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# Copyright 2019 Canonical Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import contextlib
import os
import six
import shutil
import yaml
import zipfile
import charmhelpers
import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv
import as ch_host
# Features provided by this module:
Policy.d helper functions
The functions in this module are designed, as a set, to provide an easy-to-use
set of hooks for classic charms to add in /etc/<service-name>/policy.d/
directory override YAML files.
(For charms.openstack charms, a mixin class is provided for this
In order to "hook" this functionality into a (classic) charm, two functions are
(See the docstrings for details on the parameters)
The functions should be called from the install and upgrade hooks in the charm.
The `maybe_do_policyd_overrides_on_config_changed` function is designed to be
called on the config-changed hook, in that it does an additional check to
ensure that an already overriden policy.d in an upgrade or install hooks isn't
In order the *enable* this functionality, the charm's install, config_changed,
and upgrade_charm hooks need to be modified, and a new config option (see
below) needs to be added. The README for the charm should also be updated.
Examples from the keystone charm are:
def install():
# call the policy overrides handler which will install any policy overrides
maybe_do_policyd_overrides(os_release('keystone'), 'keystone')
@restart_on_change(restart_map(), restart_functions=restart_function_map())
def config_changed():
# call the policy overrides handler which will install any policy overrides
@restart_on_change(restart_map(), stopstart=True)
def upgrade_charm():
# call the policy overrides handler which will install any policy overrides
maybe_do_policyd_overrides(os_release('keystone'), 'keystone')
Status Line
The workload status code in charm-helpers has been modified to detect if
policy.d override code has been incorporated into the charm by checking for the
new config variable (in the config.yaml). If it has been, then the workload
status line will automatically show "PO:" at the beginning of the workload
status for that unit/service if the config option is set. If the policy
override is broken, the "PO (broken):" will be shown. No changes to the charm
(apart from those already mentioned) are needed to enable this functionality.
(charms.openstack charms also get this functionality, but please see that
library for further details).
# The config.yaml for the charm should contain the following for the config
# option:
type: boolean
default: False
description: |
If True then use the resource file named 'policyd-override' to install
override YAML files in the service's policy.d directory. The resource
file should be a ZIP file containing at least one yaml file with a .yaml
or .yml extension. If False then remove the overrides.
# The metadata.yaml for the charm should contain the following:
type: file
description: The policy.d overrides file
# The README for the charm should contain the following:
Policy Overrides
This feature allows for policy overrides using the `policy.d` directory. This
is an **advanced** feature and the policies that the OpenStack service supports
should be clearly and unambiguously understood before trying to override, or
add to, the default policies that the service uses. The charm also has some
policy defaults. They should also be understood before being overridden.
> **Caution**: It is possible to break the system (for tenants and other
services) if policies are incorrectly applied to the service.
Policy overrides are YAML files that contain rules that will add to, or
override, existing policy rules in the service. The `policy.d` directory is
a place to put the YAML override files. This charm owns the
`/etc/keystone/policy.d` directory, and as such, any manual changes to it will
be overwritten on charm upgrades.
Overrides are provided to the charm using a Juju resource called
`policyd-override`. The resource is a ZIP file. This file, say
``, is attached to the charm by:
juju attach-resource <charm-name>
The policy override is enabled in the charm using:
juju config <charm-name> use-policyd-override=true
When `use-policyd-override` is `True` the status line of the charm will be
prefixed with `PO:` indicating that policies have been overridden. If the
installation of the policy override YAML files failed for any reason then the
status line will be prefixed with `PO (broken):`. The log file for the charm
will indicate the reason. No policy override files are installed if the `PO
(broken):` is shown. The status line indicates that the overrides are broken,
not that the policy for the service has failed. The policy will be the defaults
for the charm and service.
Policy overrides on one service may affect the functionality of another
service. Therefore, it may be necessary to provide policy overrides for
multiple service charms to achieve a consistent set of policies across the
OpenStack system. The charms for the other services that may need overrides
should be checked to ensure that they support overrides before proceeding.
POLICYD_VALID_EXTS = ['.yaml', '.yml', '.j2', '.tmpl', '.tpl']
POLICYD_TEMPLATE_EXTS = ['.j2', '.tmpl', '.tpl']
POLICYD_RESOURCE_NAME = "policyd-override"
POLICYD_CONFIG_NAME = "use-policyd-override"
POLICYD_SUCCESS_FILENAME = "policyd-override-success"
POLICYD_ALWAYS_BLACKLISTED_KEYS = ("admin_required", "cloud_admin")
class BadPolicyZipFile(Exception):
def __init__(self, log_message):
self.log_message = log_message
def __str__(self):
return self.log_message
class BadPolicyYamlFile(Exception):
def __init__(self, log_message):
self.log_message = log_message
def __str__(self):
return self.log_message
if six.PY2:
BadZipFile = zipfile.BadZipfile
BadZipFile = zipfile.BadZipFile
def is_policyd_override_valid_on_this_release(openstack_release):
"""Check that the charm is running on at least Ubuntu Xenial, and at
least the queens release.
:param openstack_release: the release codename that is installed.
:type openstack_release: str
:returns: True if okay
:rtype: bool
# NOTE(ajkavanagh) circular import! This is because the status message
# generation code in utils has to call into this module, but this function
# needs the CompareOpenStackReleases() function. The only way to solve
# this is either to put ALL of this module into utils, or refactor one or
# other of the CompareOpenStackReleases or status message generation code
# into a 3rd module.
import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils as ch_utils
return ch_utils.CompareOpenStackReleases(openstack_release) >= 'queens'
def maybe_do_policyd_overrides(openstack_release,
"""If the config option is set, get the resource file and process it to
enable the policy.d overrides for the service passed.
The param `openstack_release` is required as the policyd overrides feature
is only supported on openstack_release "queens" or later, and on ubuntu
"xenial" or later. Prior to these versions, this feature is a NOP.
The optional template_function is a function that accepts a string and has
an opportunity to modify the loaded file prior to it being read by
yaml.safe_load(). This allows the charm to perform "templating" using
charm derived data.
The param blacklist_paths are paths (that are in the service's policy.d
directory that should not be touched).
The param blacklist_keys are keys that must not appear in the yaml file.
If they do, then the whole policy.d file fails.
The yaml file extracted from the resource_file (which is a zipped file) has
its file path reconstructed. This, also, must not match any path in the
black list.
The param restart_handler is an optional Callable that is called to perform
the service restart if the policy.d file is changed. This should normally
be None as oslo.policy automatically picks up changes in the policy.d
directory. However, for any services where this is buggy then a
restart_handler can be used to force the policy.d files to be read.
If the config_changed param is True, then the handling is slightly
different: It will only perform the policyd overrides if the config is True
and the success file doesn't exist. Otherwise, it does nothing as the
resource file has already been processed.
:param openstack_release: The openstack release that is installed.
:type openstack_release: str
:param service: the service name to construct the policy.d directory for.
:type service: str
:param blacklist_paths: optional list of paths to leave alone
:type blacklist_paths: Union[None, List[str]]
:param blacklist_keys: optional list of keys that mustn't appear in the
yaml file's
:type blacklist_keys: Union[None, List[str]]
:param template_function: Optional function that can modify the string
prior to being processed as a Yaml document.
:type template_function: Union[None, Callable[[str], str]]
:param restart_handler: The function to call if the service should be
:type restart_handler: Union[None, Callable[]]
:param user: The user to create/write files/directories as
:type user: Union[None, str]
:param group: the group to create/write files/directories as
:type group: Union[None, str]
:param config_changed: Set to True for config_changed hook.
:type config_changed: bool
_user = service if user is None else user
_group = service if group is None else group
if not is_policyd_override_valid_on_this_release(openstack_release):
hookenv.log("Running maybe_do_policyd_overrides",
config = hookenv.config()
if not config.get(POLICYD_CONFIG_NAME, False):
if (os.path.isfile(_policy_success_file()) and
restart_handler is not None and
except Exception as e:
hookenv.log("... ERROR: Exception is: {}".format(str(e)),
import traceback
hookenv.log(traceback.format_exc(), level=POLICYD_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT)
# if the policyd overrides have been performed when doing config_changed
# just return
if config_changed and is_policy_success_file_set():
hookenv.log("... already setup, so skipping.",
# from now on it should succeed; if it doesn't then status line will show
# broken.
resource_filename = get_policy_resource_filename()
restart = process_policy_resource_file(
resource_filename, service, blacklist_paths, blacklist_keys,
if restart and restart_handler is not None and callable(restart_handler):
@charmhelpers.deprecate("Use maybe_do_poliyd_overrrides instead")
def maybe_do_policyd_overrides_on_config_changed(*args, **kwargs):
"""This function is designed to be called from the config changed hook.
DEPRECATED: please use maybe_do_policyd_overrides() with the param
`config_changed` as `True`.
See maybe_do_policyd_overrides() for more details on the params.
if 'config_changed' not in kwargs.keys():
kwargs['config_changed'] = True
return maybe_do_policyd_overrides(*args, **kwargs)
def get_policy_resource_filename():
"""Function to extract the policy resource filename
:returns: The filename of the resource, if set, otherwise, if an error
occurs, then None is returned.
:rtype: Union[str, None]
return hookenv.resource_get(POLICYD_RESOURCE_NAME)
except Exception:
return None
def open_and_filter_yaml_files(filepath, has_subdirs=False):
"""Validate that the filepath provided is a zip file and contains at least
one (.yaml|.yml) file, and that the files are not duplicated when the zip
file is flattened. Note that the yaml files are not checked. This is the
first stage in validating the policy zipfile; individual yaml files are not
checked for validity or black listed keys.
If the has_subdirs param is True, then the files are flattened to the first
directory, and the files in the root are ignored.
An example of use is:
with open_and_filter_yaml_files(some_path) as zfp, g:
for zipinfo in g:
# do something with zipinfo ...
:param filepath: a filepath object that can be opened by zipfile
:type filepath: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike[AntStr]]
:param has_subdirs: Keep first level of subdirectories in yaml file.
:type has_subdirs: bool
:returns: (zfp handle,
a generator of the (name, filename, ZipInfo object) tuples) as a
:rtype: ContextManager[(zipfile.ZipFile,
Generator[(name, str, str, zipfile.ZipInfo)])]
:raises: zipfile.BadZipFile
:raises: BadPolicyZipFile if duplicated yaml or missing
:raises: IOError if the filepath is not found
with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'r') as zfp:
# first pass through; check for duplicates and at least one yaml file.
names = collections.defaultdict(int)
yamlfiles = _yamlfiles(zfp, has_subdirs)
for name, _, _, _ in yamlfiles:
names[name] += 1
# There must be at least 1 yaml file.
if len(names.keys()) == 0:
raise BadPolicyZipFile("contains no yaml files with {} extensions."
.format(", ".join(POLICYD_VALID_EXTS)))
# There must be no duplicates
duplicates = [n for n, c in names.items() if c > 1]
if duplicates:
raise BadPolicyZipFile("{} have duplicates in the zip file."
.format(", ".join(duplicates)))
# Finally, let's yield the generator
yield (zfp, yamlfiles)
def _yamlfiles(zipfile, has_subdirs=False):
"""Helper to get a yaml file (according to POLICYD_VALID_EXTS extensions)
and the infolist item from a zipfile.
If the `has_subdirs` param is True, the the only yaml files that have a
directory component are read, and then first part of the directory
component is kept, along with the filename in the name. e.g. an entry with
a filename of:
is returned as:
compute/override, yaml, override.yaml, <ZipInfo object>
This is to help with the special, additional, processing that the dashboard
charm requires.
:param zipfile: the zipfile to read zipinfo items from
:type zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile
:param has_subdirs: Keep first level of subdirectories in yaml file.
:type has_subdirs: bool
:returns: generator of (name, ext, filename, info item) for each
self-identified yaml file.
:rtype: List[(str, str, str, zipfile.ZipInfo)]
files = []
for infolist_item in zipfile.infolist():
if infolist_item.is_dir():
except AttributeError:
# fallback to "old" way to determine dir entry for pre-py36
if infolist_item.filename.endswith('/'):
_dir, name_ext = os.path.split(infolist_item.filename)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(name_ext)
if has_subdirs and _dir != "":
name = os.path.join(_dir.split(os.path.sep)[0], name)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext and ext in POLICYD_VALID_EXTS:
files.append((name, ext, name_ext, infolist_item))
return files
def read_and_validate_yaml(stream_or_doc, blacklist_keys=None):
"""Read, validate and return the (first) yaml document from the stream.
The doc is read, and checked for a yaml file. The the top-level keys are
checked against the blacklist_keys provided. If there are problems then an
Exception is raised. Otherwise the yaml document is returned as a Python
object that can be dumped back as a yaml file on the system.
The yaml file must only consist of a str:str mapping, and if not then the
yaml file is rejected.
:param stream_or_doc: the file object to read the yaml from
:type stream_or_doc: Union[AnyStr, IO[AnyStr]]
:param blacklist_keys: Any keys, which if in the yaml file, should cause
and error.
:type blacklisted_keys: Union[None, List[str]]
:returns: the yaml file as a python document
:rtype: Dict[str, str]
:raises: yaml.YAMLError if there is a problem with the document
:raises: BadPolicyYamlFile if file doesn't look right or there are
blacklisted keys in the file.
blacklist_keys = blacklist_keys or []
doc = yaml.safe_load(stream_or_doc)
if not isinstance(doc, dict):
raise BadPolicyYamlFile("doesn't look like a policy file?")
keys = set(doc.keys())
blacklisted_keys_present = keys.intersection(blacklist_keys)
if blacklisted_keys_present:
raise BadPolicyYamlFile("blacklisted keys {} present."
.format(", ".join(blacklisted_keys_present)))
if not all(isinstance(k, six.string_types) for k in keys):
raise BadPolicyYamlFile("keys in yaml aren't all strings?")
# check that the dictionary looks like a mapping of str to str
if not all(isinstance(v, six.string_types) for v in doc.values()):
raise BadPolicyYamlFile("values in yaml aren't all strings?")
return doc
def policyd_dir_for(service):
"""Return the policy directory for the named service.
:param service: str
:returns: the policy.d override directory.
:rtype: os.PathLike[str]
return os.path.join("/", "etc", service, "policy.d")
def clean_policyd_dir_for(service, keep_paths=None, user=None, group=None):
"""Clean out the policyd directory except for items that should be kept.
The keep_paths, if used, should be set to the full path of the files that
should be kept in the policyd directory for the service. Note that the
service name is passed in, and then the policyd_dir_for() function is used.
This is so that a coding error doesn't result in a sudden deletion of the
charm (say).
:param service: the service name to use to construct the policy.d dir.
:type service: str
:param keep_paths: optional list of paths to not delete.
:type keep_paths: Union[None, List[str]]
:param user: The user to create/write files/directories as
:type user: Union[None, str]
:param group: the group to create/write files/directories as
:type group: Union[None, str]
_user = service if user is None else user
_group = service if group is None else group
keep_paths = keep_paths or []
path = policyd_dir_for(service)
hookenv.log("Cleaning path: {}".format(path), level=hookenv.DEBUG)
if not os.path.exists(path):
ch_host.mkdir(path, owner=_user, group=_group, perms=0o775)
_scanner = os.scandir if hasattr(os, 'scandir') else _fallback_scandir
for direntry in _scanner(path):
# see if the path should be kept.
if direntry.path in keep_paths:
# we remove any directories; it's ours and there shouldn't be any
if direntry.is_dir():
def maybe_create_directory_for(path, user, group):
"""For the filename 'path', ensure that the directory for that path exists.
Note that if the directory already exists then the permissions are NOT
:param path: the filename including the path to it.
:type path: str
:param user: the user to create the directory as
:param group: the group to create the directory as
_dir, _ = os.path.split(path)
if not os.path.exists(_dir):
ch_host.mkdir(_dir, owner=user, group=group, perms=0o775)
def _fallback_scandir(path):
"""Fallback os.scandir implementation.
provide a fallback implementation of os.scandir if this module ever gets
used in a py2 or py34 charm. Uses os.listdir() to get the names in the path,
and then mocks the is_dir() function using os.path.isdir() to check for
:param path: the path to list the directories for
:type path: str
:returns: Generator that provides _FBDirectory objects
:rtype: ContextManager[_FBDirectory]
for f in os.listdir(path):
yield _FBDirectory(f)
class _FBDirectory(object):
"""Mock a scandir Directory object with enough to use in
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def is_dir(self):
return os.path.isdir(self.path)
def path_for_policy_file(service, name):
"""Return the full path for a policy.d file that will be written to the
service's policy.d directory.
It is constructed using policyd_dir_for(), the name and the ".yaml"
For horizon, for example, it's a bit more complicated. The name param is
actually "override_service_dir/a_name", where target_service needs to be
one the allowed horizon override services. This translation and check is
done in the _yamlfiles() function.
:param service: the service name
:type service: str
:param name: the name for the policy override
:type name: str
:returns: the full path name for the file
:rtype: os.PathLike[str]
return os.path.join(policyd_dir_for(service), name + ".yaml")
def _policy_success_file():
"""Return the file name for a successful drop of policy.d overrides
:returns: the path name for the file.
:rtype: str
return os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), POLICYD_SUCCESS_FILENAME)
def remove_policy_success_file():
"""Remove the file that indicates successful policyd override."""
except Exception:
def set_policy_success_file():
"""Set the file that indicates successful policyd override."""
open(_policy_success_file(), "w").close()
def is_policy_success_file_set():
"""Returns True if the policy success file has been set.
This indicates that policies are overridden and working properly.
:returns: True if the policy file is set
:rtype: bool
return os.path.isfile(_policy_success_file())
def policyd_status_message_prefix():
"""Return the prefix str for the status line.
"PO:" indicating that the policy overrides are in place, or "PO (broken):"
if the policy is supposed to be working but there is no success file.
:returns: the prefix
:rtype: str
if is_policy_success_file_set():
return "PO:"
return "PO (broken):"
def process_policy_resource_file(resource_file,
"""Process the resource file (which should contain at least one yaml file)
and write those files to the service's policy.d directory.
The optional template_function is a function that accepts a python
string and has an opportunity to modify the document
prior to it being read by the yaml.safe_load() function and written to
disk. Note that this function does *not* say how the templating is done -
this is up to the charm to implement its chosen method.
The param blacklist_paths are paths (that are in the service's policy.d
directory that should not be touched).
The param blacklist_keys are keys that must not appear in the yaml file.
If they do, then the whole policy.d file fails.
The yaml file extracted from the resource_file (which is a zipped file) has
its file path reconstructed. This, also, must not match any path in the
black list.
The yaml filename can be modified in two ways. If the `preserve_topdir`
param is True, then files will be flattened to the top dir. This allows
for creating sets of files that can be grouped into a single level tree
Secondly, if the `preprocess_filename` param is not None and callable()
then the name is passed to that function for preprocessing before being
converted to the end location. This is to allow munging of the filename
prior to being tested for a blacklist path.
If any error occurs, then the policy.d directory is cleared, the error is
written to the log, and the status line will eventually show as failed.
:param resource_file: The zipped file to open and extract yaml files form.
:type resource_file: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike[AnyStr]]
:param service: the service name to construct the policy.d directory for.
:type service: str
:param blacklist_paths: optional list of paths to leave alone
:type blacklist_paths: Union[None, List[str]]
:param blacklist_keys: optional list of keys that mustn't appear in the
yaml file's
:type blacklist_keys: Union[None, List[str]]
:param template_function: Optional function that can modify the yaml
:type template_function: Union[None, Callable[[AnyStr], AnyStr]]
:param preserve_topdir: Keep the toplevel subdir
:type preserve_topdir: bool
:param preprocess_filename: Optional function to use to process filenames
extracted from the resource file.
:type preprocess_filename: Union[None, Callable[[AnyStr]. AnyStr]]
:param user: The user to create/write files/directories as
:type user: Union[None, str]
:param group: the group to create/write files/directories as
:type group: Union[None, str]
:returns: True if the processing was successful, False if not.
:rtype: boolean
hookenv.log("Running process_policy_resource_file", level=hookenv.DEBUG)
blacklist_paths = blacklist_paths or []
completed = False
_preprocess = None
if preprocess_filename is not None and callable(preprocess_filename):
_preprocess = preprocess_filename
_user = service if user is None else user
_group = service if group is None else group
with open_and_filter_yaml_files(
resource_file, preserve_topdir) as (zfp, gen):
# first clear out the policy.d directory and clear success
for name, ext, filename, zipinfo in gen:
# See if the name should be preprocessed.
if _preprocess is not None:
name = _preprocess(name)
# construct a name for the output file.
yaml_filename = path_for_policy_file(service, name)
if yaml_filename in blacklist_paths:
raise BadPolicyZipFile("policy.d name {} is blacklisted"
with as fp:
doc =
# if template_function is not None, then offer the document
# to the template function
if (template_function is None or not
raise BadPolicyZipFile(
"Template {} but no template_function is "
doc = template_function(doc)
yaml_doc = read_and_validate_yaml(doc, blacklist_keys)
# we may have to create the directory
maybe_create_directory_for(yaml_filename, _user, _group)
# Every thing worked, so we mark up a success.
completed = True
except (BadZipFile, BadPolicyZipFile, BadPolicyYamlFile) as e:
hookenv.log("Processing {} failed: {}".format(resource_file, str(e)),
except IOError as e:
# technically this shouldn't happen; it would be a programming error as
# the filename comes from Juju and thus, should exist.
"File {} failed with IOError. This really shouldn't happen"
" -- error: {}".format(resource_file, str(e)),
except Exception as e:
import traceback
hookenv.log("General Exception({}) during policyd processing"
if not completed:
hookenv.log("Processing {} failed: cleaning policy.d directory"
# touch the success filename
hookenv.log("policy.d overrides installed.",
return completed