Downgrade pip to work around poise-python issue

There is a bug in the poise-python cookbook because it depends on
internal features of pip and these internals have changed in pip 18.1,
see [0]. We have a workaround in the openstack-common cookbook proposed,
but that doesn't work if the server has pip 18.1 pre-installed, as seems
to be the case for the infra-provided CI image. So as a further
workaround we need to downgrade the pre-installed pip version for the
time being.


Change-Id: I52514691d3f271579628b62539222f7307957ba0
This commit is contained in:
Jens Harbott 2018-10-15 11:31:02 +00:00
parent d33ee0a155
commit 973119bad3
1 changed files with 3 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -16,4 +16,7 @@
- name: Install chefdk package
shell: dpkg -i /tmp/{{ chefdk }}
become: yes
- name: Downgrade pip to 18.0 as workaround for
shell: pip install pip==18.0
become: yes