Add a progress watchdog for OSD upgrades

This patch (in charms.ceph [1], copied here) add the concept of a
watchdog to the upgrade_monitor so that the charm can achieve two
objectives of 1. Waiting for much longer, but 2. detecting whether the
previous node has died / gone away.  This is needed for 'large' OSDs
where the time to upgrade a node may exceed the current limit of 10
minutes, but also not to wait for 30 minutes on a dead previous node.
The watchdog implements two timeouts and an addition 'alive' key from
the previous node to indicate that it is still running.  Otherwise,
functionality is identical.

[1] See depends on below
Depends-On: Ia450e936c2096f092af3be5a369b7abaf5023b16
Closes-Bug: #1762852

Change-Id: I6204a5ade684f0564c4be2d30df467c75baa6dba
This commit is contained in:
Alex Kavanagh 2020-07-06 17:13:32 +01:00
parent 4d6e7cf128
commit 6b0a11b404
2 changed files with 253 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -2169,15 +2169,18 @@ def roll_monitor_cluster(new_version, upgrade_key):
status_set('blocked', 'failed to upgrade monitor')
# TODO(jamespage):
# Mimic support will need to ensure that ceph-mgr daemons are also
# restarted during upgrades - probably through use of one of the
# high level systemd targets shipped by the packaging.
def upgrade_monitor(new_version):
# For E731 we can't assign a lambda, therefore, instead pass this.
def noop():
def upgrade_monitor(new_version, kick_function=None):
"""Upgrade the current ceph monitor to the new version
:param new_version: String version to upgrade to.
if kick_function is None:
kick_function = noop
current_version = get_version()
status_set("maintenance", "Upgrading monitor")
log("Current ceph version is {}".format(current_version))
@ -2186,6 +2189,7 @@ def upgrade_monitor(new_version):
# Needed to determine if whether to stop/start ceph-mgr
luminous_or_later = cmp_pkgrevno('ceph-common', '12.2.0') >= 0
add_source(config('source'), config('key'))
@ -2194,6 +2198,7 @@ def upgrade_monitor(new_version):
status_set("blocked", "Upgrade to {} failed".format(new_version))
if systemd():
@ -2204,6 +2209,7 @@ def upgrade_monitor(new_version):
apt_install(packages=determine_packages(), fatal=True)
owner = ceph_user()
@ -2217,6 +2223,8 @@ def upgrade_monitor(new_version):
# Ensure that mon directory is user writable
hostname = socket.gethostname()
path = '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-{}'.format(hostname)
@ -2257,13 +2265,22 @@ def lock_and_roll(upgrade_key, service, my_name, version):
monitor_key_set(upgrade_key, "{}_{}_{}_start".format(
service, my_name, version), start_timestamp)
# alive indication:
alive_function = (
lambda: monitor_key_set(
upgrade_key, "{}_{}_{}_alive"
.format(service, my_name, version), time.time()))
dog = WatchDog(kick_interval=3 * 60,
# This should be quick
if service == 'osd':
upgrade_osd(version, kick_function=dog.kick_the_dog)
elif service == 'mon':
upgrade_monitor(version, kick_function=dog.kick_the_dog)
log("Unknown service {}. Unable to upgrade".format(service),
@ -2294,45 +2311,225 @@ def wait_on_previous_node(upgrade_key, service, previous_node, version):
log("Previous node is: {}".format(previous_node))
previous_node_finished = monitor_key_exists(
"{}_{}_{}_done".format(service, previous_node, version))
while previous_node_finished is False:
log("{} is not finished. Waiting".format(previous_node))
# Has this node been trying to upgrade for longer than
# 10 minutes?
# If so then move on and consider that node dead.
# NOTE: This assumes the clusters clocks are somewhat accurate
# If the hosts clock is really far off it may cause it to skip
# the previous node even though it shouldn't.
current_timestamp = time.time()
previous_node_start_time = monitor_key_get(
previous_node_started_f = (
lambda: monitor_key_exists(
"{}_{}_{}_start".format(service, previous_node, version))
if (previous_node_start_time is not None and
((current_timestamp - (10 * 60)) >
# NOTE(jamespage):
# Previous node is probably dead as we've been waiting
# for 10 minutes - lets move on and upgrade
log("Waited 10 mins on node {}. current time: {} > "
"previous node start time: {} Moving on".format(
(current_timestamp - (10 * 60)),
# NOTE(jamespage)
# Previous node has not started, or started less than
# 10 minutes ago - sleep a random amount of time and
# then check again.
wait_time = random.randrange(5, 30)
log('waiting for {} seconds'.format(wait_time))
previous_node_finished = monitor_key_exists(
"{}_{}_{}_start".format(service, previous_node, version)))
previous_node_finished_f = (
lambda: monitor_key_exists(
"{}_{}_{}_done".format(service, previous_node, version))
"{}_{}_{}_done".format(service, previous_node, version)))
previous_node_alive_time_f = (
lambda: monitor_key_get(
"{}_{}_{}_alive".format(service, previous_node, version)))
# wait for 30 minutes until the previous node starts. We don't proceed
# unless we get a start condition.
WatchDog.wait_until(previous_node_started_f, timeout=30 * 60)
except WatchDog.WatchDogTimeoutException:
log("Waited for previous node to start for 30 minutes. "
"It didn't start, so may have a serious issue. Continuing with "
"upgrade of this node.",
# keep the time it started from this nodes' perspective.
previous_node_started_at = time.time()
log("Detected that previous node {} has started. Time now: {}"
.format(previous_node, previous_node_started_at))
# Now wait for the node to complete. The node may optionally be kicking
# with the *_alive key, which allows this node to wait longer as it 'knows'
# the other node is proceeding.
wait_time=30 * 60,
compatibility_wait_time=10 * 60,
max_kick_interval=5 * 60)
except WatchDog.WatchDogDeadException:
# previous node was kicking, but timed out; log this condition and move
# on.
now = time.time()
waited = int((now - previous_node_started_at) / 60)
log("Previous node started, but has now not ticked for 5 minutes. "
"Waited total of {} mins on node {}. current time: {} > "
"previous node start time: {}. "
"Continuing with upgrade of this node."
.format(waited, previous_node, now, previous_node_started_at),
except WatchDog.WatchDogTimeoutException:
# previous node never kicked, or simply took too long; log this
# condition and move on.
now = time.time()
waited = int((now - previous_node_started_at) / 60)
log("Previous node is taking too long; assuming it has died."
"Waited {} mins on node {}. current time: {} > "
"previous node start time: {}. "
"Continuing with upgrade of this node."
.format(waited, previous_node, now, previous_node_started_at),
class WatchDog(object):
"""Watch a dog; basically a kickable timer with a timeout between two async
The idea is that you have an overall timeout and then can kick that timeout
with intermediary hits, with a max time between those kicks allowed.
Note that this watchdog doesn't rely on the clock of the other side; just
roughly when it detects when the other side started. All timings are based
on the local clock.
The kicker will not 'kick' more often than a set interval, regardless of
how often the kick_the_dog() function is called. The kicker provides a
function (lambda: -> None) that is called when the kick interval is
The waiter calls the static method with a check function
(lambda: -> Boolean) that indicates when the wait should be over and the
maximum interval to wait. e.g. 30 minutes with a 5 minute kick interval.
So the waiter calls wait(f, 30, 3) and the kicker sets up a 3 minute kick
interval, or however long it is expected for the key to propagate and to
allow for other delays.
There is a compatibility mode where if the otherside never kicks, then it
simply waits for the compatability timer.
class WatchDogDeadException(Exception):
class WatchDogTimeoutException(Exception):
def __init__(self, kick_interval=3 * 60, kick_function=None):
"""Initialise a new WatchDog
:param kick_interval: the interval when this side kicks the other in
:type kick_interval: Int
:param kick_function: The function to call that does the kick.
:type kick_function: Callable[]
self.start_time = time.time()
self.last_run_func = None
self.last_kick_at = None
self.kick_interval = kick_interval
self.kick_f = kick_function
def kick_the_dog(self):
"""Might call the kick_function if it's time.
This function can be called as frequently as needed, but will run the
self.kick_function after kick_interval seconds have passed.
now = time.time()
if (self.last_run_func is None or
(now - self.last_run_func > self.kick_interval)):
if self.kick_f is not None:
self.last_run_func = now
self.last_kick_at = now
def wait_until(wait_f, timeout=10 * 60):
"""Wait for timeout seconds until the passed function return True.
:param wait_f: The function to call that will end the wait.
:type wait_f: Callable[[], Boolean]
:param timeout: The time to wait in seconds.
:type timeout: int
start_time = time.time()
while(not wait_f()):
now = time.time()
if now > start_time + timeout:
raise WatchDog.WatchDogTimeoutException()
wait_time = random.randrange(5, 30)
log('wait_until: waiting for {} seconds'.format(wait_time))
def timed_wait(kicked_at_function,
wait_time=30 * 60,
compatibility_wait_time=10 * 60,
max_kick_interval=5 * 60):
"""Wait a maximum time with an intermediate 'kick' time.
This function will wait for max_kick_interval seconds unless the
kicked_at_function() call returns a time that is not older that
max_kick_interval (in seconds). i.e. the other side can signal that it
is still doing things during the max_kick_interval as long as it kicks
at least every max_kick_interval seconds.
The maximum wait is "wait_time", but the otherside must keep kicking
during this period.
The "compatibility_wait_time" is used if the other side never kicks
(i.e. the kicked_at_function() always returns None. In this case the
function wait up to "compatibility_wait_time".
Note that the type of the return from the kicked_at_function is an
Optional[str], not a Float. The function will coerce this to a float
for the comparison. This represents the return value of
time.time() at the "other side". It's a string to simplify the
function obtaining the time value from the other side.
The function raises WatchDogTimeoutException if either the
compatibility_wait_time or the wait_time are exceeded.
The function raises WatchDogDeadException if the max_kick_interval is
Note that it is possible that the first kick interval is extended to
compatibility_wait_time if the "other side" doesn't kick immediately.
The best solution is for the other side to kick early and often.
:param kicked_at_function: The function to call to retrieve the time
that the other side 'kicked' at. None if the other side hasn't
:type kicked_at_function: Callable[[], Optional[str]]
:param complete_function: The callable that returns True when done.
:type complete_function: Callable[[], Boolean]
:param wait_time: the maximum time to wait, even with kicks, in
:type wait_time: int
:param compatibility_wait_time: The time to wait if no kicks are
received, in seconds.
:type compatibility_wait_time: int
:param max_kick_interval: The maximum time allowed between kicks before
the wait is over, in seconds:
:type max_kick_interval: int
:raises: WatchDog.WatchDogTimeoutException,
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if complete_function():
# the time when the waiting for unit last kicked.
kicked_at = kicked_at_function()
now = time.time()
if kicked_at is None:
# assume other end doesn't do alive kicks
if (now - start_time > compatibility_wait_time):
raise WatchDog.WatchDogTimeoutException()
# other side is participating in kicks; must kick at least
# every 'max_kick_interval' to stay alive.
if (now - float(kicked_at) > max_kick_interval):
raise WatchDog.WatchDogDeadException()
if (now - start_time > wait_time):
raise WatchDog.WatchDogTimeoutException()
delay_time = random.randrange(5, 30)
log('waiting for {} seconds'.format(delay_time))
def get_upgrade_position(osd_sorted_list, match_name):
@ -2412,11 +2609,14 @@ def roll_osd_cluster(new_version, upgrade_key):
status_set('blocked', 'failed to upgrade osd')
def upgrade_osd(new_version):
def upgrade_osd(new_version, kick_function=None):
"""Upgrades the current osd
:param new_version: str. The new version to upgrade to
if kick_function is None:
kick_function = noop
current_version = get_version()
status_set("maintenance", "Upgrading osd")
log("Current ceph version is {}".format(current_version))
@ -2431,10 +2631,13 @@ def upgrade_osd(new_version):
status_set("blocked", "Upgrade to {} failed".format(new_version))
# Upgrade the packages before restarting the daemons.
status_set('maintenance', 'Upgrading packages to %s' % new_version)
apt_install(packages=determine_packages(), fatal=True)
# If the upgrade does not need an ownership update of any of the
# directories in the osd service directory, then simply restart
@ -2458,13 +2661,16 @@ def upgrade_osd(new_version):
non_osd_dirs = map(lambda x: os.path.join(CEPH_BASE_DIR, x),
for path in non_osd_dirs:
for i, path in enumerate(non_osd_dirs):
if i % 100 == 0:
# Fast service restart wasn't an option because each of the OSD
# directories need the ownership updated for all the files on
# the OSD. Walk through the OSDs one-by-one upgrading the OSD.
for osd_dir in _get_child_dirs(OSD_BASE_DIR):
osd_num = _get_osd_num_from_dirname(osd_dir)
_upgrade_single_osd(osd_num, osd_dir)

View File

@ -116,5 +116,5 @@ commands =
functest-run-suite --keep-model --bundle {posargs}
ignore = E402,E226
ignore = E402,E226,W504
exclude = */charmhelpers