options: nagios_context: type: string default: "juju" description: | Used by the nrpe-external-master subordinate charm. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: juju-myservice-0 If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them. nagios_servicegroups: type: string default: "" description: | A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup use-internal-endpoints: type: boolean default: False description: | Openstack mostly defaults to using public endpoints for internal communication between services. If set to True this option will configure services to use internal endpoints where possible. rabbit-user: type: string default: ceilometer description: Username to request access on rabbitmq-server. rabbit-vhost: type: string default: openstack description: RabbitMQ virtual host to request access on rabbitmq-server.