Machine Readable Sample Config

Currently the sample configs generated by oslo.config are targeted for
consumption by humans.  However, many deployment tools would benefit from a
sample config that is machine readable.

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Ben Nemec 2017-03-01 16:11:49 -06:00
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Machine Readable Sample Config
Currently the sample configs generated by oslo.config are targeted for
consumption by humans. However, many deployment tools would benefit from a
sample config that is machine readable.
Problem description
All deployment tools have to solve a similar problem: how to generate the
config files for each service at deployment time. There are various approaches
to this today, including manually updated templates, semi-automatically
generated templates, and using an ini file tool to update the existing sample
config for each project.
These approaches all have various drawbacks. Template approaches generally
require some level of tedious human editing to template all of the values
the deployment tool needs to set. Ini file tools are not aware of the sample
config format and thus are only able to set values in the correct section,
which usually separates them from the sample config documentation of the
option. None of these approaches make it easy for a deployment tool to
provide a user-friendly interface to the config options.
The problem with the current ini format sample config in this case is that it
is not easily machine-readable. The content is all written in commented
blocks which would have to be parsed by a deployment tool. Since that
comment format is not guaranteed to remain the same, it would require ongoing
maintenance by each deployment tool using this approach.
Proposed change
The proposal is to write machine-readable sample config files that output the
same data as the existing ini files, but in a YAML or JSON format that can be
more easily consumed by deployment tools.
Example of proposed output::
args: --config-file=etc/nova/nova-config-generator.conf
output_file: etc/nova/nova.conf.yaml
wrap_width: 80
- nova.conf
- oslo.log
summarize: False
# minimal intentionally omitted as I don't think it makes sense in
# this context
[more generator details can be added as desired]
# The list of parameters is for example only. The actual output
# can include anything deployment tools would find useful.
default: nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService
documentation: Service used to search for and retrieve images.
type: string
required: True
deprecated: False
deprecated_reason: blabla
deprecated_for_removal: False
deprecated_since: XXX
deprecated_name: old_parameter
[all other parameters passed to the opt constructor]
deprecated_name: old_opt
workers: (...)
default: foo
documentation: Example deprecated opt
type: string
replacement_name: new_opt
replacement_group: DEFAULT
This structure would contain all of the details needed to write a
well-formatted config file, and it would be easier to inject values in the
appropriate place because we would be starting from the actual opt data
instead of an ini file full of comments. It should require little to no
manual maintenance because it would be generated from sample config data
already provided by each project.
Another suggested change in this format from the existing generated sample
config is to write deprecated opts as first-class citizens rather than just
as a deprecated_name/group on the new opt. This way the structure will still
align with the previous config, which should make it easier to transition
from release to release. These opts would, of course, be marked deprecated so
it is clear that they should no longer be used. An example of this is included
Note on the implementation: In order to easily support both YAML and JSON
formats, I think the generator should work with nested dicts that can simply
be output using the appropriate module. Since YAML and JSON formatters
already exist we shouldn't need to reinvent those wheels.
Some of the existing methods for doing this and their drawbacks are discussed
above in the problems section. These methods work, but there is a lot of
duplication of effort across all deployment projects so it is not desirable
to continue this way.
Each project could automate their config file generation, similar to the
OpenStack Helm tool in the References section, but there again we have a
duplication problem that oslo.config can solve.
Impact on Existing APIs
We would need to add a --format parameter to the oslo-config-generator so
users can generate sample configs with the new format(s). This would
default to the existing ini-style format for backwards compatibility.
Security impact
Should be none. For the most part this is just a new format for data that
was already being generated. One possible exception would be capturing the
parameters to the config generator, but I don't see anything in there that
should be sensitive.
Performance Impact
Generating the new file formats will take additional time, but by default
only the existing format will be created so there should be no change.
Configuration Impact
Outside of the --format CLI param, no new config opts are proposed.
Developer Impact
None. Developers are already exposing config opts to the config generator,
and this is simply adding another use for that.
Testing Impact
This functionality would be unit tested in the same way as the existing config
generator. We would need to add YAML/JSON scenarios to the unit tests.
Primary assignee:
Other contributors:
Target Milestone for completion: We would like to complete this work in Pike,
probably for consumption by deployment tools in the Queens cycle.
Work Items
* Implement YAML output
* Implement JSON output
* Add test scenarios for new formats
Not being incubated.
Anticipated API Stabilization
Documentation Impact
This work is targeted at deployment tools, so there should be little to no
user-facing documentation changes required. We would want to reference the
existence of these new sample formats in the oslo.config documentation.
The format and structure of the output files will need to be documented for
deployment tool consumption.
`Cross-Deployment Tool PTG Session
<>`_, specifically the
Problem #1 section.
.. note::
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License.