
225 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import os
import stat
import sys
import paste
from paste import translogger # noqa
import pecan
from anchor import jsonloader
from anchor import validators
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ConfigValidationException(Exception):
def config_check_domains(validator_set):
for name, step in validator_set.items():
if 'allowed_domains' in step:
for domain in step['allowed_domains']:
if not domain.startswith('.'):
raise ConfigValidationException(
"Domain that does not start with "
"a '.' <{}>".format(domain))
def _check_file_permissions(path):
# checks that file is owner readable only
expected_permissions = (stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IFREG) # 0o100400
st = os.stat(path)
if st.st_mode != expected_permissions:
raise ConfigValidationException("CA file: %s has incorrect "
"permissions set, expected "
"owner readable only" % path)
def _check_file_exists(path):
if not (os.path.isfile(path) and
os.access(path, os.R_OK)):
raise ConfigValidationException("could not read file: %s" %
def validate_config(conf):
for old_name in ['auth', 'ca', 'validators']:
if old_name in conf.config:
raise ConfigValidationException("The config seems to be for an "
"old version of Anchor. Please "
"check documentation.")
if not conf.config.get('registration_authority'):
raise ConfigValidationException("No registration authorities present")
if not conf.config.get('signing_ca'):
raise ConfigValidationException("No signing CA configurations present")
if not conf.config.get('authentication'):
raise ConfigValidationException("No authentication methods present")
for name in conf.registration_authority.keys():"Checking config for registration authority: %s", name)
validate_registration_authority_config(name, conf)
for name in conf.signing_ca.keys():"Checking config for signing ca: %s", name)
validate_signing_ca_config(name, conf)
for name in conf.authentication.keys():"Checking config for authentication method: %s", name)
validate_authentication_config(name, conf)
def validate_authentication_config(name, conf):
auth_conf = conf.authentication[name]
default_user = "myusername"
default_secret = "simplepassword"
if not auth_conf.get('backend'):
raise ConfigValidationException(
"Authentication method %s doesn't define backend" % name)
if auth_conf['backend'] not in ('static', 'keystone', 'ldap'):
raise ConfigValidationException(
"Authentication backend % unknown" % (auth_conf['backend'],))
# Check for anchor being run with default user/secret
if auth_conf['backend'] == 'static':
if auth_conf['user'] == default_user:
logger.warning("default user for static auth in use")
if auth_conf['secret'] == default_secret:
logger.warning("default secret for static auth in use")
def validate_signing_ca_config(name, conf):
ca_conf = conf.signing_ca[name]
# mandatory CA settings
ca_config_requirements = ["cert_path", "key_path", "output_path",
"signing_hash", "valid_hours"]
for requirement in ca_config_requirements:
if requirement not in ca_conf.keys():
raise ConfigValidationException(
"CA config missing: %s (for signing CA %s)" % (requirement,
# all are specified, check the CA certificate and key are readable with
# sane permissions
def validate_registration_authority_config(ra_name, conf):
ra_conf = conf.registration_authority[ra_name]
auth_name = ra_conf.get('authentication')
if not auth_name:
raise ConfigValidationException(
"No authentication configured for registration authority: %s" %
if not conf.authentication.get(auth_name):
raise ConfigValidationException(
"Authentication method %s configured for registration authority "
"%s doesn't exist" % (auth_name, ra_name))
ca_name = ra_conf.get('signing_ca')
if not ca_name:
raise ConfigValidationException(
"No signing CA configuration present for registration authority: "
"%s" % ra_name)
if not conf.signing_ca.get(ca_name):
raise ConfigValidationException(
"Signing CA %s configured for registration authority %s doesn't "
"exist" % (ca_name, ra_name))
if not ra_conf.get("validators"):
raise ConfigValidationException(
"No validators configured for registration authority: %s" %
ra_validators = ra_conf['validators']
for step in ra_validators.keys():
if not hasattr(validators, step):
raise ConfigValidationException(
"Unknown validator <{}> found (for registration "
"authority {})".format(step, ra_name))
config_check_domains(ra_validators)"Validators OK for registration authority: %s", ra_name)
def load_config():
"""Attempt to find and load a JSON configuration file.
We will search in various locations in order for a valid config file
to use:
- the contents of 'ANCHOR_CONF' environment variable
- a local 'config.json' file in the invocation folder
- a HOME/.config/anchor/config.json file
- a /etc/anchor/config.json fiile
config_name = 'ANCHOR_CONF'
local_config_path = 'config.json'
user_config_path = os.path.join(
os.environ['HOME'], '.config', 'anchor', 'config.json')
sys_config_path = os.path.join(os.sep, 'etc', 'anchor', 'config.json')
if 'registration_authority' not in jsonloader.conf.config:
config_path = ""
if config_name in os.environ:
config_path = os.environ[config_name]
elif os.path.isfile(local_config_path):
config_path = local_config_path
elif os.path.isfile(user_config_path):
config_path = user_config_path
elif os.path.isfile(sys_config_path):
config_path = sys_config_path
logger = logging.getLogger("anchor")"using config: {}".format(config_path))
def setup_app(config):
# initial logging, will be re-configured later
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
app_conf = dict(
app = pecan.make_app(
return paste.translogger.TransLogger(app, setup_console_handler=False)