
155 lines
4.1 KiB

# == Class: askbot::install
# This class installs the required packages for askbot
class askbot::install (
$db_provider = 'mysql',
$dist_root = '/srv/dist',
$askbot_repo = 'https://github.com/ASKBOT/askbot-devel.git',
$askbot_revision = 'master',
$redis_enabled = false,
$solr_enabled = false,
) {
if !defined(Package['git']) {
package { 'git':
ensure => present,
package { 'libjpeg-dev':
ensure => present,
class { '::python':
pip => true,
dev => true,
virtualenv => true,
python::virtualenv { '/usr/askbot-env':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
timeout => 0,
case $db_provider {
'mysql': {
package { 'libmysqlclient-dev':
ensure => present,
python::pip { 'MySQL-python':
ensure => '1.2.3',
pkgname => 'MySQL-python',
virtualenv => '/usr/askbot-env',
require => [ Package['libmysqlclient-dev'], Python::Virtualenv['/usr/askbot-env'] ],
'pgsql': {
package { 'libpq-dev':
ensure => present,
python::pip { 'psycopg2':
ensure => '2.4.5',
pkgname => 'psycopg2',
virtualenv => '/usr/askbot-env',
require => [ Package['libpq-dev'], Python::Virtualenv['/usr/askbot-env'] ],
default: {
fail("Unsupported database provider: ${db_provider}")
python::pip { 'captcha':
ensure => '0.2.1',
pkgname => 'captcha',
virtualenv => '/usr/askbot-env',
require => Python::Virtualenv['/usr/askbot-env'],
if $redis_enabled {
# This seems to be the only version that works; after this start
# getting errors about CacheKey input types; you can search and find
# this is something to do with redis 3.
python::pip { 'redis':
ensure => '2.10.3',
pkgname => 'redis',
virtualenv => '/usr/askbot-env',
require => Python::Virtualenv['/usr/askbot-env'],
python::pip { 'django-redis-cache':
ensure => '1.3.0',
pkgname => 'django-redis-cache',
virtualenv => '/usr/askbot-env',
require => Python::Virtualenv['/usr/askbot-env'],
if $solr_enabled {
python::pip { 'django-haystack':
ensure => '2.3.1',
pkgname => 'django-haystack',
virtualenv => '/usr/askbot-env',
require => Python::Virtualenv['/usr/askbot-env'],
python::pip { 'pysolr':
ensure => '3.3.0',
pkgname => 'pysolr',
virtualenv => '/usr/askbot-env',
require => Python::Virtualenv['/usr/askbot-env'],
exec { 'pip-requirements-install':
path => [ '/bin', '/sbin' , '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin' ],
command => "/usr/askbot-env/bin/pip install -r ${dist_root}/askbot/askbot_requirements.txt",
cwd => "${dist_root}/askbot",
logoutput => on_failure,
subscribe => Git['askbot'],
refreshonly => true,
require => Python::Virtualenv['/usr/askbot-env'],
python::pip { 'stopforumspam':
ensure => '1.4.2',
pkgname => 'stopforumspam',
virtualenv => '/usr/askbot-env',
require => Exec[ 'pip-requirements-install' ],
# six 1.11.0 fails with this old django,
# use an earlier one; see
# https://github.com/benjaminp/six/issues/210
python::pip { 'six':
ensure => '1.10.0',
pkgname => 'six',
virtualenv => '/usr/askbot-env',
require => Python::Virtualenv['/usr/askbot-env'],
include ::httpd::mod::wsgi
exec { 'askbot-install':
path => [ '/bin', '/sbin' , '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin' ],
cwd => "${dist_root}/askbot",
command => '/usr/askbot-env/bin/pip install .',
logoutput => on_failure,
before => [Exec['askbot-syncdb'], Exec['askbot-migrate'] ],
subscribe => Git['askbot'],
refreshonly => true,
require => [
Exec[ 'pip-requirements-install' ],
Python::Pip[ 'six' ],
Python::Pip[ 'stopforumspam' ],
Python::Pip[ 'captcha' ],