package main /* qualys - This file includes all of the logic necessary to interact with the go-qualys library. This is extrapolated out so that a QualysInterface interface can be passed to functions. Doing this allows testing by mock classes to be created that can be passed to functions. Since this is a wrapper around the go-qualys library, this does not need testing. */ import ( "errors" "fmt" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "" ) // QualysActioner is an interface for an QualysActions class. Having // this as an interface allows us to pass in a dummy class for testing that // just returns mocked data. type QualysActioner interface { InitiateScan([]string) (string, error) DropIPv6() bool } // QualysActions is a class that handles all interactions directly with Qualys. // See the comment on QualysActioner for rationale. type QualysActions struct { Options QualysOptions } // QualysOptions is a class to convey all of the configurable options for the // QualysActions class. type QualysOptions struct { DropIPv6 bool MinRemaining int ProxyURL *url.URL Password string QualysURL *url.URL ScanOptionName string UserName string } // InitiateScan is the main method for the QualysActioner class, it // makes a call to the Qualys API to start a scan and harvests a scan ID, and // an optional error string if there is a problem contacting Qualys. func (s *QualysActions) InitiateScan(targetIPAddresses []string) (string, error) { var err error // create client with proxy so the qualys service can be accessed qualysCreds := qualys.Credentials{ Username: s.Options.UserName, Password: s.Options.Password, } c, err := qualys.NewClient(&http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{Proxy: http.ProxyURL(s.Options.ProxyURL)}}, &qualysCreds) if err != nil { return "", err } c.BaseURL = s.Options.QualysURL // create the options opts := qualys.LaunchScanOptions{ ScanTitle: "osel", ScannerName: "External", OptionTitle: s.Options.ScanOptionName, IP: targetIPAddresses, } // launch the request launchScanResponse, err := c.LaunchScan(&opts) if err != nil { return "", err } // process the request response scanID := launchScanResponse.ScanReference remainingQualysRequests := launchScanResponse.RateLimitations.Remaining allowedQualysRequests := launchScanResponse.RateLimitations.Limit if Debug { log.Printf("Qualys Rate Limit: %d of %d total requests remaining, concurrency of %d out of %d, %d seconds remaining in limit window and %d seconds until a request can be made again\n", remainingQualysRequests, allowedQualysRequests, launchScanResponse.RateLimitations.CurrentConcurrency, launchScanResponse.RateLimitations.ConcurrencyLimit, launchScanResponse.RateLimitations.LimitWindow, launchScanResponse.RateLimitations.WaitingPeriod) } if launchScanResponse.Text != "" { err = errors.New(launchScanResponse.Text) } if remainingQualysRequests <= s.Options.MinRemaining { err = fmt.Errorf("halting Qualys processing! Only %d Qualys calls remain out of a total of %d. Waiting for %d seconds before resuming", remainingQualysRequests, allowedQualysRequests, launchScanResponse.RateLimitations.LimitWindow) } return scanID, err } // DropIPv6 is an accessor method to allow other code to make decisions based on whether this flag is enabled. func (s *QualysActions) DropIPv6() bool { return s.Options.DropIPv6 }