Make ext subnet config optional

It is common for Neutron deployment's policy to forbid GETs to the
public subnet, only allowing GETs for the public net. Since the only
required field of those two for creating a FIP is the public net, let's
change public net to be the only required config option and have the
subnet stick around as optional.

Change-Id: I31c3c51ad2dc12f8f560cbab01c86d04aabb754e
Closes-Bug: 1749921
Signed-off-by: Antoni Segura Puimedon <>
This commit is contained in:
Antoni Segura Puimedon 2018-02-16 12:13:17 +01:00 committed by Yossi Boaron
parent 519391fac0
commit 20bc89ff87
12 changed files with 94 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -284,6 +284,9 @@ function configure_neutron_defaults {
sg_ids=$(echo $(neutron security-group-list \
--project-id "$project_id" -c id -f value) | tr ' ' ',')
ext_svc_net_id="$(neutron net-show -c id -f value \
ext_svc_subnet_id="$(neutron subnet-show -c id -f value \
@ -340,7 +343,7 @@ function configure_neutron_defaults {
if [ -n "$OVS_BRIDGE" ]; then
iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron_defaults ovs_bridge "$OVS_BRIDGE"
iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron_defaults external_svc_subnet "$ext_svc_subnet_id"
iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron_defaults external_svc_net "$ext_svc_net_id"
iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" octavia_defaults member_mode "$KURYR_K8S_OCTAVIA_MEMBER_MODE"

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# Etcd

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@ -412,10 +412,13 @@ The services and pods subnets should be created.
A. Create an external/provider network
B. Create subnet/pool range of external CIDR
C. Connect external subnet to kuryr-kubernetes router
D. Configure Kuryr.conf public ip subnet to point to the external subnet::
D. Configure external network details in Kuryr.conf as follows::
external_svc_subnet= external_subnet_id
external_svc_net= <id of external network>
# 'external_svc_subnet' field is optional, set this field in case
# multiple subnets attached to 'external_svc_net'
external_svc_subnet= <id of external subnet>
From this point for each K8s service of type=LoadBalancer and in which
'load-balancer-ip' is not specified, an external IP from

View File

@ -153,8 +153,11 @@ neutron_defaults = [
help=_("Default Neutron subnet ID for Kubernetes services")),
help=_("Default external network ID for Kubernetes services")),
help=_("Default external subnet for Kubernetes services")),
help=_("Optional external subnet ID for Kubernetes services"),
octavia_defaults = [

View File

@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from kuryr.lib import exceptions as kl_exc
from kuryr_kubernetes import clients
from kuryr_kubernetes import config
from kuryr_kubernetes.controller.drivers import base
from kuryr_kubernetes.controller.drivers import public_ip
@ -63,27 +61,17 @@ class FloatingIpServicePubIPDriver(base.ServicePubIpDriver):
LOG.debug("Trying to allocate public ip from pool")
# get public subnet id from kuryr.conf
external_svc_subnet = config.CONF.neutron_defaults.external_svc_subnet
if not external_svc_subnet:
raise cfg.RequiredOptError('external_svc_subnet',
# get public network/subnet ids from kuryr.conf
public_network_id = config.CONF.neutron_defaults.external_svc_net
public_subnet_id = config.CONF.neutron_defaults.external_svc_subnet
if not public_network_id:
raise cfg.RequiredOptError('external_svc_net',
neutron = clients.get_neutron_client()
n_subnet = neutron.show_subnet(external_svc_subnet).get('subnet')
if not n_subnet:
"No subnet found for external_svc_subnet=%s",
raise kl_exc.NoResourceException
public_network_id = n_subnet['network_id']
res_id, alloc_ip_addr = (self._drv_pub_ip.allocate_ip
res_id, alloc_ip_addr = (
self._drv_pub_ip.allocate_ip(public_network_id, project_id,
service_pub_ip_info = obj_lbaas.LBaaSPubIp(ip_id=res_id,

View File

@ -36,13 +36,14 @@ class BasePubIpDriver(object):
raise NotImplementedError()
def allocate_ip(self, pub_net_id, pub_subnet_id, project_id, description):
def allocate_ip(self, pub_net_id, project_id, pub_subnet_id=None,
"""allocate ip address from public network id
:param pub_net_id: public network id
:param pub_subnet_id: public subnet id
:param project_id:
:param description: string describing request
:param pub_subnet_id: public subnet id (Optional)
:param description: string describing request (Optional)
:returns res_id , ip_addr
:res_id - resource id
:ip_addr - ip aaddress
@ -100,19 +101,23 @@ class FipPubIpDriver(BasePubIpDriver):
LOG.error("Invalid parameter ip_addr=%s", ip_addr)
return None
def allocate_ip(self, pub_net_id, pub_subnet_id, project_id, description):
def allocate_ip(self, pub_net_id, project_id, pub_subnet_id=None,
neutron = clients.get_neutron_client()
request = {'floatingip': {
'tenant_id': project_id,
'project_id': project_id,
'floating_network_id': pub_net_id}}
if pub_subnet_id is not None:
request['floatingip']['subnet_id'] = pub_subnet_id
if description is not None:
request['floatingip']['description'] = description
response = neutron.create_floatingip({'floatingip': {
'tenant_id': project_id,
'project_id': project_id,
'floating_network_id': pub_net_id,
'subnet_id': pub_subnet_id,
'description': description}})
response = neutron.create_floatingip(request)
except n_exc.NeutronClientException as ex:
LOG.error("Failed to create floating IP - subnetid=%s ",
LOG.error("Failed to create floating IP - netid=%s ", pub_net_id)
raise ex
return response['floatingip']['id'], response[

View File

@ -272,8 +272,11 @@ class LoadBalancerHandler(k8s_base.ResourceEventHandler):
return sorted(ep_ports) == sorted(spec_ports)
def _has_pods(self, endpoints):
ep_subsets = endpoints.get('subsets', [])
if not ep_subsets:
return False
return any(True
for subset in endpoints.get('subsets', [])
for subset in ep_subsets
for address in subset.get('addresses', [])
if address.get('targetRef', {}).get('kind') == 'Pod')

View File

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ class Retry(base.EventHandler):
except Exception:
LOG.debug('Report handler unhealthy %s', self._handler)
def _sleep(self, deadline, attempt, exception):
now = time.time()

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from kuryr.lib import exceptions as kl_exc
import mock
from neutronclient.common import exceptions as n_exc
@ -97,10 +96,10 @@ class TestFloatingIpServicePubIPDriverDriver(test_base.TestCase):
spec_lb_ip, project_id))
def test_acquire_service_pub_ip_info_pool_subnet_not_defined(self, m_cfg):
def test_acquire_service_pub_ip_info_pool_net_not_defined(self, m_cfg):
driver = d_lb_public_ip.FloatingIpServicePubIPDriver()
public_subnet = ''
m_cfg.neutron_defaults.external_svc_subnet = public_subnet
public_net = ''
m_cfg.neutron_defaults.external_svc_net = public_net
neutron = self.useFixture(k_fix.MockNeutronClient()).client
neutron.list_floatingips.return_value = {}
project_id = mock.sentinel.project_id
@ -113,22 +112,32 @@ class TestFloatingIpServicePubIPDriverDriver(test_base.TestCase):
spec_type, spec_lb_ip, project_id)
def test_acquire_service_pub_ip_info_pool_subnet_not_exist(self, m_cfg):
driver = d_lb_public_ip.FloatingIpServicePubIPDriver()
def test_acquire_service_pub_ip_info_pool_subnet_is_none(self, m_cfg):
cls = d_lb_public_ip.FloatingIpServicePubIPDriver
m_driver = mock.Mock(spec=cls)
m_driver._drv_pub_ip = public_ip.FipPubIpDriver()
neutron = self.useFixture(k_fix.MockNeutronClient()).client
public_subnet = mock.sentinel.public_subnet
m_cfg.neutron_defaults.external_svc_subnet = public_subnet
public_net = mock.sentinel.public_subnet
m_cfg.neutron_defaults.external_svc_net = public_net
m_cfg.neutron_defaults.external_svc_subnet = None
neutron.show_subnet.return_value = {}
neutron.show_subnet.return_value =\
{'subnet': {'network_id': 'ec29d641-fec4-4f67-928a-124a76b3a8e6'}}
floating_ip = {'floating_ip_address': '',
'id': 'ec29d641-fec4-4f67-928a-124a76b3a888'}
neutron.create_floatingip.return_value = {'floatingip': floating_ip}
project_id = mock.sentinel.project_id
spec_type = 'LoadBalancer'
spec_lb_ip = None
spec_type, spec_lb_ip, project_id)
expected_resp = \
self.assertEqual(expected_resp, cls.acquire_service_pub_ip_info
(m_driver, spec_type, spec_lb_ip, project_id))
def test_acquire_service_pub_ip_info_alloc_from_pool(self, m_cfg):

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class TestFipPubIpDriver(test_base.TestCase):
neutron.create_floatingip.return_value = {'floatingip': floating_ip}
fip_id, fip_addr = cls.allocate_ip(
m_driver, pub_net_id, pub_subnet_id, project_id, description)
m_driver, pub_net_id, project_id, pub_subnet_id, description)
self.assertEqual(fip_id, floating_ip['id'])
self.assertEqual(fip_addr, floating_ip['floating_ip_address'])
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class TestFipPubIpDriver(test_base.TestCase):
n_exc.NeutronClientException, cls.allocate_ip,
m_driver, pub_net_id, pub_subnet_id, project_id, description)
m_driver, pub_net_id, project_id, pub_subnet_id, description)
def test_free_ip_neutron_exception(self):
cls = d_public_ip.FipPubIpDriver

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@ -134,18 +134,3 @@ class TestRetryHandler(test_base.TestCase):
m_sleep.assert_has_calls([, i + 1, failures[i])
for i in range(len(failures))])
@mock.patch.object(h_retry.Retry, '_sleep')
def test_call_should_not_raise(self, m_sleep, m_count):
event = mock.sentinel.event
m_handler = mock.Mock()
m_handler.side_effect = _EX1()
m_count.return_value = list(range(1, 5))
retry = h_retry.Retry(m_handler, exceptions=(_EX11, _EX2))

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
- |
For the external services (type=LoadBalancer) case,
a new field 'external_svc_net' was added and the 'external_svc_subnet'
field become optional.
The following should be modified at kuryr.conf::
external_svc_net= <id of external network>
# 'external_svc_subnet' field is optional, set this field in case
# multiple subnets attached to 'external_svc_net'
external_svc_subnet= <id of external subnet>
- |
It is very common for production environments to only allow access
to the public network and not the associated public subnets.
In that case, we fail to allocate a floating IP to the Loadbalancer service
In order to fix it, we added an option for specifying the network id instead
and switch the subnet config option to being optional.