=========================== Section Five: Block Storage =========================== .. todo:: (For nick: Restructure the introduction to this chapter to provide context of what we're actually going to do.) By default, data in OpenStack instances is stored on 'ephemeral' disks. These stay with the instance throughout its lifetime, but when the instance is terminated, that storage disappears -- along with all the data stored on it. Ephemeral storage is allocated to a single instance and cannot be moved to another instance. In this section, we will introduce block storage. Block storage (sometimes referred to as volume storage) provides you with access to persistent storage devices. You interact with block storage by attaching volumes to running instances, just as you might attach a USB drive to a physical server. Volumes can be detached from one instance and re-attached to another, and the data remains intact. Block storage is implemented in OpenStack by the OpenStack Block Storage (cinder) project. One component of the Fractal app that cannot be allowed to fail is the database server, which is used to keep track of all of the data about fractals that have been created, including their storage location. So while you may have configured the images to be stored in Object Storage in the previous section, without the database we lose track of where in Object Storage they are, and the parameters that were used to create them. Advanced users should consider how to remove the database from the architecture altogether and replace it with metadata in the Object Storage (then contribute these steps to :doc:`section9`). Others should read on to learn about how to work with block storage and move the Fractal app database server to use it. Basics ------ Later on, we'll use a volume from the block storage service to provide persistent storage for the Fractal app's database server, but first - let's cover the basics, such as creating and attaching a block storage device. .. only:: dotnet .. warning:: This section has not yet been completed for the .NET SDK .. only:: fog .. warning:: This section has not yet been completed for the fog SDK .. only:: jclouds .. warning:: This section has not yet been completed for the jclouds SDK .. only:: node .. warning:: This section has not yet been completed for the pkgcloud SDK .. only:: openstacksdk .. warning:: This section has not yet been completed for the OpenStack SDK .. only:: phpopencloud .. warning:: This section has not yet been completed for the PHP-OpenCloud SDK As always, connect to the API endpoint: .. only:: libcloud .. code-block:: python from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver auth_username = 'your_auth_username' auth_password = 'your_auth_password' auth_url = 'http://controller:5000' project_name = 'your_project_name_or_id' region_name = 'your_region_name' provider = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK) connection = provider(auth_username, auth_password, ex_force_auth_url=auth_url, ex_force_auth_version='2.0_password', ex_tenant_name=project_name, ex_force_service_region=region_name) To try it out, make a 1GB volume called :test'. .. only:: libcloud .. code-block:: python volume = connection.create_volume(1, 'test') print(volume) :: .. note:: The parameter :code:`size` is in GigaBytes. List all volumes to see if it was successful: .. only:: libcloud .. code-block:: python volumes = connection.list_volumes() print(volumes) :: [] Now that you have created a storage volume, let's attach it to an already running instance. Using Block Storage for the Fractal Database Server --------------------------------------------------- Firstly, we're going to need a new server for our dedicated database. Start a new instance called :code:`app-database` using the image, flavor and keypair you have been using since :doc:`/section1`. We will also need a new security group to allow access to the database server (for mysql, port 3306) from the network: .. only:: libcloud .. code-block:: python db_group = connection.ex_create_security_group('database', 'for database service') connection.ex_create_security_group_rule(db_group, 'TCP', 3306, 3306) instance = connection.create_node(name='app-database', image=image, size=flavor, ex_keyname=keypair_name, ex_security_groups=[db_group]) Using the unique identifier (UUID) for the volume, make a new volume object, then use the server object from the previous snippet and attach the volume to it at :code:`/dev/vdb`: .. only:: libcloud .. code-block:: python volume = connection.ex_get_volume('755ab026-b5f2-4f53-b34a-6d082fb36689') connection.attach_volume(instance, volume, '/dev/vdb') Log in to the server to be able to run the following steps. .. note:: Replace :code:`IP_SERVICES` with the IP address of the services instance and USERNAME to the appropriate username. Now prepare the empty block device. :: $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa USERNAME@IP_SERVICES # fdisk -l # mke2fs /dev/vdb # mkdir /mnt/database # mount /dev/vdb /mnt/database .. todo:: Outputs missing, add attaching log from dmesg. Stop the running MySQL database service and move the database files from :code:`/var/lib/mysql` onto the new volume (temporary mounted at :code:`/mnt/database`). :: # systemctl stop mariadb # mv /var/lib/mysql/* /mnt/database Sync the filesystems and mount the new blockdevice now containing the database files to :code:`/var/lib/mysql`. :: # sync # umount /mnt/database # rm -rf /mnt/database # echo "/dev/vdb /var/lib/mysql ext4 defaults 1 2" >> /etc/fstab # mount /var/lib/mysql Finally start the previously stopped MySQL database service and check if everything is working like expected. :: # systemctl start mariadb # mysql -ufaafo -ppassword -h localhost faafo -e 'show tables;' Extras ------ You can detach the volume and re-attach it elsewhere, or destroy the volume with the below steps. .. warning:: The following operations are destructive and will result in data loss. To detach and destroy a volume: .. only:: libcloud .. code-block:: python connection.detach_volume(volume) :: True .. code-block:: python connection.destroy_volume(volume) .. note:: :code:`detach_volume` and :code:`destroy_volume` take a volume object, not a name. There are also many other useful features, such as the ability to create snapshots of volumes (handy for backups): .. only:: libcloud .. code-block:: python * snapshot_name = 'test_backup_1' connnection.create_volume_snapshot('test', name='test backup 1') .. todo:: Do we need a note here to mention that 'test' is the volume name and not the volume object? You can find information about these calls and more in the `libcloud documentation `_. Working with the OpenStack Database service ------------------------------------------- You created the database manually above, which is fine for a case with a single database you won't touch often like this. However, OpenStack also has a component code-named :code:`trove` that provides Database as a Service (DBaaS). .. note:: This OpenStack Database service is not installed in many clouds right now, but if your cloud does support it, it can make your life a lot easier when working with databases. SDKs don't generally support the service yet, but you can use the 'trove' commandline client to work with it instead. Install the trove commandline client by following this guide: http://docs.openstack.org/cli-reference/content/install_clients.html Then set up the necessary variables for your cloud in an 'openrc' file using this guide: http://docs.openstack.org/cli-reference/content/cli_openrc.html Ensure you have an openrc.sh file, source it and then check your trove client works: :: $ cat openrc.sh export OS_USERNAME=your_auth_username export OS_PASSWORD=your_auth_password export OS_TENANT_NAME=your_project_name export OS_AUTH_URL=http://controller:5000/v2.0 export OS_REGION_NAME=your_region_name $ source openrc.sh $ trove --version 1.0.9 From there, you can find a good resource on what is supported and how to use in `these slides `_. Steps to work with an existing database service installation start on slide 28. Next Steps ---------- You should now be fairly confident working with Block Storage volumes. There are several calls we did not cover. To see these and more, refer to the volume documentation of your SDK, or try a different step in the tutorial, including: * :doc:`/section6` - to automatically orchestrate the application * :doc:`/section7` - to learn about more complex networking * :doc:`/section8` - for advice for developers new to operations