# coding: utf-8 require 'puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper/spec_helper_acceptance' # https://blog.lorentzca.me/add-custom-matcher-of-serverspec/ # 既存のリソースタイプにマッチャーを追加する覚書き class Specinfra::Command::Base::Package < Specinfra::Command::Base class << self def check_is_installed_by_pip3(name, version=nil) regexp = "^#{name} " cmd = "pip3 list | grep -iw -- #{escape(regexp)}" cmd = "#{cmd} | grep -w -- #{escape(version)}" if version cmd end end end describe 'puppet-zuul module', :if => ['debian', 'ubuntu'].include?(os[:family]) do def pp_path base_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) File.join(base_path, 'fixtures') end def preconditions_puppet_module module_path = File.join(pp_path, 'preconditions.pp') File.read(module_path) end def post_conditions_puppet_module module_path = File.join(pp_path, 'postconditions.pp') File.read(module_path) end def default_puppet_module module_path = File.join(pp_path, 'default.pp') File.read(module_path) end before(:all) do apply_manifest(preconditions_puppet_module, catch_failures: true) end it 'should work with no errors' do apply_manifest(default_puppet_module, catch_failures: true) end it 'should enable zuul server and zuul merger services' do apply_manifest(post_conditions_puppet_module, catch_failures: true) end describe 'required users' do describe user('zuul') do it { should exist } it { should belong_to_group 'zuul' } it { should have_home_directory '/home/zuul' } it { should have_login_shell '/bin/bash' } end end describe 'required operating system packages' do packages = [ package('git'), package('build-essential'), ] packages << package('apache2') if ['ubuntu', 'debian'].include?(os[:family]) packages << package('httpd') if ['centos', 'redhat'].include?(os[:family]) packages.each do |package| describe package do it { should be_installed } end end end describe 'required pip packages' do packages = [ package('objgraph'), package('yappi'), package('zuul') ] packages.each do |package| describe package do it { should be_installed.by('pip3') } end end end describe 'required files' do describe file('/etc/zuul/zuul.conf') do it { should be_file } it { should contain('[gearman]') } it { should contain('server=') } it { should contain('[gerrit]') } it { should contain('server=') } it { should contain('[zuul]') } it { should contain('tenant_config=/etc/zuul/layout/main.yaml') } end describe file('/etc/default/zuul') do it { should be_file } end describe file('/var/log/zuul') do it { should be_directory } it { should be_owned_by 'zuul'} end describe file('/var/lib/zuul/git') do it { should be_directory } it { should be_owned_by 'zuul'} end describe 'directories belonging to zuul user and group' do directories = [ file('/var/lib/zuul'), file('/var/run/zuul-merger'), file('/var/lib/zuul/ssh'), file('/var/run/zuul'), ] directories.each do |dir| describe dir do it { should be_directory } it { should be_owned_by 'zuul'} it { should be_grouped_into 'zuul'} end end end describe file('/var/lib/zuul/ssh/id_rsa') do it { should be_file } it { should contain('-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----') } end describe file('/home/zuul/.ssh/known_hosts') do it { should be_file } it { should contain('known_hosts_content') } end end describe cron do it { should have_entry('7 4 * * * find /var/lib/zuul/git/ -maxdepth 3 -type d -name ".git" -exec git --git-dir="{}" pack-refs --all \;').with_user('zuul') } end describe 'required services' do describe port(80) do it { should be_listening } end describe port(443) do it { should be_listening } end describe port(4730) do it { should be_listening } end end end