import os import re from stat import S_ISBLK from subprocess import ( check_call, check_output, call ) def is_block_device(path): ''' Confirm device at path is a valid block device node. :returns: boolean: True if path is a block device, False if not. ''' if not os.path.exists(path): return False return S_ISBLK(os.stat(path).st_mode) def zap_disk(block_device): ''' Clear a block device of partition table. Relies on sgdisk, which is installed as pat of the 'gdisk' package in Ubuntu. :param block_device: str: Full path of block device to clean. ''' # sometimes sgdisk exits non-zero; this is OK, dd will clean up call(['sgdisk', '--zap-all', '--mbrtogpt', '--clear', block_device]) dev_end = check_output(['blockdev', '--getsz', block_device]) gpt_end = int(dev_end.split()[0]) - 100 check_call(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=%s' % (block_device), 'bs=1M', 'count=1']) check_call(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=%s' % (block_device), 'bs=512', 'count=100', 'seek=%s' % (gpt_end)]) def is_device_mounted(device): '''Given a device path, return True if that device is mounted, and False if it isn't. :param device: str: Full path of the device to check. :returns: boolean: True if the path represents a mounted device, False if it doesn't. ''' is_partition = bool(".*[0-9]+\b", device)) out = check_output(['mount']) if is_partition: return bool( + r"\b", out)) return bool( + r"[0-9]+\b", out))