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This module implements the web api.
:copyright: Copyright 2008 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD.
import inspect
import six
from lodgeit.models import Paste
from lodgeit.database import db
from lodgeit.lib.xmlrpc import XMLRPCRequestHandler
from lodgeit.lib.json import JSONRequestHandler
from lodgeit.lib.highlighting import STYLES, LANGUAGES, get_style, \
xmlrpc = XMLRPCRequestHandler()
json = JSONRequestHandler()
def exported(name, hidden=False):
"""Make a function external available via xmlrpc."""
def proxy(f):
xmlrpc.register_function(f, name)
json.register_function(f, name)
f.hidden = hidden
return f
return proxy
_public_methods = None
def get_public_methods():
"""Returns the public methods."""
global _public_methods
if _public_methods is None:
result = []
for name, f in six.iteritems(json.funcs):
if name.startswith('system.') or f.hidden:
sig = inspect.signature(f)
# parameters is returned as a read only mappingproxy
params = sig.parameters.copy()
if params and list(params.keys())[0] == 'request':
# Throw out the first parameter
sig = sig.replace(parameters=params.values())
'name': name,
'doc': inspect.getdoc(f) or '',
'signature': str(sig)
result.sort(key=lambda x: x['name'].lower())
_public_methods = result
return _public_methods
def system_list_methods():
return [x['name'] for x in get_public_methods()]
def pastes_new_paste(language, code, parent_id=None,
filename='', mimetype='', private=False):
"""Create a new paste. Return the new ID.
`language` can be None, in which case the language will be
guessed from `filename` and/or `mimetype`.
if not language:
language = get_language_for(filename or '', mimetype or '')
parent = None
if parent_id:
parent = Paste.get(parent_id)
if parent is None:
raise ValueError('parent paste not found')
paste = Paste(code, language, parent, private=private)
return paste.identifier
def pastes_get_paste(paste_id):
"""Get all known information about a paste by a given paste id.
Return a dictionary with these keys:
`paste_id`, `code`, `parsed_code`, `pub_date`, `language`,
`parent_id`, `url`.
paste = Paste.get(paste_id)
if paste is not None:
return paste.to_xmlrpc_dict()
def pastes_get_diff(old_id, new_id):
"""Compare the two pastes and return an unified diff."""
old = Paste.get(old_id)
new = Paste.get(new_id)
if old is None or new is None:
raise ValueError('argument error, paste not found')
return old.compare_to(new)
def pastes_get_recent(amount=5):
"""Return information dict (see `getPaste`) about the last
`amount` pastes.
amount = min(amount, 20)
return [x.to_xmlrpc_dict() for x in Paste.find_all().limit(amount)]
def pastes_get_last():
"""Get information dict (see `getPaste`) for the most recent paste."""
rv = pastes_get_recent(1)
if rv:
return rv[0]
return {}
def pastes_get_languages():
"""Get a list of supported languages."""
# this resolves lazy translations
return dict((key, six.text_type(value)) for
key, value in six.iteritems(LANGUAGES))
def styles_get_styles():
"""Get a list of supported styles."""
return list(STYLES.items())
def styles_get_stylesheet(name):
"""Return the stylesheet for a given style."""
return get_style(name)