Move CLI usage examples to doc/cli directory

Change-Id: Ie114d8e46a7f84f6cb18f3f8d348de6572052006
Story: 2001980
Task: 23113
This commit is contained in:
Witold Bedyk 2018-07-23 14:45:20 +02:00
parent be83eae483
commit 32b82a5aae
2 changed files with 132 additions and 134 deletions

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@ -90,3 +90,135 @@ alternatively set these environment variables.
export OS_URL=
export OS_TOKEN=3bcc3d3a03f44e3d8377f9247b0ad155
Usage Examples
monasca metric-create cpu1 123.40
monasca metric-create metric1 1234.56 --dimensions instance_id=123,service=ourservice
monasca metric-create metric1 2222.22 --dimensions instance_id=123,service=ourservice
monasca metric-create metric1 3333.33 --dimensions instance_id=222,service=ourservice
monasca metric-create metric1 4444.44 --dimensions instance_id=222 --value-meta rc=404
monasca metric-list
| name | dimensions |
| cpu1 | |
| metric1 | instance_id:123 |
| | service:ourservice |
monasca measurement-list metric1 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
| name | dimensions | measurement_id | timestamp | value | value_meta |
| metric1 | instance_id:123 | 723885 | 2014-05-08T21:46:32Z | 1234.56 | |
| | service:ourservice | 725951 | 2014-05-08T21:48:50Z | 2222.22 | |
| metric1 | instance_id:222 | 726837 | 2014-05-08T21:49:47Z | 3333.33 | |
| | service:ourservice | 726983 | 2014-05-08T21:50:27Z | 4444.44 | rc: 404 |
monasca measurement-list metric1 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z --dimensions instance_id=123
| name | dimensions | measurement_id | timestamp | value | value_meta |
| metric1 | instance_id:123 | 723885 | 2014-05-08T21:46:32Z | 1234.56 | |
| | service:ourservice | 725951 | 2014-05-08T21:48:50Z | 2222.22 | |
Notifications Examples
Note: To see complete usage: 'monasca help' and 'monasca help <command>'
monasca notification-create cindyemail1 EMAIL
monasca notification-create myapplication WEBHOOK http://localhost:5000
monasca notification-create mypagerduty PAGERDUTY nzH2LVRdMzun11HNC2oD
monasca notification-list
| name | id | type | address |
| cindyemail1 | 5651406c-447d-40bd-b868-b2b3e6b59e32 | EMAIL | |
| myapplication | 55905ce2-91e3-41ce-b45a-de7032f8d718 | WEBHOOK |http://localhost:5000
| mypagerduty | 5720ccb5-6a3d-22ba-545g-ce467a5b41a2 | PAGERDUTY |nzH2LVRdMzun11HNC2oD
Alarms Examples
Note: To see complete usage: 'monasca help' and 'monasca help <command>'
monasca alarm-definition-create alarmPerHost "max(cpu.load_avg_1_min) > 0" --match-by hostname
| name | id | expression | match_by | actions_enabled |
| alarmPerHost | 4bf6bfc2-c5ac-4d57-b7db-cf5313b05412 | max(cpu.load_avg_1_min) > 0 | hostname | True |
monasca alarm-definition-show 4bf6bfc2-c5ac-4d57-b7db-cf5313b05412
| Property | Value |
| actions_enabled | true |
| alarm_actions | [] |
| description | "" |
| expression | "max(cpu.load_avg_1_min) > 0" |
| id | "4bf6bfc2-c5ac-4d57-b7db-cf5313b05412" |
| links | href:,rel:self |
| match_by | [ |
| | "hostname" |
| | ] |
| name | "alarmPerHost" |
| ok_actions | [] |
| severity | "LOW" |
| undetermined_actions | [] |
monasca alarm-definition-delete 4bf6bfc2-c5ac-4d57-b7db-cf5313b05412
monasca alarm-list
| id | alarm_definition_id | alarm_name | metric_name | metric_dimensions | severity | state | state_updated_timestamp | created_timestamp |
| 11e8c15d-0263-4b71-a8b8-4ecdaeb2902c | af1f347b-cddb-46da-b7cc-924261eeecdf | High CPU usage | cpu.idle_perc | hostname: devstack | LOW | OK | 2015-03-26T21:45:15.000Z | 2015-03-26T21:41:50.000Z |
| e5797cfe-b66e-4d44-98cd-3c7fc62d4c33 | af1f347b-cddb-46da-b7cc-924261eeecdf | High CPU usage | cpu.idle_perc | hostname: mini-mon | LOW | OK | 2015-03-26T21:43:15.000Z | 2015-03-26T21:41:47.000Z |
| | | | | service: monitoring | | | | |
monasca alarm-history 9d748b72-939b-45e7-a807-c0c5ad88d3e4
| alarm_id | new_state | old_state | reason | reason_data | metric_name | metric_dimensions | timestamp |
| 9d748b72-939b-45e7-a807-c0c5ad88d3e4 | ALARM | UNDETERMINED | Thresholds were exceeded for the sub-alarms: [max(cpu.load_avg_1_min) > 0.0] | {} | cpu.load_avg_1_min | hostname: mini-mon | 2014-10-14T21:14:11.000Z |
| | | | | | | service: monitoring | |
monasca alarm-patch fda5537b-1550-435f-9d6c-262b7e05065b --state OK

View File

@ -19,137 +19,3 @@ deploying the clients.
.. _Monasca API Devstack Plugin:
.. _monasca-docker:
Metrics Examples
Note: To see complete usage: 'monasca help' and 'monasca help <command>'
monasca metric-create cpu1 123.40
monasca metric-create metric1 1234.56 --dimensions instance_id=123,service=ourservice
monasca metric-create metric1 2222.22 --dimensions instance_id=123,service=ourservice
monasca metric-create metric1 3333.33 --dimensions instance_id=222,service=ourservice
monasca metric-create metric1 4444.44 --dimensions instance_id=222 --value-meta rc=404
monasca metric-list
| name | dimensions |
| cpu1 | |
| metric1 | instance_id:123 |
| | service:ourservice |
monasca measurement-list metric1 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
| name | dimensions | measurement_id | timestamp | value | value_meta |
| metric1 | instance_id:123 | 723885 | 2014-05-08T21:46:32Z | 1234.56 | |
| | service:ourservice | 725951 | 2014-05-08T21:48:50Z | 2222.22 | |
| metric1 | instance_id:222 | 726837 | 2014-05-08T21:49:47Z | 3333.33 | |
| | service:ourservice | 726983 | 2014-05-08T21:50:27Z | 4444.44 | rc: 404 |
monasca measurement-list metric1 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z --dimensions instance_id=123
| name | dimensions | measurement_id | timestamp | value | value_meta |
| metric1 | instance_id:123 | 723885 | 2014-05-08T21:46:32Z | 1234.56 | |
| | service:ourservice | 725951 | 2014-05-08T21:48:50Z | 2222.22 | |
Notifications Examples
Note: To see complete usage: 'monasca help' and 'monasca help <command>'
monasca notification-create cindyemail1 EMAIL
monasca notification-create myapplication WEBHOOK http://localhost:5000
monasca notification-create mypagerduty PAGERDUTY nzH2LVRdMzun11HNC2oD
monasca notification-list
| name | id | type | address |
| cindyemail1 | 5651406c-447d-40bd-b868-b2b3e6b59e32 | EMAIL | |
| myapplication | 55905ce2-91e3-41ce-b45a-de7032f8d718 | WEBHOOK |http://localhost:5000
| mypagerduty | 5720ccb5-6a3d-22ba-545g-ce467a5b41a2 | PAGERDUTY |nzH2LVRdMzun11HNC2oD
Alarms Examples
Note: To see complete usage: 'monasca help' and 'monasca help <command>'
monasca alarm-definition-create alarmPerHost "max(cpu.load_avg_1_min) > 0" --match-by hostname
| name | id | expression | match_by | actions_enabled |
| alarmPerHost | 4bf6bfc2-c5ac-4d57-b7db-cf5313b05412 | max(cpu.load_avg_1_min) > 0 | hostname | True |
monasca alarm-definition-show 4bf6bfc2-c5ac-4d57-b7db-cf5313b05412
| Property | Value |
| actions_enabled | true |
| alarm_actions | [] |
| description | "" |
| expression | "max(cpu.load_avg_1_min) > 0" |
| id | "4bf6bfc2-c5ac-4d57-b7db-cf5313b05412" |
| links | href:,rel:self |
| match_by | [ |
| | "hostname" |
| | ] |
| name | "alarmPerHost" |
| ok_actions | [] |
| severity | "LOW" |
| undetermined_actions | [] |
monasca alarm-definition-delete 4bf6bfc2-c5ac-4d57-b7db-cf5313b05412
monasca alarm-list
| id | alarm_definition_id | alarm_name | metric_name | metric_dimensions | severity | state | state_updated_timestamp | created_timestamp |
| 11e8c15d-0263-4b71-a8b8-4ecdaeb2902c | af1f347b-cddb-46da-b7cc-924261eeecdf | High CPU usage | cpu.idle_perc | hostname: devstack | LOW | OK | 2015-03-26T21:45:15.000Z | 2015-03-26T21:41:50.000Z |
| e5797cfe-b66e-4d44-98cd-3c7fc62d4c33 | af1f347b-cddb-46da-b7cc-924261eeecdf | High CPU usage | cpu.idle_perc | hostname: mini-mon | LOW | OK | 2015-03-26T21:43:15.000Z | 2015-03-26T21:41:47.000Z |
| | | | | service: monitoring | | | | |
monasca alarm-history 9d748b72-939b-45e7-a807-c0c5ad88d3e4
| alarm_id | new_state | old_state | reason | reason_data | metric_name | metric_dimensions | timestamp |
| 9d748b72-939b-45e7-a807-c0c5ad88d3e4 | ALARM | UNDETERMINED | Thresholds were exceeded for the sub-alarms: [max(cpu.load_avg_1_min) > 0.0] | {} | cpu.load_avg_1_min | hostname: mini-mon | 2014-10-14T21:14:11.000Z |
| | | | | | | service: monitoring | |
monasca alarm-patch fda5537b-1550-435f-9d6c-262b7e05065b --state OK