[tox] minversion = 1.6 envlist = linters,checkbuild skipsdist = True [testenv] basepython = python3 setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir} deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt whitelist_externals = bash mkdir mv rsync [testenv:venv] commands = {posargs} [testenv:linters] commands = doc8 api-quick-start [testenv:checkbuild] basepython = python2 commands = # Build and copy RST Guides {toxinidir}/tools/build-all-rst.sh # Build website index {toxinidir}/tools/build-index.sh build [testenv:publishdocs] # Prepare documents (without www) so that they can get published on # developer.openstack.org with just copying publish-docs/api-ref over. commands = # Build and copy API Quick Start {toxinidir}/tools/build-api-quick-start.sh # Build website index {toxinidir}/tools/build-index.sh publish [testenv:checklang] whitelist_externals = doc-tools-check-languages commands = doc-tools-check-languages doc-tools-check-languages.conf test all [testenv:buildlang] # Run as "tox -e buildlang -- $LANG" whitelist_externals = doc-tools-check-languages commands = doc-tools-check-languages doc-tools-check-languages.conf test {posargs} [testenv:publishlang] # Publish translated documents to developer.openstack.org with just # copying publish-docs over. whitelist_externals = doc-tools-check-languages mkdir mv rm ls commands = # Cleanup first - important when this environment runs locally # multiple times. rm -rf publish-docs doc-tools-check-languages doc-tools-check-languages.conf publish all [testenv:generatepot-rst] # Generate POT files for translation, needs {posargs} like: # tox -e generatepot-rst -- firstapp commands = {toxinidir}/tools/generatepot-rst.sh api-site 0 {posargs} [testenv:docs] commands = {toxinidir}/tools/build-all-rst.sh [testenv:api-quick-start] commands = {toxinidir}/tools/build-api-quick-start.sh [doc8] # Settings for doc8: # Ignore target directories ignore-path = common/ # File extensions to use extensions = .rst,.txt # Ignore lines longer than 79 chars ignore = D001