- job: name: metalsmith-integration-base description: | Base job for devstack-based metalsmith jobs. parent: devstack-minimal nodeset: openstack-single-node-jammy post-run: playbooks/integration/post.yaml run: playbooks/integration/run.yaml irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^api-ref/.*$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^lower-constraints.txt$ - ^install-guide/.*$ - ^ironic/tests/.*$ - ^metalsmith/test/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ - ^setup.cfg$ - ^test-requirements.txt$ - ^tools/.*$ - ^tox.ini$ timeout: 5400 required-projects: - openstack/diskimage-builder - openstack/keystone - openstack/neutron - openstack/glance - openstack/swift - openstack/ironic - openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder - openstack/metalsmith vars: ironic_bm_logs: /opt/stack/logs/ironic-bm-logs devstack_services: dstat: false etcd3: true mysql: true rabbit: true tls-proxy: true # Keystone services key: true # Glance services g-api: true g-reg: true # Nova services n-api: false n-api-meta: false n-cauth: false n-cond: false n-cpu: false n-novnc: false n-obj: false n-sch: false placement-api: false # Neutron services q-agt: true q-dhcp: true q-l3: true q-meta: true q-metering: true q-svc: true # OVN services ovn-controller: false ovn-northd: false ovs-vswitchd: false ovsdb-server: false q-ovn-metadata-agent: false # Swift services s-account: true s-container: true s-object: true s-proxy: true # Cinder services c-api: false c-bak: false c-sch: false c-vol: false cinder: false # Ceilometer services ceilometer-acentral: False ceilometer-acompute: False ceilometer-alarm-evaluator: False ceilometer-alarm-notifier: False ceilometer-anotification: False ceilometer-api: False ceilometer-collector: False # Services we don't need. horizon: false tempest: false devstack_plugins: ironic: https://opendev.org/openstack/ironic devstack_localrc: Q_AGENT: openvswitch Q_ML2_TENANT_NETWORK_TYPE: vxlan Q_ML2_PLUGIN_MECHANISM_DRIVERS: openvswitch GLANCE_LIMIT_IMAGE_SIZE_TOTAL: 5000 IRONIC_BAREMETAL_BASIC_OPS: true IRONIC_BUILD_DEPLOY_RAMDISK: false IRONIC_BOOT_MODE: uefi IRONIC_DEFAULT_DEPLOY_INTERFACE: direct IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER: ipmi IRONIC_RAMDISK_TYPE: tinyipa IRONIC_VM_COUNT: 1 IRONIC_VM_LOG_DIR: /opt/stack/logs/ironic-bm-logs IRONIC_VM_SPECS_CPU: 2 IRONIC_VM_SPECS_DISK: 10 IRONIC_VM_SPECS_RAM: 1024 LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL_PATH: /opt/libvirt/images SWIFT_ENABLE_TEMPURLS: true SWIFT_HASH: 54bd5642300c4b45-846f8636a70a07d2 SWIFT_START_ALL_SERVICES: false SWIFT_TEMPURL_KEY: 54bd5642300c4b45846f8636a70a07d2 IRONIC_PXE_BOOT_RETRY_TIMEOUT: 600 # Tell devstack to set an owner project as metalsmith # testing is executed with a devstack-admin OS_CLOUD # which means all action use it, and with newer RBAC, # the node cannot be seen in that case. IRONIC_SET_NODE_OWNER: admin centos_glance_initramds_image: test-centos-initramfs centos_glance_kernel_image: test-centos-kernel centos_glance_root_image: test-centos-partition centos_glance_whole_disk_image: test-centos-wholedisk metalsmith_netboot: false metalsmith_root_size: 9 metalsmith_python: python3 - job: name: metalsmith-integration-glance-centos9-uefi nodeset: openstack-single-node-jammy description: | Integration job using Glance as image source and Centos Stream 9 with local boot and UEFI. Images are built with diskimage-builder. parent: metalsmith-integration-base timeout: 8500 run: playbooks/integration/centos9-integration.yaml vars: devstack_localrc: # NOTE(dtantsur): we need to use streaming, otherwise the image won't # fit in RAM. IRONIC_AGENT_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_SOURCE: http IRONIC_VM_SPECS_RAM: 3072 devstack_services: # Since we're using streaming, try non-swift backends. s-account: false s-container: false s-object: false s-proxy: false configure_instance_user: metalsmith metalsmith_precreate_port: false metalsmith_partition_image: test-centos-partition metalsmith_whole_disk_image: test-centos-wholedisk metalsmith_swap_size: 1024 metalsmith_traits: [CUSTOM_GOLD] - job: name: metalsmith-integration-glance-centos9-legacy parent: metalsmith-integration-glance-centos9-uefi vars: devstack_localrc: IRONIC_BOOT_MODE: bios metalsmith_boot_mode: bios - job: name: metalsmith-integration-http-cirros description: | Integration job using HTTP as image source and direct deploy. parent: metalsmith-integration-base run: playbooks/integration/run.yaml vars: metalsmith_precreate_port: true metalsmith_use_http: true - job: name: metalsmith-tox-codespell parent: openstack-tox timeout: 7200 vars: tox_envlist: codespell - project: templates: - check-requirements - openstack-python3-antelope-jobs - openstack-cover-jobs - publish-openstack-docs-pti - release-notes-jobs-python3 check: jobs: - metalsmith-integration-glance-centos9-uefi # NOTE(rpittau): this is broken because of an issue with tinycore # moving to non-voting while we evaluate if it's worth trying to # fix it or just removing it - metalsmith-integration-glance-centos9-legacy: voting: false - metalsmith-integration-http-cirros - openstack-tox-linters - metalsmith-tox-codespell: voting: false gate: jobs: - metalsmith-integration-glance-centos9-uefi - metalsmith-integration-http-cirros - openstack-tox-linters