======================== Team and repository tags ======================== .. image:: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/badges/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer.svg :target: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/tags/index.html .. Change things from this point on OpenStack Ceilometer #################### Ansible Role that installs and configures OpenStack Ceilometer. This role will install the following: * ceilometer-api * ceilometer-agent-notification * ceilometer-polling * ceilometer-registry The role will configure Ceilometer to use MongoDB for data storage, but does not install or configure MongoDB. Default Variables ================= .. literalinclude:: ../../defaults/main.yml :language: yaml :start-after: under the License. Example Playbook ================ .. code-block:: yaml - name: Install ceilometer service hosts: ceilometer_all user: root roles: - { role: "os_ceilometer", tags: [ "os-ceilometer" ] } vars: external_lb_vip_address: internal_lb_vip_address: Tags ==== This role supports two tags: ``ceilometer-install`` and ``ceilometer-config``. The ``ceilometer-install`` tag can be used to install and upgrade. The ``ceilometer-config`` tag can be used to maintain configuration of the service. Documentation for the project can be found at: https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer/latest/ Release notes for the project can be found at: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer/ The project source code repository is located at: https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer/ The project home is at: https://launchpad.net/openstack-ansible The project bug tracker is located at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible