
168 lines
6.6 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
- name: "Update Package Cache"
apt: update_cache=yes
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- name: "Install packages"
action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
with_items: "{{ required_packages }}"
- name: "If running in CI, set source install facts just to be sure"
shade_source_install: true
ironicclient_source_install: true
when: ci_testing | bool == true
- name: "If VENV is set in the environment, enable installation into venv"
enable_venv: true
when: lookup('env', 'VENV') | length > 0
# NOTE(TheJulia) While we don't necessarilly require /opt/stack any longer
# and it should already be created by the Ansible setup, we will leave this
# here for the time being.
- name: "Ensure /opt/stack is present"
file: name=/opt/stack state=directory owner=root group=root
- name: "OpenStack Client - Install"
include: pip_install.yml
extra_args="-c {{ upper_constraints_file }}"
when: skip_install is not defined
- name: "proliantutils - Install from pip"
include: pip_install.yml
extra_args="-c {{ upper_constraints_file }}"
when: skip_install is not defined
- name: "UcsSdk - Install from pip"
include: pip_install.yml
extra_args="-c {{ upper_constraints_file }}"
when: skip_install is not defined
# TODO(dtantsur): only do this is the iscsi deploy interface is enabled
- name: "Install iSCSI client if PXE driver support is enabled"
action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ iscsi_client_package }} state=present"
when: skip_install is not defined
# NOTE(pas-ha) even when install into virtualenv is requested,
# we need to install shade into system for enroll-dynamic to succeed
- block:
- name: install shade from PyPI
command: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].ansible_python.executable }} -m pip install shade"
when: not (shade_source_install | default(false) | bool)
- name: install shade from source
command: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].ansible_python.executable }} -m pip install {{ shade_git_folder }}"
when: shade_source_install | default(false) | bool
when: skip_install is not defined
- name: "Diskimage-builder - Install"
include: pip_install.yml
sourcedir={{ dib_git_folder }}
# NOTE(TheJulia): DIB is in upper-constraints and can't be constrainted
# as a result.
when: skip_install is not defined and install_dib | bool == true
- name: "Ironic Client - Install"
include: pip_install.yml
sourcedir={{ ironicclient_git_folder }}
source_install={{ ironicclient_source_install }}
# NOTE(TheJulia): We do not explicitly define an upper constraints file
# to be utilized in order to allow newer versions to be installed.
when: skip_install is not defined
- name: "Install configparser in venv if using"
include: pip_install.yml
virtualenv={{ bifrost_venv_dir }}
extra_args="-c {{ upper_constraints_file }}"
when: skip_install is not defined and (enable_venv | bool == true)
- name: "Install pymysql in venv if using"
include: pip_install.yml
virtualenv={{ bifrost_venv_dir }}
extra_args="-c {{ upper_constraints_file }}"
when: skip_install is not defined and (enable_venv | bool == true)
# NOTE(hwoarang): The python-pymysql package is not available on the CentOS7
# and old Debian/Ubuntu repositories so we need to get it via pip
- name: "Install pymysql on CentOS/Ubuntu if necessary"
include: pip_install.yml
extra_args="-c {{ upper_constraints_file }}"
- skip_install is not defined
- enable_venv | bool == false
- (ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' and ansible_distribution_major_version|version_compare('7', '<=')) or
(ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version|version_compare('14.10', '==')) or
(ansible_distribution == 'Fedora' and ansible_distribution_version|version_compare('25', '>='))
- name: "Install extra packages for ironic"
include: pip_install.yml
package={{ item }}
extra_args="-c {{ upper_constraints_file }}"
with_items: "{{ ironic_extra_packages }}"
- name: "Install Ironic using pip"
include: pip_install.yml
sourcedir={{ ironic_git_folder }}
extra_args="--no-cache-dir --upgrade -c {{ upper_constraints_file }}"
when: skip_install is not defined
- name: "Install ironic-inspector to permit use of inspection interface"
include: inspector_install.yml
when: skip_install is not defined and enable_inspector | bool == true
- name: "Install ironic-staging-drivers"
include: staging_install.yml
when: skip_install is not defined and staging_drivers_include | bool == true
# NOTE(pas-ha) even when install into virtualenv is requested,
# we need to install shade into system for enroll-dynamic to succeed
- block:
- name: install shade from PyPI
command: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].ansible_python.executable }} -m pip install shade"
when: not (shade_source_install | default(false) | bool)
- name: install shade from source
command: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].ansible_python.executable }} -m pip install {{ shade_git_folder }}"
when: shade_source_install | default(false) | bool
when: skip_install is not defined
# NOTE(TheJulia): Install openstacksdk since shade wraps to openstacksdk and the
# logic is largely going into openstacksdk as time goes on.
- block:
- name: install openstacksdk from PyPI
command: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].ansible_python.executable }} -m pip install openstacksdk"
when: not (openstacksdk_source_install | default(false) | bool)
- name: install openstacksdk from source
command: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].ansible_python.executable }} -m pip install {{ openstacksdk_git_folder }}"
when: openstacksdk_source_install | default(false) | bool
when: skip_install is not defined