
233 lines
7.1 KiB

* @file
* Implements hook_default_page_manager_pages().
function groups_homepage_default_page_manager_pages() {
$page = new stdClass();
$page->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default page disabled initially */
$page->api_version = 1;
$page->name = 'groups_home';
$page->task = 'page';
$page->admin_title = 'Groups Home';
$page->admin_description = '';
$page->path = 'home';
$page->access = array();
$page->menu = array(
'type' => 'normal',
'title' => 'Groups Home',
'weight' => '-20',
'name' => 'main-menu',
'parent' => array(
'type' => 'none',
'title' => '',
'weight' => 0,
'name' => 'navigation',
$page->arguments = array();
$page->conf = array();
$page->default_handlers = array();
$handler = new stdClass();
$handler->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default handler disabled initially */
$handler->api_version = 1;
$handler->name = 'page_groups_home_panel_context';
$handler->task = 'page';
$handler->subtask = 'groups_home';
$handler->handler = 'panel_context';
$handler->weight = 0;
$handler->conf = array(
'title' => 'Landing page',
'no_blocks' => FALSE,
'pipeline' => 'ipe',
'body_classes_to_remove' => '',
'body_classes_to_add' => '',
'css_id' => '',
'css' => '',
'contexts' => array(),
'relationships' => array(),
$display = new panels_display();
$display->layout = 'openstack_front';
$display->layout_settings = array();
$display->panel_settings = array(
'style_settings' => array(
'default' => NULL,
'os_top' => NULL,
'os_left' => NULL,
'os_center' => NULL,
'os_right' => NULL,
'os_middle' => NULL,
'os_bottom_left' => NULL,
'os_bottom_right' => NULL,
'os_bottom' => NULL,
'two_66_33_top' => NULL,
'two_66_33_first' => NULL,
'two_66_33_second' => NULL,
'two_66_33_bottom' => NULL,
$display->cache = array();
$display->title = 'Groups Home';
$display->uuid = '7a0357d1-bf3b-54e4-b522-6c15eedf8a93';
$display->content = array();
$display->panels = array();
$pane = new stdClass();
$pane->pid = 'new-b2494b76-fb10-46c5-bc6a-e6fec2d3919e';
$pane->panel = 'os_bottom_left';
$pane->type = 'panels_ajax_tab_tabs';
$pane->subtype = 'panels_ajax_tab_tabs';
$pane->shown = TRUE;
$pane->access = array();
$pane->configuration = array(
'mini_panels' => array(
'upcoming_events' => array(
'selected' => 1,
'tab_title' => '',
'url_id' => '',
'weight' => '-10',
'recent_activity' => array(
'selected' => 1,
'tab_title' => '',
'url_id' => '',
'weight' => '-9',
'container_id' => 'front-events-activity-container',
'url_enabled' => 1,
'context' => array(
0 => 'empty',
'override_title' => 0,
'override_title_text' => '',
$pane->cache = array();
$pane->style = array(
'settings' => NULL,
$pane->css = array();
$pane->extras = array();
$pane->position = 0;
$pane->locks = array();
$pane->uuid = 'b2494b76-fb10-46c5-bc6a-e6fec2d3919e';
$display->content['new-b2494b76-fb10-46c5-bc6a-e6fec2d3919e'] = $pane;
$display->panels['os_bottom_left'][0] = 'new-b2494b76-fb10-46c5-bc6a-e6fec2d3919e';
$pane = new stdClass();
$pane->pid = 'new-f29e6e7e-d5c9-4bfd-b2b8-22769d9b8d8e';
$pane->panel = 'os_bottom_left';
$pane->type = 'panels_ajax_tab_container';
$pane->subtype = 'panels_ajax_tab_container';
$pane->shown = TRUE;
$pane->access = array();
$pane->configuration = array(
'container_id' => 'front-events-activity-container',
'context' => array(
0 => 'empty',
'override_title' => 1,
'override_title_text' => '<none>',
$pane->cache = array();
$pane->style = array(
'settings' => NULL,
$pane->css = array();
$pane->extras = array();
$pane->position = 1;
$pane->locks = array();
$pane->uuid = 'f29e6e7e-d5c9-4bfd-b2b8-22769d9b8d8e';
$display->content['new-f29e6e7e-d5c9-4bfd-b2b8-22769d9b8d8e'] = $pane;
$display->panels['os_bottom_left'][1] = 'new-f29e6e7e-d5c9-4bfd-b2b8-22769d9b8d8e';
$pane = new stdClass();
$pane->pid = 'new-7ae087d4-887e-4b54-b980-44fb87245089';
$pane->panel = 'os_bottom_right';
$pane->type = 'block';
$pane->subtype = 'groups_homepage-groups_community_stats';
$pane->shown = TRUE;
$pane->access = array();
$pane->configuration = array(
'override_title' => 0,
'override_title_text' => '',
$pane->cache = array();
$pane->style = array(
'settings' => NULL,
$pane->css = array();
$pane->extras = array();
$pane->position = 0;
$pane->locks = array();
$pane->uuid = '7ae087d4-887e-4b54-b980-44fb87245089';
$display->content['new-7ae087d4-887e-4b54-b980-44fb87245089'] = $pane;
$display->panels['os_bottom_right'][0] = 'new-7ae087d4-887e-4b54-b980-44fb87245089';
$pane = new stdClass();
$pane->pid = 'new-6b115d65-3d2e-4c7e-ad86-fd17d190afc0';
$pane->panel = 'os_top';
$pane->type = 'views';
$pane->subtype = 'groups_map';
$pane->shown = TRUE;
$pane->access = array();
$pane->configuration = array(
'override_pager_settings' => 0,
'use_pager' => 0,
'nodes_per_page' => '0',
'pager_id' => '0',
'offset' => '0',
'more_link' => 0,
'feed_icons' => 0,
'panel_args' => 0,
'link_to_view' => 0,
'args' => '',
'url' => '',
'display' => 'default',
'override_title' => 0,
'override_title_text' => '',
$pane->cache = array();
$pane->style = array(
'settings' => NULL,
$pane->css = array();
$pane->extras = array();
$pane->position = 0;
$pane->locks = array();
$pane->uuid = '6b115d65-3d2e-4c7e-ad86-fd17d190afc0';
$display->content['new-6b115d65-3d2e-4c7e-ad86-fd17d190afc0'] = $pane;
$display->panels['os_top'][0] = 'new-6b115d65-3d2e-4c7e-ad86-fd17d190afc0';
$pane = new stdClass();
$pane->pid = 'new-c2b9e460-b848-d8f4-8153-cf0687afd8ea';
$pane->panel = 'os_top';
$pane->type = 'block';
$pane->subtype = 'groups_homepage-groups_find_nearby';
$pane->shown = TRUE;
$pane->access = array();
$pane->configuration = array(
'override_title' => 1,
'override_title_text' => '<none>',
$pane->cache = array();
$pane->style = array(
'settings' => NULL,
$pane->css = array();
$pane->extras = array();
$pane->position = 1;
$pane->locks = array();
$pane->uuid = 'c2b9e460-b848-d8f4-8153-cf0687afd8ea';
$display->content['new-c2b9e460-b848-d8f4-8153-cf0687afd8ea'] = $pane;
$display->panels['os_top'][1] = 'new-c2b9e460-b848-d8f4-8153-cf0687afd8ea';
$display->hide_title = PANELS_TITLE_NONE;
$display->title_pane = '0';
$handler->conf['display'] = $display;
$page->default_handlers[$handler->name] = $handler;
$pages['groups_home'] = $page;
return $pages;