load("//tools/bzl:asciidoc.bzl", "documentation_attributes", "genasciidoc", "genasciidoc_zip") load("//tools/bzl:license.bzl", "license_map") package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) exports_files([ "replace_macros.py", ]) filegroup( name = "prettify_files", srcs = [ ":prettify.min.css", ":prettify.min.js", ], ) genrule( name = "prettify_min_css", srcs = ["//resources/com/google/gerrit/prettify:client/prettify.css"], outs = ["prettify.min.css"], cmd = "cp $< $@", ) genrule( name = "prettify_min_js", srcs = ["//resources/com/google/gerrit/prettify:client/prettify.js"], outs = ["prettify.min.js"], cmd = "cp $< $@", ) filegroup( name = "resources", srcs = glob([ "images/*.jpg", "images/*.png", ]) + [ ":prettify_files", "//:LICENSES.txt", ], ) license_map( name = "licenses", opts = ["--asciidoctor"], targets = [ "//gerrit-gwtui:ui_module", "//polygerrit-ui/app:polygerrit_ui", "//java/com/google/gerrit/pgm", ], ) license_map( name = "js_licenses", targets = [ "//gerrit-gwtui:ui_module", "//polygerrit-ui/app:polygerrit_ui", ], ) DOC_DIR = "Documentation" SRCS = glob(["*.txt"]) + [":licenses.txt"] genrule( name = "index", srcs = SRCS, outs = ["index.jar"], cmd = "$(location //java/com/google/gerrit/asciidoctor:doc_indexer) " + "-o $(OUTS) " + "--prefix \"%s/\" " % DOC_DIR + "--in-ext \".txt\" " + "--out-ext \".html\" " + "$(SRCS)", tools = ["//java/com/google/gerrit/asciidoctor:doc_indexer"], ) # For the same srcs, we can have multiple genasciidoc_zip rules, but only one # genasciidoc rule. Because multiple genasciidoc rules will have conflicting # output files. genasciidoc( name = "Documentation", srcs = SRCS, attributes = documentation_attributes(), backend = "html5", ) genasciidoc_zip( name = "html", srcs = SRCS, attributes = documentation_attributes(), backend = "html5", directory = DOC_DIR, ) genasciidoc_zip( name = "searchfree", srcs = SRCS, attributes = documentation_attributes(), backend = "html5", directory = DOC_DIR, searchbox = False, )