_id,
self.addCleanup(self.flavor_clean_up, flavor['id'])
specs = {'hw:cpu_policy': cpu_policy}
if cpu_policy == 'dedicated':
specs['hw:cpu_threads_policy'] = cpu_threads_policy
self.flavors_client.set_flavor_extra_spec(flavor['id'], **specs)
return flavor
def _create_server(self, flavor):
server = self.create_test_server(
flavor=flavor['id'], wait_until='ACTIVE')
self.addCleanup(self.server_clean_up, server['id'])
# get more information
server = self.servers_client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
return server
def _resize_server(self, server, flavor):
self.servers_client.resize(server['id'], flavor['id'])
# get more information
server = self.servers_client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
return server
def _reboot_server(self, server, reboot_type):
self.servers_client.reboot_server(server['id'], reboot_type)
# get more information
server = self.servers_client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
return server
def _get_cpu_pinning(self, server):
instance_name = server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name']
conn = libvirt.openReadOnly('qemu:///system')
dom0 = conn.lookupByName(instance_name)
root = ET.fromstring(dom0.XMLDesc())
vcpupin_nodes = root.findall('./cputune/vcpupin')
cpu_pinnings = {int(x.get('vcpu')): int(x.get('cpuset'))
for x in vcpupin_nodes if x is not None}
return cpu_pinnings
def test_cpu_shared(self):
flavor = self._create_flavor(cpu_policy='shared')
def test_cpu_dedicated_threads_separate(self):
"""Ensure vCPUs *are not* placed on thread siblings."""
flavor = self._create_flavor(
cpu_policy='dedicated', cpu_threads_policy='separate')
server = self._create_server(flavor)
cpu_pinnings = self._get_cpu_pinning(server)
core_mappings = get_core_mappings()
self.assertEqual(len(cpu_pinnings), self.vcpus)
# if the 'prefer' policy is used, then when one thread is used
# the other should never be used.
for vcore in set(cpu_pinnings):
pcpu = cpu_pinnings[vcore]
if pcpu in core_mappings[0][0]:
index = core_mappings[0][0].index(pcpu)
index = core_mappings[0][1].index(pcpu)
def test_cpu_dedicated_threads_prefer(self):
"""Ensure vCPUs *are* placed on thread siblings."""
flavor = self._create_flavor(
cpu_policy='dedicated', cpu_threads_policy='prefer')
server = self._create_server(flavor)
cpu_pinnings = self._get_cpu_pinning(server)
core_mappings = get_core_mappings()
self.assertEqual(len(cpu_pinnings), self.vcpus)
# if the 'prefer' policy is used, then when one thread is used
# the other should also be used.
for vcore in set(cpu_pinnings):
pcpu = cpu_pinnings[vcore]
if pcpu in core_mappings[0][0]:
index = core_mappings[0][0].index(pcpu)
index = core_mappings[0][1].index(pcpu)
'Resize not available.')
def test_resize_pinned_server_to_unpinned(self):
flavor_a = self._create_flavor(
cpu_policy='dedicated', cpu_threads_policy='prefer')
server = self._create_server(flavor_a)
cpu_pinnings = self._get_cpu_pinning(server)
self.assertEqual(len(cpu_pinnings), self.vcpus)
flavor_b = self._create_flavor(cpu_policy='shared')
server = self._resize_server(server, flavor_b)
cpu_pinnings = self._get_cpu_pinning(server)
self.assertEqual(len(cpu_pinnings), 0)
'Resize not available.')
def test_resize_unpinned_server_to_pinned(self):
flavor_a = self._create_flavor(cpu_policy='shared')
server = self._create_server(flavor_a)
cpu_pinnings = self._get_cpu_pinning(server)
self.assertEqual(len(cpu_pinnings), 0)
flavor_b = self._create_flavor(
cpu_policy='dedicated', cpu_threads_policy='prefer')
server = self._resize_server(server, flavor_b)
cpu_pinnings = self._get_cpu_pinning(server)
self.assertEqual(len(cpu_pinnings), self.vcpus)
def test_reboot_pinned_server(self):
flavor_a = self._create_flavor(
cpu_policy='dedicated', cpu_threads_policy='prefer')
server = self._create_server(flavor_a)
cpu_pinnings = self._get_cpu_pinning(server)
self.assertEqual(len(cpu_pinnings), self.vcpus)
server = self._reboot_server(server, 'HARD')
cpu_pinnings = self._get_cpu_pinning(server)
self.assertEqual(len(cpu_pinnings), self.vcpus)
def test_oversubscribed_server(self):
flavor = self._create_flavor(
cpu_policy='dedicated', cpu_threads_policy='prefer')
# TODO(sfinucan) - this relies on the fact that the CPU quota
# is 20 which isn't truly representative. Find out how to
# change the quotas programatically.
for _ in xrange(0, 5):
self.assertRaises(lib_exc.Forbidden, self._create_server, flavor)

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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
import subprocess
from tempest import clients
from tempest.common import cred_provider
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest.scenario import manager
from tempest_lib.common.utils import data_utils
# Using 2M hugepages
def command(args, args2=None):
Command: returns the output of the given command(s)
Input: up to 2 commands
Output: String representing the output of these commands
Note: Using shell=False means that the following are unsupported:
- Using pipes: Separate your commands
i.e. "cat /dev/null | grep anything" ->
["cat", "/dev/null"], ["grep", "anything"]
- Using wildcards: use glob to expand wildcards in dir listings
i.e. ["cat", "/proc/*info"] ->
- String in commands: split manually
e.g. awk {'print $2'} -> str.split()[1]
if args2:
process1 = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
process2 = subprocess.Popen(args2, stdin=process1.stdout,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
# Allow process_curl to receive a SIGPIPE if process_wc exits.
return process2.communicate()[0]
return subprocess.Popen(args,
def _get_number_free_hugepages(pagesize=HUGEPAGE_SIZE):
# original command:
# "cat /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-${size}kB/"
return command(["cat",
class TestHugepages(manager.ScenarioTest):
run_ssh = True
disk_config = 'AUTO'
def setup_credentials(cls):
super(TestHugepages, cls).setup_credentials()
cls.manager = clients.Manager(
'identity_admin', fill_in=False))
def setUp(self):
super(TestHugepages, self).setUp()
self.meta = {'hello': 'world'}
self.accessIPv4 = '' = data_utils.rand_name('server')
self.client = self.servers_client
cli_resp = self.create_server(,
self.server_initial = cli_resp
waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, self.server_initial['id'],
self.server = self.client.show_server(self.server_initial['id'])
def create_flavor_with_extra_specs(self, name='hugepages_flavor', count=1):
flavor_with_hugepages_name = data_utils.rand_name(name)
flavor_with_hugepages_id = data_utils.rand_int_id(start=1000)
ram = 64
vcpus = 1
disk = 0
# set numa pagesize
extra_specs = {"hw:mem_page_size": str(HUGEPAGE_SIZE)}
# Create a flavor with extra specs
resp = (self.flavors_client.
ram=ram, vcpus=vcpus, disk=disk,
self.addCleanup(self.flavor_clean_up, flavor_with_hugepages_id)
self.assertEqual(200, resp.response.status)
return flavor_with_hugepages_id
def flavor_clean_up(self, flavor_id):
resp = self.flavors_client.delete_flavor(flavor_id)
self.assertEqual(resp.response.status, 202)
def test_hugepage_backed_instance(self):
# Check system hugepages
hugepages_init = int(_get_number_free_hugepages())
# Calc expected hugepages
# flavor memory/hugepage_size, rounded up
# create instance with hugepages flavor
flavor_id = self.create_flavor_with_extra_specs("hugepages_flavor")
self.create_server(wait_on_boot=True, flavor=flavor_id)
required_hugepages = 64 / (HUGEPAGE_SIZE / 1024.) # ram/hugepages_size
expected_hugepages = int(hugepages_init - required_hugepages)
actual_hugepages = int(_get_number_free_hugepages(HUGEPAGE_SIZE))
self.assertEqual(required_hugepages, 32)
self.assertEqual(expected_hugepages, actual_hugepages)

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@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
# Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import multiprocessing
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from tempest import config
from tempest.scenario import manager
from tempest.scenario import utils as test_utils
from tempest import test
from tempest_lib.common.utils import data_utils
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
load_tests = test_utils.load_tests_input_scenario_utils
class TestServerNumaBase(manager.NetworkScenarioTest):
credentials = ['admin']
def setup_clients(cls):
cls.manager = cls.admin_manager
super(manager.NetworkScenarioTest, cls).setup_clients()
# Use admin client by default
def setUp(self):
super(TestServerNumaBase, self).setUp()
# Setup image and flavor the test instance
# Support both configured and injected values
if not hasattr(self, 'image_ref'):
self.image_ref = CONF.compute.image_ref
if not hasattr(self, 'flavor_ref'):
self.flavor_ref = CONF.compute.flavor_ref
self.image_utils = test_utils.ImageUtils(self.manager)
if not self.image_utils.is_flavor_enough(self.flavor_ref,
raise self.skipException(
'{image} does not fit in {flavor}'.format(
image=self.image_ref, flavor=self.flavor_ref
self.run_ssh = True
self.keypair = self.create_keypair()
self.ssh_user = self.image_utils.ssh_user(self.image_ref)
LOG.debug('Starting test for i:{image}, f:{flavor}. '
'Run ssh: {ssh}, user: {ssh_user}'.format(
image=self.image_ref, flavor=self.flavor_ref,
ssh=self.run_ssh, ssh_user=self.ssh_user))
def create_flavor_with_numa(self,
flavor_with_numa = data_utils.rand_name('numa_flavor')
flavor_with_numa_id = data_utils.rand_int_id(start=1000)
extra_specs = specs
extra_specs["hw:numa_nodes"] = str(numa_nodes)
# Create a flavor with extra specs
resp = (self.flavors_client.create_flavor(name=flavor_with_numa,
ram=ram, vcpus=vcpus,
self.addCleanup(self.flavor_clean_up, flavor_with_numa_id)
self.assertEqual(200, resp.response.status)
return flavor_with_numa_id
def flavor_clean_up(self, flavor_id):
resp = self.flavors_client.delete_flavor(flavor_id)
self.assertEqual(resp.response.status, 202)
def boot_instance(self, flavor=None):
# Create server with image and flavor from input scenario
security_groups = [{'name': self.security_group['name']}]
create_kwargs = {
'key_name': self.keypair['name'],
'security_groups': security_groups
if flavor is None:
flavor = self.create_flavor_with_numa()
self.instance = self.create_server(
def verify_ssh(self):
# Obtain a floating IP
floating_ip = self.floating_ips_client.create_floating_ip()[
# Attach a floating IP
floating_ip['ip'], self.instance['id'])
# Check ssh
return self.get_remote_client(
def get_placement(self, vcpu):
out, _ = processutils.execute('pgrep --full %s' % self.instance['id'],
if not out:
cgroup, _ = processutils.execute('grep name /proc/%s/cgroup'
% out.strip(), shell=True)
cgroup = cgroup.split(":")[-1].strip()
placement = []
for i in range(vcpu):
cpus, _ = processutils.execute('cgget -n -v -r cpuset.cpus %s'
% (cgroup.replace('\\', '\\\\') +
'/vcpu' + str(i)), shell=True)
return placement
def get_numa_nodes(self):
cpu_per_soc = self._get_cores()
ret = [str(x * cpu_per_soc) + '-' + str(x * cpu_per_soc + cpu_per_soc -
1) + ',' + str(
x * cpu_per_soc + 2 * cpu_per_soc) + '-' +
str(x * cpu_per_soc + 3 * cpu_per_soc - 1) for x in range(2)]
return ret
def _get_cores(self):
# get number of real CPUs per socket, assuming a dual-socket,
# HT-enabled board (2 * 2)
cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() / (2 * 2)
return cores
class TestServerNumaTopo(TestServerNumaBase):
This smoke test case follows this basic set of operations:
* Create a keypair for use in launching an instance
* Create a security group to control network access in instance
* Add simple permissive rules to the security group
* Launch an instance with numa topology defined
* Perform ssh to instance
* Get numa topology from VM, check correctness
* Get numa placement info for VM from HOST
* Check if placement is correct
* Terminate the instance
def get_numa_topology(self, rmt):
topo = {'nodes': []}
nodes = int(rmt.exec_command("ls /sys/devices/system/node"
" | grep node | wc -l"))
for i in range(nodes):
node = {}
node['cpu'] = rmt.exec_command("cat /sys/devices/system/node/"
"node%s/cpulist" % i)
node['mem'] = rmt.exec_command("cat /sys/devices/system/node/"
"node%s/meminfo" % i)
return topo'compute', 'network')
def test_server_numa(self):
self.security_group = self._create_security_group(
rmt_client = self.verify_ssh()
topo = self.get_numa_topology(rmt_client)
self.assertEqual(2, len(topo['nodes']))
self.assertNotEqual(None, rmt_client)
placement = self.get_placement(4)
self.assertEqual(placement[0], placement[1])
self.assertNotEqual(placement[1], placement[2])
self.assertEqual(placement[2], placement[3])
class TestServerNumaPCI(TestServerNumaBase):
Tests in this class check if pci device
assigned to the VM is affinitized to the same
numa node as the VM itself.
def get_pci_numa_node(self, addr):
out, _ = processutils.execute('cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/numa_node'
% addr, shell=True)
return out.strip()'compute', 'network')
def test_server_numa_pci(self):
self.security_group = self._create_security_group(
self.boot_instance(self.create_flavor_with_numa(1, 1024, 2, 0,
placement = self.get_placement(1)
host_nodes = self.get_numa_nodes()
guest_numa = [host_nodes.index(x) for x in placement]
pci_node = 1
self.assertIn(int(pci_node), guest_numa)

View File

@ -1 +1,6 @@
-e git+
oslo.concurrency>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0
oslo.log>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0

View File

@ -39,3 +39,15 @@ ignore = E123,E125,E126,E128,E129,E265,H301,H305,H307,H402,H404,H405,H904,H803
show-source = True
builtins = _
sitepackages = False
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
deps = setuptools
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
bash tools/ '(^intel_nfv_ci_tests/integration) {posargs}'