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# Class: apache
# This class installs Apache
# Parameters:
# Actions:
# - Install Apache
# - Manage Apache service
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
class apache {
include apache::params
package { 'httpd':
name => $apache::params::apache_name,
ensure => present,
service { 'httpd':
name => $apache::params::apache_name,
ensure => running,
enable => true,
subscribe => Package['httpd'],
# May want to purge all none realize modules using the resources resource type.
# A2mod resource type is broken. Look into fixing it and moving it into apache.
A2mod { require => Package['httpd'], notify => Service['httpd']}
@a2mod {
'rewrite' : ensure => present;
'headers' : ensure => present;
'expires' : ensure => present;
$vdir = $operatingsystem? {
'ubuntu' => '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/',
default => '/etc/httpd/conf.d',
file { $vdir:
ensure => directory,
recurse => true,
purge => true,
notify => Service['httpd'],