--- # Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Build the wheels on the build host delegate_to: "{{ venv_build_host }}" block: # NOTE(jrosser) remove the use: parameter when https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/82598 is fixed - name: Install distro packages for wheel build vars: _python_wheel_build_package_list: "{{ venv_build_base_distro_package_list | union(venv_build_distro_package_list) }}" package: name: "{{ _python_wheel_build_package_list }}" state: "{{ venv_distro_package_state }}" update_cache: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary('yes', omit) }}" cache_valid_time: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary(venv_distro_cache_valid_time, omit) }}" use: "{{ ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] }}" when: - _python_wheel_build_package_list | length > 0 register: _install_build_distro_packages until: _install_build_distro_packages is success retries: 5 delay: 2 - name: Clean up paths and files if venv_wheels_rebuild is enabled file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: - "{{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-requirements.txt" - "{{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-global-constraints.txt" - "{{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-source-constraints.txt" - "{{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-constraints.txt" when: - venv_wheels_rebuild | bool - name: Create wheel directory on the build host file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory owner: "{{ venv_build_host_user_name | default(omit) }}" group: "{{ venv_build_host_group_name | default(omit) }}" mode: "0755" with_items: - "{{ venv_build_host_wheel_path }}" - "{{ venv_build_host_requirements_path }}" - "{{ venv_build_host_venv_path }}" - name: Build requirement and constraint files for the venv copy: dest: "{{ item.dest }}" content: "{{ item.content }}" owner: "{{ venv_build_host_user_name | default(omit) }}" group: "{{ venv_build_host_group_name | default(omit) }}" mode: "0644" with_items: - dest: "{{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-requirements.txt" content: |- {% for item in _venv_pip_packages | select() %} {{ item }} {% endfor %} - dest: "{{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-global-constraints.txt" content: |- {% for item in venv_build_global_constraints | select() %} {{ item }} {% endfor %} - dest: "{{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-source-constraints.txt" content: |- {% for item in venv_build_constraints | select() %} {{ item }} {% endfor %} register: _requirements_contraints - name: Upgrade the wheel build virtualenv pip/setuptools/wheel to the versions we want pip: name: - pip - setuptools - wheel state: "{{ venv_pip_package_state }}" virtualenv: "{{ venv_build_host_venv_path }}" virtualenv_command: "{{ venv_python_executable }} -m venv" extra_args: >- --constraint {{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-global-constraints.txt --constraint {{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-source-constraints.txt --find-links {{ venv_build_host_wheel_path }}/ --log /var/log/python_venv_build.log {{ venv_pip_build_args }} environment: "{{ venv_pip_build_env | combine(_pip_upgrade_noconf) }}" vars: _pip_upgrade_noconf: PIP_CONFIG_FILE: "{{ (venv_pip_upgrade_noconf | bool) | ternary('/dev/null', '') }}" register: _update_virtualenv_packages until: _update_virtualenv_packages is success retries: 5 delay: 2 - name: Build wheels and constraints file when: _requirements_contraints.results | selectattr('changed') | length > 0 block: - name: Clean up temporary wheel build path file: path: "/tmp/{{ venv_install_destination_path | basename }}" state: absent - name: Build wheels for the packages to be installed into the venv # noqa: no-changed-when command: >- {{ venv_build_host_venv_path }}/bin/pip wheel --requirement {{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-requirements.txt --constraint {{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-global-constraints.txt --constraint {{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-source-constraints.txt --wheel-dir /tmp/{{ venv_install_destination_path | basename }}/ --find-links {{ venv_build_host_wheel_path }}/ --log /var/log/python_wheel_build.log {{ venv_pip_build_args }} environment: "{{ venv_pip_build_env }}" register: _build_python_wheels until: _build_python_wheels is success retries: 5 delay: 2 - name: Index built wheels find: paths: "/tmp/{{ venv_install_destination_path | basename }}" file_type: file register: _built_wheels - name: Set wheel permissions file: path: "/tmp/{{ venv_install_destination_path | basename }}" owner: "{{ venv_build_host_user_name | default(omit) }}" group: "{{ venv_build_host_group_name | default(omit) }}" state: directory recurse: yes when: - (venv_build_host_user_name is defined) or (venv_build_host_group_name is defined) - name: Move built wheels to common wheel path shell: >- mv /tmp/{{ venv_install_destination_path | basename }}/* {{ venv_build_host_wheel_path }}/ changed_when: false args: executable: /bin/bash - name: Build constraints file for installation purposes copy: content: |- {% for file_data in _built_wheels['files'] %} {% set file_name = file_data['path'] | basename %} {{ file_name.split('-')[0] | lower }}=={{ (file_name.split('-')[1].split('_')) | join('.post') | lower }} {% endfor %} dest: "{{ _venv_build_requirements_prefix }}-constraints.txt" owner: "{{ venv_build_host_user_name | default(omit) }}" group: "{{ venv_build_host_group_name | default(omit) }}" mode: "0644"