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# Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Required variables
# The path where venvs are extracted to
# on the target host during an install, for example:
# venv_destination_path: "/openstack/venvs/myvenv"
# Optional variables
# Distribution packages which must be installed
# on the host for the purpose of building the venv.
distro_package_list: []
# Set the package install state for packages
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
distro_package_state: "latest"
pip_package_state: "latest"
# The time in seconds that the distribution package
# cache is valid for. This is only used by the apt
# and zypper package managers.
distro_cache_valid_time: 600
# Python packages which must be installed
# on to the host for the purpose of building
# the venv.
host_pip_packages: []
# Arguments to pass to the installation
# of pip packages on the host.
host_pip_install_args: ""
# Python packages which must be installed
# into the venv.
venv_pip_packages: []
# Arguments to pass to the venv build
venv_pip_install_args: ""
# Enable the reuse of venvs across multiple hosts.
# This sets the build process to copy the venv to
# the deployment host once it's built, then to
# re-use the venv in subsequent deployments.
venv_reuse_enable: yes
# Enable the ability to *only* do the build, so that
# the deploy host can be pre-populated with the venvs.
venv_reuse_build_only: no
# Enable the use of wheels to speed up the venv
# build process, especially when building multiple
# venvs.
venv_reuse_build_wheels: yes
# The path where a built venv should be stored on the
# deployment host. By default, ensure that the location
# separates venvs per distribution and architecture to
# prevent re-use of venvs between them.
venv_reuse_download_venv_path: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') | default('/opt', true) }}/cache/venvs/{{ venv_reuse_download_subfolder }}"
# NOTE(hwoarang): ansible_distribution may return a string with spaces
# such as "openSUSE Leap" so we need to replace the space with underscore
# in order to create a more sensible repo name for the distro.
venv_reuse_download_subfolder: "{{ (ansible_distribution | lower) | replace(' ', '_') }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version.split('.')[:2] | join('.') }}-{{ ansible_architecture | lower }}"
# The owner of the venv_reuse_download_venv_path
venv_reuse_download_path_owner: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') | default('root', true) }}"
# The path where the wheels are cached on the target host
# for speeding up the build process.
venv_wheel_destination_path: "/var/cache/python_wheels"
# The facts to set when the venv changes during a
# build, or the installation of a venv.
# Eg:
# set_facts_when_changed:
# - section: glance
# option: venv_tag
# value: "{{ glance_venv_tag }}"
venv_facts_when_changed: []
# The INI file name to use for the fact setting.
venv_facts_dest: "openstack_ansible"