# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from novaclient.tests.unit.v2 import fakes from novaclient.v2 import client class FakeClient(fakes.FakeClient): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): client.Client.__init__(self, 'username', 'password', 'project_id', 'auth_url', extensions=kwargs.get('extensions')) self.client = FakeHTTPClient(**kwargs) class FakeHTTPClient(fakes.FakeHTTPClient): def get_os_tenant_networks(self): return (200, {}, { 'networks': [{"label": "1", "cidr": "", 'project_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7', 'id': '1'}]}) def get_os_tenant_networks_1(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'network': {"label": "1", "cidr": "", 'project_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7', 'id': '1'}}) def post_os_tenant_networks(self, **kw): return (201, {}, { 'network': {"label": "1", "cidr": "", 'project_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7', 'id': '1'}}) def delete_os_tenant_networks_1(self, **kw): return (204, {}, None) def get_os_baremetal_nodes(self, **kw): return ( 200, {}, { 'nodes': [ { "id": 1, "instance_uuid": None, "interfaces": [], "cpus": 2, "local_gb": 10, "memory_mb": 5, "pm_address": "", "pm_user": "pmuser", "pm_password": "pmpass", "prov_mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "prov_vlan_id": 1, "service_host": "somehost", "terminal_port": 8080, } ] } ) def get_os_baremetal_nodes_1(self, **kw): return ( 200, {}, { 'node': { "id": 1, "instance_uuid": None, "pm_address": "", "interfaces": [], "cpus": 2, "local_gb": 10, "memory_mb": 5, "pm_user": "pmuser", "pm_password": "pmpass", "prov_mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "prov_vlan_id": 1, "service_host": "somehost", "terminal_port": 8080, } } ) def post_os_baremetal_nodes(self, **kw): return ( 200, {}, { 'node': { "id": 1, "instance_uuid": None, "cpus": 2, "local_gb": 10, "memory_mb": 5, "pm_address": "", "pm_user": "pmuser", "pm_password": "pmpass", "prov_mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "prov_vlan_id": 1, "service_host": "somehost", "terminal_port": 8080, } } ) def delete_os_baremetal_nodes_1(self, **kw): return (202, {}, {}) def post_os_baremetal_nodes_1_action(self, **kw): body = kw['body'] action = list(body)[0] if action == "add_interface": return ( 200, {}, { 'interface': { "id": 2, "address": "bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:aa", "datapath_id": 1, "port_no": 2, } } ) elif action == "remove_interface": return (202, {}, {}) else: return (500, {}, {}) def post_os_assisted_volume_snapshots(self, **kw): return (202, {}, {'snapshot': {'id': 'blah', 'volumeId': '1'}}) def delete_os_assisted_volume_snapshots_x(self, **kw): return (202, {}, {}) def post_os_server_external_events(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'events': [ {'name': 'test-event', 'status': 'completed', 'tag': 'tag', 'server_uuid': 'fake-uuid1'}, {'name': 'test-event', 'status': 'completed', 'tag': 'tag', 'server_uuid': 'fake-uuid2'}]})