Commit Graph

15 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jenkins fd5391ce74 Merge "Add skipped tests to output of parallel runner" 2016-05-16 15:25:57 +00:00
Jose Idar 60c014bd7c Minor fixes for cafe-brew runfile runner
* Cleans up some unittests/makes Brew more testable
  * Cleans up __repr__ output on some classes
  * Removes unneeded imports

Change-Id: Ib33bdcc21c2f554f2312f9ed92de8e500e8356f2
2016-05-11 20:28:03 +00:00
Jason Meridth 9655d5274e Add skipped tests to output of parallel runner
- unit test captures stdout of print_results
- mock out init to get past all the argparse requirements

Change-Id: Ifec5dff1a96288289b73ea270964165cc67b6b1a
2016-05-11 11:45:03 -05:00
Jose Idar 75039a8cc4 Adds new Brew file runner.
* Generates suites from test-containing classes,
    unittest.TestSuite-derived classes (Fixtures), and
    opencafe DatasetList classes as defined in a flat text file
    called a 'brew' (runfile).
  * Adds brew package in cafe.drivers.unittest
  * Adds arguments, parser and runner modules in brew
  * Adds examples directory in repository root directory
  * Adds example brewfile in examples directory
  * Adds new 'cafe-brew' entry point to
  * Adds unittests for brew package

Change-Id: I379c5b2c4bdf17bc49ce055ef4600b38a72a1140
2016-05-10 11:55:20 -05:00
Jose Idar b704b4a068 Switch to assertEqual for py3+
Change-Id: I5f8daed2a0ebdf337bb92ee4d3d2c3c5f3e08309
2016-05-06 10:39:26 -05:00
Marcus Medley 96bbe1d0db Adding new datagen metrics to reporting
Modified to include new metrics
Modified to include new metrics
Modified SummarizeResults to handle new metrics
Added metatests for compile_results method

Change-Id: Iecd23d519e7cbaf4887f64b3d362942d39f50006
2016-05-03 14:28:05 -05:00
Anna Eilering 799656da85 Change to DataDrivenClass generator to fail when DSL does not generate data.
If a DataSetList is passed into a test that does not generate or
contain data the current behavior is that the test suites passes.
This proposal is to change that behavior. If a DSL cannot generate
data the test suite as a whole should still run but it should
fail. Otherwise teams using tooling to track and manage test results
will have false positives with mysteriously missing tests.

Added Metatests to check basic functionality.
Added Engine config section for unittest driver.

Change-Id: I3430e9573c3e99b80f25e7577709144d49c8eae2
2016-04-12 13:57:24 -05:00
Jose Idar d8a0dcb5e6 Modernize and add wheel support
* Incremented version to 0.2.2 for pypi release.
  * Removed all post-install hooks.  All initialization and configuration
    should be done through the cafe-config cli tool.
  * Added setup.cfg with support for universal bdist wheel.
  * Updated file.
  * Updated README.rst to reflect new install procedures.
  * Modified cafe-config so that initialization command is now just
      "cafe-config init".
  * Since the ".opencafe" directory is no longer initialized at install
    while access to the source code is guaranteed, the plugins are now
    distributed as package_data, and installed as such to site-packages
    under the new "plugins" directory within the "cafe" namespace.
  * The plugins directory is moved to the cafe package directory as
  * The plugin cache is no longer created at initialization, and all
    code relating to it in the and file has been
  * Removed pip-requires file in favor of including the only requirement,
    'six', in  The plan is to refactor so as to remove the
    dependency on six eventually.
  * Renamed test-requirements.txt to test-requires.
  * Added Authors.rst

Change-Id: I28a605f926ae5f2d972a6a36171d0e4eb92cac09
2015-10-11 22:15:08 -05:00
Jose Idar 6efda2aaf5 Updated license format to comply with openstack hacking guide
Change-Id: I92d878bf795034f6eb4190ac45d98460a0827c21
2015-04-14 18:15:35 -05:00
Jose Idar 58f5e357af Added improved error messages and fixed dependency issues
* cclogger now warns when expected enviornment variables
   are unset, instead of throwing exceptions
 * cclogging's init_root_file_handler() now takes a
   log handler as an optional argument (for forward
   compatability with scripts and log parsing mechanisms)
 * If CAFE_MASTER_LOG_FILE_NAME is unset, the root logger
   will default to a NullHandler.
 * Moves unittest-specific logging to the unittest runner
 * Adds unittests for getLogger() function
 * Fixes outstanding flake8 issues for edited files

Change-Id: I61578109fe7b86fc1bfec8755c710e7f6de9f1f4
2015-02-16 15:05:49 -06:00
Jose Idar 86eb2a3ead Reverts tag reporting changes
Change-Id: I5211c92e4704a868e712052c70582655aa13755a
2014-05-01 13:14:47 -05:00
Jose Idar f7e4f0084a Fixes PEP8 issues as reported by tox and unittests
* Changes docstrings from single to double quotes.
 * Reformats multiline declarations with non-visual indentation.
 * Turns rsyslog resource into a plugin
 * Moves plugin-specific unittests into their respective plugins
 * Add tox support to plugins with tests

Change-Id: Ife172b165004c366ad64faa7c00afceb8e99c76d
2014-04-24 09:55:00 -05:00
Nitin Mehra 8a467a04f2 Added code to propagate the tags associated to the tests all the way into test result reporting
Change-Id: I1a63a8d826b9b8e08d314ecc73698ce3b30d4e16
2014-04-16 11:33:22 -05:00
John Vrbanac 12acceb3ed Fixing the fix...
Fixing my stupid moving mistake.
Related GitHub #17

Change-Id: I9a686cdc0c7f2f40a3bc27b20ccf3471471c200a
2014-02-13 16:41:36 -06:00
John Vrbanac af671f8e10 Moving tests to the root project level
This is to fix nose as it seems to require all tests to be sitting at
the root project level.
Addresses GitHub #17

Change-Id: Ia50c45c20e5300d17cdb13283ba1c1e9783f739f
2014-02-13 16:04:18 -06:00