- hosts: "localhost:!disabled" name: "System-config: Update the system-config repo on bridge" connection: local gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Make sure k8s-on-openstack repo is up to date git: repo: https://github.com/infraly/k8s-on-openstack dest: /opt/k8s-on-openstack # HEAD as of 2019-02-08 version: e27a313b1583c377e08385014b9a880da765924b force: yes - name: Run kubernetes deploy playbook command: ./run_k8s_ansible.sh args: chdir: /opt/system-config - name: Install cinder storage class k8s: context: gitea state: present definition: "{{ lookup('file', 'k8s/storage-class.yaml') | from_yaml }}" # k8s-on-openstack uses the baked in ubuntu user and ssh keypairs # to interact with the host. Our other roles assume that we'll be # logging in directly as root. Run base-repos logging in as ubuntu # with become: true set so that we can overwrite the root ssh key # with the one allowing direct login from bridge. - hosts: "kubernetes:!disabled" name: "Base: set up users and base package repositories on all hosts" remote_user: ubuntu become: true roles: - base-repos