Add instance reservation plugin

This patch adds a new instance plugin. It is a first cut for the plugin.
Currently, the plugin only creates reservations but doesn't handle
starting and ending reservations.

Partially implements: blueprint new-instance-reservation
Change-Id: I60d93829bd05f0be48ba07b01f76a1f6bf190cf8
This commit is contained in:
Masahito Muroi 2017-06-21 17:54:55 +09:00 committed by Hiroaki Kobayashi
parent 1bedac5001
commit b835f311a1
7 changed files with 432 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -57,6 +57,19 @@ def _get_leases_from_host_id(host_id, start_date, end_date):
yield lease
def get_reservations_by_host_id(host_id, start_date, end_date):
session = get_session()
border0 = sa.and_(models.Lease.start_date < start_date,
models.Lease.end_date < start_date)
border1 = sa.and_(models.Lease.start_date > end_date,
models.Lease.end_date > end_date)
query = (session.query(models.Reservation).join(models.Lease)
.filter(models.ComputeHostAllocation.compute_host_id == host_id)
.filter(~sa.or_(border0, border1)))
return query.all()
def get_free_periods(resource_id, start_date, end_date, duration):
"""Returns a list of free periods."""
full_periods = get_full_periods(resource_id,

View File

@ -103,6 +103,10 @@ def to_dict(func):
return decorator
def get_reservations_by_host_id(host_id, start_date, end_date):
return IMPL.get_reservations_by_host_id(host_id, start_date, end_date)
def get_free_periods(resource_id, start_date, end_date, duration):
"""Returns a list of free periods."""
return IMPL.get_free_periods(resource_id, start_date, end_date, duration)

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 NTT.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils.strutils import bool_from_string
from blazar.db import api as db_api
from blazar.db import utils as db_utils
from blazar import exceptions
from blazar.manager import exceptions as mgr_exceptions
from blazar.plugins import base
from blazar.plugins import oshosts
from blazar.utils import plugins as plugins_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RESOURCE_TYPE = u'virtual:instance'
class VirtualInstancePlugin(base.BasePlugin):
"""Plugin for virtual instance resources."""
resource_type = RESOURCE_TYPE
title = 'Virtual Instance Plugin'
def __init__(self):
super(VirtualInstancePlugin, self).__init__()
self.freepool_name = CONF.nova.aggregate_freepool_name
def filter_hosts_by_reservation(self, hosts, start_date, end_date):
free = []
non_free = []
for host in hosts:
reservations = db_utils.get_reservations_by_host_id(host['id'],
if reservations == []:
free.append({'host': host, 'reservations': None})
elif not filter(lambda x: x['resource_type'] ==
oshosts.RESOURCE_TYPE, reservations):
non_free.append({'host': host, 'reservations': reservations})
return free, non_free
def max_usages(self, host, reservations):
# TODO(masahito): needs to check the max usage of the host in the
# time window
return 0, 0, 0
def pickup_hosts(self, cpus, memory, disk, amount, start_date, end_date):
"""Checks whether Blazar can accommodate the request.
This method filters and pick up hosts for this reservation
with following steps.
1. filter hosts that have a spec enough to accommodate the flavor
2. categorize hosts allocated_hosts and not_allocated_hosts
at the reservation time frame
3. filter out hosts used by physical host reservation from
4. filter out hosts that can't accommodate the flavor at the
time frame because of others reservations
flavor_definitions = [
[">=", "$vcpus", str(cpus)],
[">=", "$memory_mb", str(memory)],
[">=", "$local_gb", str(disk)],
filters = plugins_utils.convert_requirements(flavor_definitions)
hosts = db_api.host_get_all_by_queries(filters)
free_hosts, reserved_hosts = \
self.filter_hosts_by_reservation(hosts, start_date, end_date)
host_ids = []
for host_info in reserved_hosts:
host = host_info['host']
reservations = host_info['reservations']
max_cpus, max_memory, max_disk = self.max_usages(host,
if not (max_cpus + cpus > host['vcpus'] or
max_memory + memory > host['memory_mb'] or
max_disk + disk > host['local_gb']):
if len(host_ids) >= int(amount):
return host_ids[:int(amount)]
elif len(host_ids) + len(free_hosts) >= int(amount):
host_ids.extend([h['host']['id'] for h in free_hosts])
return host_ids[:int(amount)]
raise mgr_exceptions.HostNotFound("The reservation can't be "
"accommodate because of less "
def validate_reservation_param(self, values):
marshall_attributes = set(['vcpus', 'memory_mb', 'disk_gb',
'amount', 'affinity'])
missing_params = marshall_attributes - set(values.keys())
if missing_params:
def reserve_resource(self, reservation_id, values):
# TODO(masahito) the instance reservation plugin only supports
# anti-affinity rule in short-term goal.
if bool_from_string(values['affinity']):
raise exceptions.BlazarException('affinity = True is not '
host_ids = self.pickup_hosts(values['vcpus'], values['memory_mb'],
values['disk_gb'], values['amount'],
values['start_date'], values['end_date'])
instance_reservation_val = {
'reservation_id': reservation_id,
'vcpus': values['vcpus'],
'memory_mb': values['memory_mb'],
'disk_gb': values['disk_gb'],
'amount': values['amount'],
'affinity': bool_from_string(values['affinity']),
instance_reservation = db_api.instance_reservation_create(
for host_id in host_ids:
db_api.host_allocation_create({'compute_host_id': host_id,
'reservation_id': reservation_id})
return instance_reservation['id']
def update_reservation(self, reservation_id, values):
raise NotImplementedError("resource type virtual:instance doesn't "
"support updates of reservation.")
def on_start(self, resource_id):
def on_end(self, resource_id):

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def _create_physical_lease(values=_get_fake_phys_lease_values(),
for reservation in db_api.reservation_get_all_by_lease_id(lease['id']):
allocation_values = {
'id': _get_fake_random_uuid(),
'compute_host_id': values['reservations'][0]['resource_id'],
'compute_host_id': reservation['resource_id'],
'reservation_id': reservation['id']
@ -109,6 +109,15 @@ class SQLAlchemyDBUtilsTestCase(tests.DBTestCase):
def check_reservation(self, expect, host_id, start, end):
expect.sort(key=lambda x: x['lease_id'])
ret = db_utils.get_reservations_by_host_id(host_id, start, end)
for i, res in enumerate(sorted(ret, key=lambda x: x['lease_id'])):
self.assertEqual(expect[i]['lease_id'], res['lease_id'])
self.assertEqual(expect[i]['resource_id'], res['resource_id'])
self.assertEqual(expect[i]['resource_type'], res['resource_type'])
def test_get_free_periods(self):
"""Find the free periods."""
@ -328,5 +337,44 @@ class SQLAlchemyDBUtilsTestCase(tests.DBTestCase):
end_date=_get_datetime('2030-01-01 13:00')),
def test_get_reservations_by_host_id(self):
self.check_reservation([], 'r1',
'2030-01-01 07:00', '2030-01-01 08:59')
ret = db_api.reservation_get_all_by_lease_id('lease1')
self.check_reservation(ret, 'r1',
'2030-01-01 08:00', '2030-01-01 10:00')
ret = db_api.reservation_get_all_by_lease_id('lease1')
self.check_reservation(ret, 'r1',
'2030-01-01 08:00', '2030-01-01 15:30')
self.check_reservation([], 'r4',
'2030-01-01 07:00', '2030-01-01 15:00')
def test_get_reservations_by_host_id_with_multi_reservation(self):
fake_lease = _get_fake_phys_lease_values(
start_date=_get_datetime('2030-01-01 15:00'),
end_date=_get_datetime('2030-01-01 16:00'),
expected = db_api.reservation_get_all_by_values(
**{'resource_id': 'r1'})
self.assertEqual(3, len(expected))
self.check_reservation(expected, 'r1',
'2030-01-01 08:00', '2030-01-01 17:00')
# TODO(frossigneux) longest_availability
# TODO(frossigneux) shortest_availability

View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 NTT.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from blazar.db import api as db_api
from blazar.db import utils as db_utils
from blazar import exceptions
from blazar.manager import exceptions as mgr_exceptions
from blazar.plugins.instances import instance_plugin
from blazar.plugins import oshosts
from blazar import tests
class TestVirtualInstancePlugin(tests.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestVirtualInstancePlugin, self).setUp()
def get_input_values(self, vcpus, memory, disk, amount, affinity,
start, end, lease_id):
return {'vcpus': vcpus, 'memory_mb': memory, 'disk_gb': disk,
'amount': amount, 'affinity': affinity, 'start_date': start,
'end_date': end, 'lease_id': lease_id}
def generate_host_info(self, id, vcpus, memory, disk):
return {'id': id, 'vcpus': vcpus,
'memory_mb': memory, 'local_gb': disk}
def test_reserve_resource(self):
plugin = instance_plugin.VirtualInstancePlugin()
mock_pickup_hosts = self.patch(plugin, 'pickup_hosts')
mock_pickup_hosts.return_value = ['host1', 'host2']
mock_inst_create = self.patch(db_api, 'instance_reservation_create')
mock_inst_create.return_value = {'id': 'instance-reservation-id1'}
mock_alloc_create = self.patch(db_api, 'host_allocation_create')
inputs = self.get_input_values(2, 4018, 10, 1, False,
'2030-01-01 08:00', '2030-01-01 08:00',
expected_ret = 'instance-reservation-id1'
ret = plugin.reserve_resource('res_id1', inputs)
self.assertEqual(expected_ret, ret)
mock_alloc_create.assert_any_call({'compute_host_id': 'host1',
'reservation_id': 'res_id1'})
mock_alloc_create.assert_any_call({'compute_host_id': 'host2',
'reservation_id': 'res_id1'})
def test_error_with_affinity(self):
plugin = instance_plugin.VirtualInstancePlugin()
inputs = self.get_input_values(2, 4018, 10, 1, True,
'2030-01-01 08:00', '2030-01-01 08:00',
self.assertRaises(exceptions.BlazarException, plugin.reserve_resource,
'reservation_id', inputs)
def test_pickup_host_from_reserved_hosts(self):
def fake_max_usages(host, reservations):
if host['id'] == 'host-1':
return 4, 4096, 2000
return 0, 0, 0
def fake_get_reservation_by_host(host_id, start, end):
return [
{'id': '1', 'resource_type': instance_plugin.RESOURCE_TYPE},
{'id': '2', 'resource_type': instance_plugin.RESOURCE_TYPE}]
plugin = instance_plugin.VirtualInstancePlugin()
mock_host_get_query = self.patch(db_api, 'host_get_all_by_queries')
hosts_list = [self.generate_host_info('host-1', 4, 4096, 1000),
self.generate_host_info('host-2', 4, 4096, 1000),
self.generate_host_info('host-3', 4, 4096, 1000)]
mock_host_get_query.return_value = hosts_list
mock_get_reservations = self.patch(db_utils,
mock_get_reservations.side_effect = fake_get_reservation_by_host
plugin.max_usages = fake_max_usages
expected = ['host-2', 'host-3']
ret = plugin.pickup_hosts(1, 1024, 20, 2,
'2030-01-01 08:00', '2030-01-01 12:00')
self.assertEqual(expected, ret)
expected_query = ['vcpus >= 1', 'memory_mb >= 1024', 'local_gb >= 20']
def test_pickup_host_from_free_hosts(self):
def fake_get_reservation_by_host(host_id, start, end):
return []
plugin = instance_plugin.VirtualInstancePlugin()
mock_host_get_query = self.patch(db_api, 'host_get_all_by_queries')
hosts_list = [self.generate_host_info('host-1', 4, 4096, 1000),
self.generate_host_info('host-2', 4, 4096, 1000),
self.generate_host_info('host-3', 4, 4096, 1000)]
mock_host_get_query.return_value = hosts_list
mock_get_reservations = self.patch(db_utils,
mock_get_reservations.side_effect = fake_get_reservation_by_host
expected = ['host-1', 'host-2']
ret = plugin.pickup_hosts(1, 1024, 20, 2,
'2030-01-01 08:00', '2030-01-01 12:00')
self.assertEqual(expected, ret)
expected_query = ['vcpus >= 1', 'memory_mb >= 1024', 'local_gb >= 20']
def test_pickup_host_from_free_and_reserved_host(self):
def fake_get_reservation_by_host(host_id, start, end):
if host_id in ['host-1', 'host-3']:
return [
{'id': '1',
'resource_type': instance_plugin.RESOURCE_TYPE},
{'id': '2',
'resource_type': instance_plugin.RESOURCE_TYPE}
return []
plugin = instance_plugin.VirtualInstancePlugin()
mock_host_get_query = self.patch(db_api, 'host_get_all_by_queries')
hosts_list = [self.generate_host_info('host-1', 4, 4096, 1000),
self.generate_host_info('host-2', 4, 4096, 1000),
self.generate_host_info('host-3', 4, 4096, 1000)]
mock_host_get_query.return_value = hosts_list
mock_get_reservations = self.patch(db_utils,
mock_get_reservations.side_effect = fake_get_reservation_by_host
mock_max_usages = self.patch(plugin, 'max_usages')
mock_max_usages.return_value = (0, 0, 0)
expected = ['host-1', 'host-3']
ret = plugin.pickup_hosts(1, 1024, 20, 2,
'2030-01-01 08:00', '2030-01-01 12:00')
self.assertEqual(expected, ret)
expected_query = ['vcpus >= 1', 'memory_mb >= 1024', 'local_gb >= 20']
def test_pickup_host_from_less_hosts(self):
def fake_get_reservation_by_host(host_id, start, end):
if host_id in ['host-1', 'host-3']:
return [
{'id': '1',
'resource_type': oshosts.RESOURCE_TYPE},
{'id': '2',
'resource_type': instance_plugin.RESOURCE_TYPE}
return [
{'id': '1',
'resource_type': instance_plugin.RESOURCE_TYPE},
{'id': '2',
'resource_type': instance_plugin.RESOURCE_TYPE}
plugin = instance_plugin.VirtualInstancePlugin()
mock_host_get_query = self.patch(db_api, 'host_get_all_by_queries')
hosts_list = [self.generate_host_info('host-1', 4, 4096, 1000),
self.generate_host_info('host-2', 4, 4096, 1000),
self.generate_host_info('host-3', 4, 4096, 1000)]
mock_host_get_query.return_value = hosts_list
mock_get_reservations = self.patch(db_utils,
mock_get_reservations.side_effect = fake_get_reservation_by_host
mock_max_usages = self.patch(plugin, 'max_usages')
mock_max_usages.return_value = (1, 1024, 100)
self.assertRaises(mgr_exceptions.HostNotFound, plugin.pickup_hosts,
1, 1024, 20, 2,
'2030-01-01 08:00', '2030-01-01 12:00')