Add 5.4 support

Change-Id: Ia551544b1c68fda19a7eac505251ca1146b355d2
This commit is contained in:
Alex Ruiz Estradera 2017-01-18 12:42:41 +01:00
parent a6f5b2bdd8
commit 5e295d177f
10 changed files with 386 additions and 82 deletions

View File

@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ def location_for(place, fake_version = nil)
group :development, :unit_tests do
gem 'nokogiri', '', :require => false
gem 'rspec-puppet', '~> 2.4', :require => false
gem 'fast_gettext', '1.1.0', :require => false
gem 'rspec-core', '3.5', :require => false
gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper', '1.1.1', :require => false
gem 'puppet-lint', '>= 0.3.2', :require => false
gem 'puppet-lint', '2.0.2', :require => false
gem 'metadata-json-lint', :require => false
gem 'faraday', :require => false
# addressable 2.5.0 pulls in public_suffix >= 2.0 requires ruby >= 2.0
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ end
group :system_tests do
gem 'beaker-hostgenerator', '0.8.1'
gem 'beaker' , '< 3.0.0'
if beaker_version = ENV['BEAKER_VERSION']
## TODO - Remove hardcoded version as soon as BKR-885 is fixed
@ -38,8 +40,8 @@ group :system_tests do
gem 'beaker-rspec', :require => false
gem 'serverspec', :require => false
gem 'beaker-puppet_install_helper', :require => false
gem 'serverspec', '2.37.2', :require => false
gem 'beaker-puppet_install_helper' ,'0.5.0', :require => false
gem 'r10k', :require => false

View File

@ -43,6 +43,22 @@
# If you want to run calliope on a custom port, specify it
# Default: false
# [*midonet_version*]
# Version of midonet
# Default: '5.2'
# [*elk_bind_ip*]
# Where to bind elk instance
# Default: 'undef' , will bind to $::ipaddress
# [*elk_cluster_name*]
# Name of elk cluster
# Default: 'elasticsearch'
# [*elk_hosts*]
# List of elk seeds
# Default: ['$::ipaddress']
# Please note that Keystone port is not mandatory and defaulted to 35537.
# === Examples
@ -90,23 +106,46 @@ class midonet::analytics (
$allinone = false,
$curator_version = '3.5',
$calliope_port = undef,
$midonet_version = undef,
$elk_bind_ip = undef,
$elk_cluster_name = 'elasticsearch',
$elk_hosts = [$::ipaddress]
) {
include ::stdlib
$logstash_version = versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') ? {'1' => '5.x', default => '1.5'}
$elastic_version = versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') ? {'1' => '5.x', default => '1.7'}
$real_analytics_package_name = versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') ? {'1' => 'midonet-elk', default => 'midonet-analytics'}
if versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') > 0
$ins_service_name = 'elasticsearch-es-01'
$config = { '' => ['_local_',$elk_bind_ip],
'' => $elk_cluster_name,
'' => $elk_hosts,
'discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes' => (size($elk_hosts)/2)+1}
class { 'logstash':
manage_repo => true,
java_install => true,
repo_version => '1.5',
contain logstash
else {
$config = undef
$ins_service_name = 'elasticsearch-instance-es-01'
class { 'elasticsearch':
manage_repo => true,
repo_version => '1.7',
repo_version => $elastic_version,
config => $config,
require => Class['::logstash']
contain elasticsearch
class { 'logstash':
manage_repo => true,
repo_version => $logstash_version,
contain logstash
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-01':
require => Class['::logstash','::elasticsearch']
@ -151,8 +190,9 @@ class midonet::analytics (
class { 'midonet::analytics::services':
calliope_port => $calliope_port,
require => [
calliope_port => $calliope_port,
midonet_version => $midonet_version,
require => [
@ -160,9 +200,17 @@ class midonet::analytics (
unless $allinone {
class { 'midonet::analytics::quickstart':
zookeeper_hosts => $zookeeper_hosts,
notify => Service['midonet-analytics']
if versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') > 0
class { 'midonet::analytics::quickstart':
zookeeper_hosts => $zookeeper_hosts,
else {
class { 'midonet::analytics::quickstart':
zookeeper_hosts => $zookeeper_hosts,
notify => Service[$real_analytics_package_name]
@ -187,7 +235,7 @@ class midonet::analytics (
line => "ES_HEAP_SIZE='${heap_size_gb}g'",
match => '^ES_HEAP_SIZE.*$',
require => Package['elasticsearch'],
notify => Service['elasticsearch-instance-es-01'],
notify => Service[$ins_service_name],
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' {
@ -204,7 +252,7 @@ class midonet::analytics (
line => "ES_HEAP_SIZE='${heap_size_gb}g'",
match => '^ES_HEAP_SIZE.*$',
require => Package['elasticsearch'],
notify => Service['elasticsearch-instance-es-01'],
notify => Service[$ins_service_name],

View File

@ -10,24 +10,24 @@
# For making mn-conf command available in the Analytics Node
# Default: midonet-analytics
# [*midonet-tools*]
# [*tools_package_name*]
# For making mn-conf command available in the Analytics Node
# Default: midonet-tools
# [*elk_package_name*]
# Name of the elk package
# Default: midonet-elk
# [*calliope_port*]
# Port where calliope listens to
# [*midonet_version*]
# Port where calliope listens to
# === Authors
# Midonet (
# === Parameters
# [*analytics_package_name*]
# Package name for analytics
# Default: 'midonet-analytics'
# [*tools_package_name*]
# Midonet Tools package name
# [*calliope_port*]
# Port where calliope listens to
# === Copyright
@ -49,36 +49,81 @@
class midonet::analytics::services (
$analytics_package_name = 'midonet-analytics',
$tools_package_name = 'midonet-tools',
$elk_package_name = 'midonet-elk',
$calliope_port = '8080',
$midonet_version = '5.2'
) {
include ::stdlib
$real_analytics_package_name = versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') ? {'1' => $elk_package_name, default => $analytics_package_name}
package { $tools_package_name:
ensure => present,
name => $tools_package_name,
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' and $::lsbdistrelease == '14.04'
$logstash_command = 'initctl restart logstash'
else {
$logstash_command = 'service logstash restart'
package { $analytics_package_name:
ensure => present,
name => $analytics_package_name,
} ->
if versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') > 0 {
exec {'service logstash restart':
path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin',],
before => Service[$analytics_package_name],
unless $calliope_port == '8080' {
exec { "echo calliope.service.ws_port : ${calliope_port} | mn-conf set -t default":
path => ['/usr/bin', '/bin'],
before => Service[$analytics_package_name],
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
exec {'update-ca-certificates -f':
path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin','/bin'],
before => Package[$tools_package_name],
package { $tools_package_name:
ensure => present,
name => $tools_package_name,
package { $real_analytics_package_name:
ensure => present,
name => $real_analytics_package_name,
} ->
exec { $logstash_command:
path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin','/sbin'],
require => Package[$real_analytics_package_name],
exec {'service elasticsearch-es-01 restart':
path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin',],
require => Package[$real_analytics_package_name],
service { $analytics_package_name:
ensure => 'running',
name => $analytics_package_name,
enable => true,
require => Package[$analytics_package_name],
else {
package { $tools_package_name:
ensure => present,
name => $tools_package_name,
package { $real_analytics_package_name:
ensure => present,
name => $real_analytics_package_name,
} ->
exec { $logstash_command:
path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin','/sbin'],
before => Service[$real_analytics_package_name],
unless $calliope_port == '8080' {
exec { "echo calliope.service.ws_port : ${calliope_port} | mn-conf set -t default":
path => ['/usr/bin', '/bin'],
before => Service[$real_analytics_package_name],
service { $real_analytics_package_name:
ensure => 'running',
name => $real_analytics_package_name,
enable => true,
require => Package[$real_analytics_package_name],

View File

@ -68,7 +68,52 @@
# [*analytics_ip*]
# IP of the Analytics node
# Default: undef
# [*midonet_version*]
# Version of Midonet
# Default: '5.2'
# [*elk_seeds*]
# List of elk seeds , in the form "ip1,ip2,ip3"
# Default: '5.2'
# [*cluster_api_address*]
# IP Address that is publicly exposed for the REST Api . Usually this will be the same as
# the cluster_host but you might want to configure it in some cases, such as using an haproxy
# on the front
# Default: '$::ipaddress'
# [*cluster_api_port*]
# Port Address that is publicly exposed for the REST Api . Usually this will be the same as
# the cluster_host but you might want to configure it in some cases, such as using an haproxy
# on the front. Usually you don't want to modify this
# Default: '8181'
# [*elk_cluster_name*]
# Elasticsearch cluster name. Not needed if running in single-elk-node mode
# Default: 'undef'
# [*elk_target_endpoint*]
# Configures the elk target endpoint
# Default: 'undef'
# [*endpoint_host*]
# Where the unified endpoint will bind to
# Default: 'undef'
# [*endpoint_port*]
# Where the unified endpoint will bind to ( port )
# Default: 'undef'
# [*ssl_source_type*]
# SSL Source type. 'autosigned' , 'keystore' , 'certificate'
# Default: 'undef'
# [*ssl_cert_path*]
# SSL certificate path
# Default: 'undef'
# [*ssl_privkey_path*]
# SSL private key path
# Default: 'undef'
# [*ssl_privkey_pwd*]
# SSL private key password
# Default: 'undef'
# [*flow_history_port*]
# Port for flow history endpoint
# Default: 'undef'
# [*jarvis_enabled*]
# Should enable jarvis?
# Default: 'undef'
# === Examples
@ -138,6 +183,22 @@ class midonet::cluster (
$is_insights = undef,
$insights_ssl = undef,
$analytics_ip = undef,
$midonet_version = '5.2',
$elk_seeds = undef,
$cluster_api_address = $::ipaddress,
$cluster_api_port = '8181',
$elk_cluster_name = undef,
$elk_target_endpoint = undef,
$endpoint_host = undef,
$endpoint_port = undef,
$ssl_source_type = undef,
$ssl_cert_path = undef,
$ssl_privkey_path = undef,
$ssl_privkey_pwd = undef,
$ssl_keystore_path = undef,
$ssl_keystore_pwd = undef,
$flow_history_port = undef,
$jarvis_enabled = undef,
) {
class { 'midonet::cluster::install':
@ -165,15 +226,31 @@ class midonet::cluster (
keystone_port => $keystone_port,
keystone_tenant_name => $keystone_tenant_name,
keystone_protocol => $keystone_protocol,
keystone_user_name => undef,
keystone_user_password => undef,
keystone_domain_name => 'Default',
keystone_domain_id => 'default',
keystone_keystone_version => '3',
keystone_user_name => $keystone_user_name,
keystone_user_password => $keystone_user_password,
keystone_domain_name => $keystone_domain_name,
keystone_domain_id => $keystone_domain_id,
keystone_keystone_version => $keystone_keystone_version,
is_insights => $is_insights,
insights_ssl => $insights_ssl,
analytics_ip => $analytics_ip,
package_ensure => $package_ensure,
midonet_version => $midonet_version,
elk_seeds => $elk_seeds,
cluster_api_address => $cluster_api_address,
cluster_api_port => $cluster_api_port,
elk_cluster_name => $elk_cluster_name,
elk_target_endpoint => $elk_target_endpoint,
endpoint_host => $endpoint_host,
endpoint_port => $endpoint_port,
ssl_source_type => $ssl_source_type,
ssl_cert_path => $ssl_cert_path,
ssl_privkey_path => $ssl_privkey_path,
ssl_privkey_pwd => $ssl_privkey_pwd,
ssl_keystore_path => $ssl_keystore_path,
ssl_keystore_pwd => $ssl_keystore_pwd,
flow_history_port => $flow_history_port,
jarvis_enabled => $jarvis_enabled,
require => Class['midonet::cluster::install']
contain midonet::cluster::run

View File

@ -63,6 +63,55 @@
# [*analytics_ip*]
# IP of the Analytics node
# Default: undef
# [*midonet_version*]
# Version of Midonet
# Default: '5.2'
# [*elk_seeds*]
# List of elk seeds , in the form "ip1,ip2,ip3"
# Default: '$::ipaddress'
# [*cluster_api_address*]
# IP Address that is publicly exposed for the REST Api . Usually this will be the same as
# the cluster_host but you might want to configure it in some cases, such as using an haproxy
# on the front
# Default: '$::ipaddress'
# [*cluster_api_port*]
# Port Address that is publicly exposed for the REST Api . Usually this will be the same as
# the cluster_host but you might want to configure it in some cases, such as using an haproxy
# on the front. Usually you don't want to modify this
# Default: '8181'
# [*elk_cluster_name*]
# Elasticsearch cluster name. Not needed if running in single-elk-node mode
# Default: 'undef'
# [*elk_target_endpoint*]
# Configures the elk target endpoint
# Default: 'undef'
# [*endpoint_host*]
# Where the unified endpoint will bind to
# Default: '$::ipaddress'
# [*endpoint_port*]
# Where the unified endpoint will bind to ( port )
# Default: '8888'
# [*ssl_source_type*]
# SSL Source type. 'autosigned' , 'keystore' , 'certificate'
# Default: 'undef'
# [*ssl_cert_path*]
# SSL certificate path
# Default: 'undef'
# [*ssl_privkey_path*]
# SSL private key path
# Default: 'undef'
# [*ssl_privkey_pwd*]
# SSL private key password
# Default: 'undef'
# [*flow_history_port*]
# Port for flow history endpoint
# Default: '5001'
# [*jarvis_enabled*]
# Should enable jarvis?
# Default: 'undef'
# [*midonet_version*]
# Midoent Version
# Default: '5.2'
# === Authors
# Midonet (
@ -116,8 +165,30 @@ class midonet::cluster::run (
$calliope_service_ws_port = undef,
$insights_ssl = undef,
$analytics_ip = undef,
$elk_seeds = $::ipaddress,
$cluster_api_address = $::ipaddress,
$cluster_api_port = '8181',
$elk_cluster_name = '',
$elk_target_endpoint = $::ipaddress,
$endpoint_host = $::ipaddress,
$endpoint_port = '8888',
$ssl_source_type = undef,
$ssl_cert_path = undef,
$ssl_privkey_path = undef,
$ssl_privkey_pwd = undef,
$ssl_keystore_path = undef,
$ssl_keystore_pwd = undef,
$flow_history_port = '5001',
$jarvis_enabled = true,
$midonet_version = '5.2'
) {
include ::stdlib
$api_proto = $insights_ssl? {true => 'https://' , default => 'http://'}
$mem_login_host = "${api_proto}${cluster_api_address}:${cluster_api_port}/midonet-api"
$new_api = versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') ? {'1' => true, default => false}
if $package_ensure != 'absent' {
file { '/tmp/':
ensure => present,
@ -158,6 +229,21 @@ class midonet::cluster::run (
content => template('midonet/analytics/'),
} ->
exec { '/bin/bash /tmp/': }
if versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') > 0
file { 'analytics_settings_local':
ensure => present,
path => '/tmp/analytics_settings_local.conf',
content => template('midonet/analytics/analytics_settings_local.erb'),
} ->
file { 'analytics_settings_script local':
ensure => present,
path => '/tmp/',
content => template('midonet/analytics/'),
require => Exec['/bin/bash /tmp/']
} ->
exec { '/bin/bash /tmp/': }
file { '/etc/midonet/subscriptions':

View File

@ -118,6 +118,10 @@
# [mem_fabric_port]
# The port where the midonet fabric service is listening
# Default: '8009'
# [api_ssl]
# Is midonet api using SSL?
# Default: false
# == Examples
# The minimum parameters required are
@ -163,10 +167,13 @@ class midonet::mem(
$mem_analytics_port = ':8080',
$mem_subscription_port = ':8007',
$mem_fabric_port = ':8009',
$api_ssl = false,
) inherits midonet::params {
$mem_ws = $insights_ssl? {true => 'wss://' , default => 'ws://'}
$mem_ws = $insights_ssl? {true => 'wss://' , default => 'ws://'}
$api_proto = $api_ssl? {true => 'https://' , default => 'http://'}
@ -178,10 +185,10 @@ class midonet::mem(
$mem_login_host = "http://${cluster_ip}${mem_api_port}"
$mem_trace_api_host = "http://${cluster_ip}${mem_api_port}"
$mem_login_host = "${api_proto}${cluster_ip}${mem_api_port}"
$mem_trace_api_host = "${api_proto}${cluster_ip}${mem_api_port}"
$mem_traces_ws_url = "${$mem_ws}${cluster_ip}${mem_trace_port}/${mem_trace_namespace}"
$mem_api_host = "http://${cluster_ip}${mem_api_port}"
$mem_api_host = "${api_proto}${cluster_ip}${mem_api_port}"
$mem_analytics_ws_api_url = "${$mem_ws}${analytics_ip}${mem_analytics_port}/${mem_analytics_namespace}"
$mem_subscriptions_ws_api_url = "${$mem_ws}${cluster_ip}${mem_subscription_port}/subscription"
$mem_fabric_ws_api_url = "${$mem_ws}${cluster_ip}${mem_fabric_port}/fabric"

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ RSpec.configure do |c|
# install git
install_package host, 'git'
install_package host, 'ruby'
zuul_ref = ENV['ZUUL_REF']
zuul_branch = ENV['ZUUL_BRANCH']

View File

@ -1,22 +1,46 @@
clio.enabled : true
clio.service.udp_port : <% if !@clio_service_udp_port %>5001<% else %><%= @clio_service_udp_port %><% end %>,
clio.service.encoding : "binary" : "<%= @analytics_ip %>:<% if !@clio_target_udp_port %>5000<% else %><%= @clio_target_udp_port %><% end %>", : [ "cookie", "devices", "host_uuid", "in_port", "in_tenant", "out_ports", "out_tenant", "match_eth_src", "match_eth_dst", "match_ethertype", "match_network_dst", "match_network_src", "match_network_proto", "match_src_port", "match_dst_port", "action_drop", "action_arp_sip", "action_arp_tip", "action_arp_op", "rules", "sim_result", "final_eth_src", "final_eth_dst", "final_net_src", "final_net_dst", "final_transport_src", "final_transport_dst", "timestamp", "type" ]
calliope.enabled : true
calliope.service.ws_port : <% if !@calliope_service_ws_port %>8080<% else %><%= @calliope_service_ws_port %><% end %>
calliope.auth.ssl.enabled : <% if !@insights_ssl %>false<% else %><%= @insights_ssl %><% end %>
jmxscraper.enabled : true : "<%= @analytics_ip %>:<% if !@jmxscraper_target_udp_endpoint %>5000<% else %><%= @jmxscraper_target_udp_endpoint %><% end %>"
mem_cluster.flow_tracing.enabled : true
mem_cluster.flow_tracing.service.ws_port : <% if !@flow_tracing_service_ws_port %>8460<% else %><%= @flow_tracing_service_ws_port %><% end %>
mem_cluster.flow_tracing.auth.ssl.enabled : <% if !@insights_ssl %>false<% else %><%= @insights_ssl %><% end %>
mem_cluster.subscription.service.port : <% if !@cluster_subscription_service_port %>8007<% else %><%= @cluster_subscription_service_port %><% end %>
mem_cluster.subscription.auth.ssl.enabled : <% if !@insights_ssl %>false<% else %><%= @insights_ssl %><% end %>
mem_cluster.fabric.enabled : true
mem_cluster.fabric.api.auth.ssl.enabled : <% if !@insights_ssl %>false<% else %><%= @insights_ssl %><% end %>
mem_cluster.fabric.api.port : <% if !@cluster_fabric_api_port %>8009<% else %><%= @cluster_fabric_api_port %><% end %>
mem_cluster.fabric.mfc.port : <% if !@cluster_fabric_mfc_port %>8005<% else %><%= @cluster_fabric_mfc_port %><% end %>
agent.flow_history.enabled : true
agent.flow_history.encoding : "binary"
agent.flow_history.udp_endpoint : "<%= @analytics_ip %>:<% if !@agent_flow_history_udp_endpoint %>5001<% else %><%= @agent_flow_history_udp_endpoint %><% end %>"
<% if @new_api %>
agent.flow_history.enabled : true
agent.flow_history.encoding : "binary"
insights.jmxscraper.enabled : true : "<%= @elk_target_endpoint %>"
insights.elasticsearch.seeds : [<%= @elk_seeds %>]
<% if @elk_cluster_name %>insights.elasticsearch.cluster_name : "<%= @elk_cluster_name %>"<% end %> : "<%= @endpoint_host %>"
insights.endpoint.service.port : <%= @endpoint_port %>
<% if @elk_target_endpoint %> : "<%= @elk_target_endpoint %>"<% end %> : "<%= @endpoint_host %>"
insights.flow_history.service.port : <%= @flow_history_port %>
insights.jarvis.enabled : <%= @jarvis_enabled %>
insights.jarvis.rest_api.uri : "<%= @mem_login_host %>"
insights.endpoint.auth.ssl.enabled : <% if !@insights_ssl %>false<% else %><%= @insights_ssl %><% end %>
<% if @ssl_source_type %>insights.endpoint.auth.ssl.source : <%= @ssl_source_type %><% end %>
<% if @ssl_keystore_path %>insights.endpoint.auth.ssl.keystore_path : <%= @ssl_keystore_path %><% end %>
<% if @ssl_keystore_pwd %>insights.endpoint.auth.ssl.keystore_password : <%= @ssl_keystore_pwd %><% end %>
<% if @ssl_cert_path %>insights.endpoint.ssl.certificate_path : <%= @ssl_cert_path %><% end %>
<% if @ssl_privkey_path %>insights.endpoint.ssl.privatekey_path : <%= @ssl_privkey_path %><% end %>
<% if @ssl_privkey_pwd %>insights.endpoint.ssl.privatekey_password : <%= @ssl_privkey_pwd %><% end %>
<% else %>
clio.enabled : true
clio.service.udp_port : <% if !@clio_service_udp_port %>5001<% else %><%= @clio_service_udp_port %><% end %>,
clio.service.encoding : "binary" : "<%= @analytics_ip %>:<% if !@clio_target_udp_port %>5000<% else %><%= @clio_target_udp_port %><% end %>", : [ "cookie", "devices", "host_uuid", "in_port", "in_tenant", "out_ports", "out_tenant", "match_eth_src", "match_eth_dst", "match_ethertype", "match_network_dst", "match_network_src", "match_network_proto", "match_src_port", "match_dst_port", "action_drop", "action_arp_sip", "action_arp_tip", "action_arp_op", "rules", "sim_result", "final_eth_src", "final_eth_dst", "final_net_src", "final_net_dst", "final_transport_src", "final_transport_dst", "timestamp", "type" ]
calliope.enabled : true
calliope.service.ws_port : <% if !@calliope_service_ws_port %>8080<% else %><%= @calliope_service_ws_port %><% end %>
calliope.auth.ssl.enabled : <% if !@insights_ssl %>false<% else %><%= @insights_ssl %><% end %>
jmxscraper.enabled : true : "<%= @analytics_ip %>:<% if !@jmxscraper_target_udp_endpoint %>5000<% else %><%= @jmxscraper_target_udp_endpoint %><% end %>"
mem_cluster.flow_tracing.enabled : true
mem_cluster.flow_tracing.service.ws_port : <% if !@flow_tracing_service_ws_port %>8460<% else %><%= @flow_tracing_service_ws_port %><% end %>
mem_cluster.flow_tracing.auth.ssl.enabled : <% if !@insights_ssl %>false<% else %><%= @insights_ssl %><% end %>
mem_cluster.subscription.service.port : <% if !@cluster_subscription_service_port %>8007<% else %><%= @cluster_subscription_service_port %><% end %>
mem_cluster.subscription.auth.ssl.enabled : <% if !@insights_ssl %>false<% else %><%= @insights_ssl %><% end %>
mem_cluster.fabric.enabled : true
mem_cluster.fabric.api.auth.ssl.enabled : <% if !@insights_ssl %>false<% else %><%= @insights_ssl %><% end %>
mem_cluster.fabric.api.port : <% if !@cluster_fabric_api_port %>8009<% else %><%= @cluster_fabric_api_port %><% end %>
mem_cluster.fabric.mfc.port : <% if !@cluster_fabric_mfc_port %>8005<% else %><%= @cluster_fabric_mfc_port %><% end %>
agent.flow_history.enabled : true
agent.flow_history.encoding : "binary"
agent.flow_history.udp_endpoint : "<%= @analytics_ip %>:<% if !@agent_flow_history_udp_endpoint %>5001<% else %><%= @agent_flow_history_udp_endpoint %><% end %>"
<% end %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ : "<%= @endpoint_host %>"
insights.endpoint.service.port : <%= @endpoint_port %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
set -e
which mn-conf > /dev/null || {
echo "'mn-conf' cannot be found in \$PATH" >&2
exit 1
mn-conf set < /tmp/analytics_settings_local.conf
exit 0