Correct and clarify comments in TomcatTest example

Comments about inject methods was misleading and not explanatory
enough. It is fixed now.

Change-Id: Iaa7f296563a0f91c6dbe52be09c17a070c963fc6
This commit is contained in:
Valerii Kovalchuk 2016-04-21 13:05:03 +03:00
parent 35a5af033c
commit c79fba407c
1 changed files with 4 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -44,12 +44,14 @@ Methods:
- $.env: $this.load($.appJson)
# Set up mock for the push method of *io.murano.system.HeatStack* class
# by providing YAQL expression representing the predefined heat output
- inject(sys:HeatStack, push, $.heatOutput)
# Set up mock for the concrete object with mock method name
# Set up mock for the output method of env's stack in the same way
- inject($.env.stack, output, $.heatOutput)
# Set up mock with YAQL function
# Set up mock for the call method of murano agent class
# by providing the name of the method from the test class
- inject('io.murano.system.Agent', call, $this, agentMock)
# Mocks will be called instead of original function during the deployment