Gerritbot is an IRC bot that will notify IRC channels of Gerrit events. To install Gerritbot run `python install` from within the repository's root directory. To run Gerritbot `$PATH/gerritbot /path/to/config`. $PATH is usually something like /usr/local/bin and /path/to/config should be whatever path you have hidden the config at. Gerritbot has two configuration files. The first configures the IRC server and Gerrit server details and is the config file whose path you pass to gerritbot when starting the bot. It should look like: [ircbot] nick=NICKNAME pass=PASSWORD port=6667 channel_config=/path/to/yaml/config [gerrit] user=gerrit2 key=/path/to/id_rsa port=29418 The second configures the IRC channels and the events and projects that each channel is interested in. This config file is written in yaml and should look like: example-channel1: events: - patchset-created - change-merged projects: - example/project1 - example/project2 branches: - master - development example-channel2: events: - change-merged projects: - example/project3 - example/project4 branches: - master