
18 lines
868 B

Your OpenStack sign-up has been approved!
Please follow this link to finalise access to your new OpenStack project:
{{ tokenurl }}{{ token }}
{% if task.cache.user_state == "default" %}
You will be asked to define a password, after that you will be given access to the project and will be able to login
{% elif task.cache.user_state == "disabled" %}
It appears you already have a user account that was disabled. We've reactivated it, but because it may have been a while we've reset your password. After you setup your new password you will be given access to your new project and will be able to login.
{% endif %}
This link expires automatically after 24 hours. If expired, you can simply go to the dashboard and request a password reset.
You can find examples and documentation on using Openstack at
Kind regards,
The Openstack team