include_defs('//lib/maven.defs') include_defs('//lib/codemirror/cm.defs') VERSION = '5.22.0' TOP = 'META-INF/resources/webjars/codemirror/%s' % VERSION TOP_MINIFIED = 'META-INF/resources/webjars/codemirror-minified/%s' % VERSION maven_jar( name = 'codemirror-minified', id = 'org.webjars.npm:codemirror-minified:' + VERSION, sha1 = '3e8767c9293614968176fcf66cb873d6eb8b3051', attach_source = False, license = 'codemirror-minified', visibility = [], ) maven_jar( name = 'codemirror-original', id = 'org.webjars.npm:codemirror:' + VERSION, sha1 = '879c49085a44f062554a4e4a9ac248b7083d37cf', attach_source = False, license = 'codemirror-original', visibility = [], ) DIFF_MATCH_PATCH_TOP = ('META-INF/resources/webjars/google-diff-match-patch/%s' % DIFF_MATCH_PATCH_VERSION) maven_jar( name = 'diff-match-patch', id = 'org.webjars:google-diff-match-patch:' + DIFF_MATCH_PATCH_VERSION, sha1 = '0cf1782dbcb8359d95070da9176059a5a9d37709', license = 'Apache2.0', attach_source = False, ) for archive, suffix, top in [('codemirror-original', '', TOP), ('codemirror-minified', '_r', TOP_MINIFIED)]: # Main JavaScript and addons genrule( name = 'cm' + suffix, cmd = ';'.join([ "echo '/** @license' >$OUT", 'unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/LICENSE >>$OUT' % (archive, top), "echo '*/' >>$OUT", ] + ['unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/%s >>$OUT' % (archive, top, n) for n in CM_JS] + ['unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/addon/%s >>$OUT' % (archive, top, n) for n in CM_ADDONS] ), out = 'cm%s.js' % suffix, ) # Main CSS genrule( name = 'css' + suffix, cmd = ';'.join([ "echo '/** @license' >$OUT", 'unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/LICENSE >>$OUT' % (archive, top), "echo '*/' >>$OUT", ] + ['unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/%s >>$OUT' % (archive, top, n) for n in CM_CSS] ), out = 'cm%s.css' % suffix, ) # Modes for n in CM_MODES: genrule ( name = 'mode_%s%s' % (n, suffix), cmd = ';'.join([ "echo '/** @license' >$OUT", 'unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/LICENSE >>$OUT' % (archive, top), "echo '*/' >>$OUT", 'unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/mode/%s/%s.js >>$OUT' % (archive, top, n, n), ] ), out = 'mode_%s%s.js' % (n, suffix), ) # Themes for n in CM_THEMES: genrule( name = 'theme_%s%s' % (n, suffix), cmd = ';'.join([ "echo '/** @license' >$OUT", 'unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/LICENSE >>$OUT' % (archive, top), "echo '*/' >>$OUT", 'unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/theme/%s.css >>$OUT' % (archive, top, n) ] ), out = 'theme_%s%s.css' % (n, suffix), ) # Merge Addon bundled with diff-match-patch genrule( name = 'addon_merge_with_diff_match_patch%s' % suffix, cmd = ';'.join([ "echo '/** @license' >$OUT", 'unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/LICENSE >>$OUT' % (archive, top), "echo '*/\n' >>$OUT", "echo '// The google-diff-match-patch library is from\n' >> $OUT" % (DIFF_MATCH_PATCH_VERSION, DIFF_MATCH_PATCH_VERSION), "echo '/** @license' >>$OUT", 'cat $(location //lib:LICENSE-Apache2.0) >>$OUT', "echo '*/' >>$OUT", 'unzip -p $(location :diff-match-patch) %s/diff_match_patch.js >>$OUT' % DIFF_MATCH_PATCH_TOP, "echo ';' >> $OUT", 'unzip -p $(location :%s) %s/addon/merge/merge.js >>$OUT' % (archive, top) ] ), out = 'addon_merge_with_diff_match_patch%s.js' % suffix, ) # Jar packaging genrule( name = 'jar' + suffix, cmd = ';'.join([ 'cd $TMP', 'mkdir -p net/codemirror/{addon,lib,mode,theme}', 'cp $(location :css%s) net/codemirror/lib/cm.css' % suffix, 'cp $(location :cm%s) net/codemirror/lib/cm.js' % suffix] + ['cp $(location :mode_%s%s) net/codemirror/mode/%s.js' % (n, suffix, n) for n in CM_MODES] + ['cp $(location :theme_%s%s) net/codemirror/theme/%s.css' % (n, suffix, n) for n in CM_THEMES] + ['cp $(location :addon_merge_with_diff_match_patch%s) net/codemirror/addon/merge_bundled.js' % suffix] + ['zip -qr $OUT net/codemirror/{addon,lib,mode,theme}']), out = 'codemirror%s.jar' % suffix, ) prebuilt_jar( name = 'codemirror' + suffix, binary_jar = ':jar%s' % suffix, deps = [ ':jar' + suffix, '//lib:LICENSE-' + archive, ], visibility = ['PUBLIC'], )