# Copyright 2014-2015 Canonical Limited. # # This file is part of charm-helpers. # # charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with charm-helpers. If not, see . # # Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd. # # This file is sourced from lp:openstack-charm-helpers # # Authors: # James Page # Adam Gandelman # import os import shutil import json import time import uuid from subprocess import ( check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError, ) from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( local_unit, relation_get, relation_ids, relation_set, related_units, log, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, ) from charmhelpers.core.host import ( mount, mounts, service_start, service_stop, service_running, umount, ) from charmhelpers.fetch import ( apt_install, ) from charmhelpers.core.kernel import modprobe KEYRING = '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.{}.keyring' KEYFILE = '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.{}.key' CEPH_CONF = """[global] auth supported = {auth} keyring = {keyring} mon host = {mon_hosts} log to syslog = {use_syslog} err to syslog = {use_syslog} clog to syslog = {use_syslog} """ def install(): """Basic Ceph client installation.""" ceph_dir = "/etc/ceph" if not os.path.exists(ceph_dir): os.mkdir(ceph_dir) apt_install('ceph-common', fatal=True) def rbd_exists(service, pool, rbd_img): """Check to see if a RADOS block device exists.""" try: out = check_output(['rbd', 'list', '--id', service, '--pool', pool]).decode('UTF-8') except CalledProcessError: return False return rbd_img in out def create_rbd_image(service, pool, image, sizemb): """Create a new RADOS block device.""" cmd = ['rbd', 'create', image, '--size', str(sizemb), '--id', service, '--pool', pool] check_call(cmd) def pool_exists(service, name): """Check to see if a RADOS pool already exists.""" try: out = check_output(['rados', '--id', service, 'lspools']).decode('UTF-8') except CalledProcessError: return False return name in out def get_osds(service): """Return a list of all Ceph Object Storage Daemons currently in the cluster. """ version = ceph_version() if version and version >= '0.56': return json.loads(check_output(['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'ls', '--format=json']).decode('UTF-8')) return None def create_pool(service, name, replicas=3): """Create a new RADOS pool.""" if pool_exists(service, name): log("Ceph pool {} already exists, skipping creation".format(name), level=WARNING) return # Calculate the number of placement groups based # on upstream recommended best practices. osds = get_osds(service) if osds: pgnum = (len(osds) * 100 // replicas) else: # NOTE(james-page): Default to 200 for older ceph versions # which don't support OSD query from cli pgnum = 200 cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'pool', 'create', name, str(pgnum)] check_call(cmd) cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'pool', 'set', name, 'size', str(replicas)] check_call(cmd) def delete_pool(service, name): """Delete a RADOS pool from ceph.""" cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'pool', 'delete', name, '--yes-i-really-really-mean-it'] check_call(cmd) def _keyfile_path(service): return KEYFILE.format(service) def _keyring_path(service): return KEYRING.format(service) def create_keyring(service, key): """Create a new Ceph keyring containing key.""" keyring = _keyring_path(service) if os.path.exists(keyring): log('Ceph keyring exists at %s.' % keyring, level=WARNING) return cmd = ['ceph-authtool', keyring, '--create-keyring', '--name=client.{}'.format(service), '--add-key={}'.format(key)] check_call(cmd) log('Created new ceph keyring at %s.' % keyring, level=DEBUG) def delete_keyring(service): """Delete an existing Ceph keyring.""" keyring = _keyring_path(service) if not os.path.exists(keyring): log('Keyring does not exist at %s' % keyring, level=WARNING) return os.remove(keyring) log('Deleted ring at %s.' % keyring, level=INFO) def create_key_file(service, key): """Create a file containing key.""" keyfile = _keyfile_path(service) if os.path.exists(keyfile): log('Keyfile exists at %s.' % keyfile, level=WARNING) return with open(keyfile, 'w') as fd: fd.write(key) log('Created new keyfile at %s.' % keyfile, level=INFO) def get_ceph_nodes(): """Query named relation 'ceph' to determine current nodes.""" hosts = [] for r_id in relation_ids('ceph'): for unit in related_units(r_id): hosts.append(relation_get('private-address', unit=unit, rid=r_id)) return hosts def configure(service, key, auth, use_syslog): """Perform basic configuration of Ceph.""" create_keyring(service, key) create_key_file(service, key) hosts = get_ceph_nodes() with open('/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', 'w') as ceph_conf: ceph_conf.write(CEPH_CONF.format(auth=auth, keyring=_keyring_path(service), mon_hosts=",".join(map(str, hosts)), use_syslog=use_syslog)) modprobe('rbd') def image_mapped(name): """Determine whether a RADOS block device is mapped locally.""" try: out = check_output(['rbd', 'showmapped']).decode('UTF-8') except CalledProcessError: return False return name in out def map_block_storage(service, pool, image): """Map a RADOS block device for local use.""" cmd = [ 'rbd', 'map', '{}/{}'.format(pool, image), '--user', service, '--secret', _keyfile_path(service), ] check_call(cmd) def filesystem_mounted(fs): """Determine whether a filesytems is already mounted.""" return fs in [f for f, m in mounts()] def make_filesystem(blk_device, fstype='ext4', timeout=10): """Make a new filesystem on the specified block device.""" count = 0 e_noent = os.errno.ENOENT while not os.path.exists(blk_device): if count >= timeout: log('Gave up waiting on block device %s' % blk_device, level=ERROR) raise IOError(e_noent, os.strerror(e_noent), blk_device) log('Waiting for block device %s to appear' % blk_device, level=DEBUG) count += 1 time.sleep(1) else: log('Formatting block device %s as filesystem %s.' % (blk_device, fstype), level=INFO) check_call(['mkfs', '-t', fstype, blk_device]) def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst): """Migrate data in data_src_dst to blk_device and then remount.""" # mount block device into /mnt mount(blk_device, '/mnt') # copy data to /mnt copy_files(data_src_dst, '/mnt') # umount block device umount('/mnt') # Grab user/group ID's from original source _dir = os.stat(data_src_dst) uid = _dir.st_uid gid = _dir.st_gid # re-mount where the data should originally be # TODO: persist is currently a NO-OP in core.host mount(blk_device, data_src_dst, persist=True) # ensure original ownership of new mount. os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid) def copy_files(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None): """Copy files from src to dst.""" for item in os.listdir(src): s = os.path.join(src, item) d = os.path.join(dst, item) if os.path.isdir(s): shutil.copytree(s, d, symlinks, ignore) else: shutil.copy2(s, d) def ensure_ceph_storage(service, pool, rbd_img, sizemb, mount_point, blk_device, fstype, system_services=[], replicas=3): """NOTE: This function must only be called from a single service unit for the same rbd_img otherwise data loss will occur. Ensures given pool and RBD image exists, is mapped to a block device, and the device is formatted and mounted at the given mount_point. If formatting a device for the first time, data existing at mount_point will be migrated to the RBD device before being re-mounted. All services listed in system_services will be stopped prior to data migration and restarted when complete. """ # Ensure pool, RBD image, RBD mappings are in place. if not pool_exists(service, pool): log('Creating new pool {}.'.format(pool), level=INFO) create_pool(service, pool, replicas=replicas) if not rbd_exists(service, pool, rbd_img): log('Creating RBD image ({}).'.format(rbd_img), level=INFO) create_rbd_image(service, pool, rbd_img, sizemb) if not image_mapped(rbd_img): log('Mapping RBD Image {} as a Block Device.'.format(rbd_img), level=INFO) map_block_storage(service, pool, rbd_img) # make file system # TODO: What happens if for whatever reason this is run again and # the data is already in the rbd device and/or is mounted?? # When it is mounted already, it will fail to make the fs # XXX: This is really sketchy! Need to at least add an fstab entry # otherwise this hook will blow away existing data if its executed # after a reboot. if not filesystem_mounted(mount_point): make_filesystem(blk_device, fstype) for svc in system_services: if service_running(svc): log('Stopping services {} prior to migrating data.' .format(svc), level=DEBUG) service_stop(svc) place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, mount_point) for svc in system_services: log('Starting service {} after migrating data.' .format(svc), level=DEBUG) service_start(svc) def ensure_ceph_keyring(service, user=None, group=None): """Ensures a ceph keyring is created for a named service and optionally ensures user and group ownership. Returns False if no ceph key is available in relation state. """ key = None for rid in relation_ids('ceph'): for unit in related_units(rid): key = relation_get('key', rid=rid, unit=unit) if key: break if not key: return False create_keyring(service=service, key=key) keyring = _keyring_path(service) if user and group: check_call(['chown', '%s.%s' % (user, group), keyring]) return True def ceph_version(): """Retrieve the local version of ceph.""" if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/ceph'): cmd = ['ceph', '-v'] output = check_output(cmd).decode('US-ASCII') output = output.split() if len(output) > 3: return output[2] else: return None else: return None class CephBrokerRq(object): """Ceph broker request. Multiple operations can be added to a request and sent to the Ceph broker to be executed. Request is json-encoded for sending over the wire. The API is versioned and defaults to version 1. """ def __init__(self, api_version=1, request_id=None): self.api_version = api_version if request_id: self.request_id = request_id else: self.request_id = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.ops = [] def add_op_create_pool(self, name, replica_count=3): self.ops.append({'op': 'create-pool', 'name': name, 'replicas': replica_count}) def set_ops(self, ops): """Set request ops to provided value. Useful for injecting ops that come from a previous request to allow comparisons to ensure validity. """ self.ops = ops @property def request(self): return json.dumps({'api-version': self.api_version, 'ops': self.ops, 'request-id': self.request_id}) def _ops_equal(self, other): if len(self.ops) == len(other.ops): for req_no in range(0, len(self.ops)): for key in ['replicas', 'name', 'op']: if self.ops[req_no][key] != other.ops[req_no][key]: return False else: return False return True def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if self.api_version == other.api_version and \ self._ops_equal(other): return True else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) class CephBrokerRsp(object): """Ceph broker response. Response is json-decoded and contents provided as methods/properties. The API is versioned and defaults to version 1. """ def __init__(self, encoded_rsp): self.api_version = None self.rsp = json.loads(encoded_rsp) @property def request_id(self): return self.rsp.get('request-id') @property def exit_code(self): return self.rsp.get('exit-code') @property def exit_msg(self): return self.rsp.get('stderr') # Ceph Broker Conversation: # If a charm needs an action to be taken by ceph it can create a CephBrokerRq # and send that request to ceph via the ceph relation. The CephBrokerRq has a # unique id so that the client can identity which CephBrokerRsp is associated # with the request. Ceph will also respond to each client unit individually # creating a response key per client unit eg glance/0 will get a CephBrokerRsp # via key broker-rsp-glance-0 # # To use this the charm can just do something like: # # from charmhelpers.contrib.storage.linux.ceph import ( # send_request_if_needed, # is_request_complete, # CephBrokerRq, # ) # # @hooks.hook('ceph-relation-changed') # def ceph_changed(): # rq = CephBrokerRq() # rq.add_op_create_pool(name='poolname', replica_count=3) # # if is_request_complete(rq): # # else: # send_request_if_needed(get_ceph_request()) # # CephBrokerRq and CephBrokerRsp are serialized into JSON. Below is an example # of glance having sent a request to ceph which ceph has successfully processed # 'ceph:8': { # 'ceph/0': { # 'auth': 'cephx', # 'broker-rsp-glance-0': '{"request-id": "0bc7dc54", "exit-code": 0}', # 'broker_rsp': '{"request-id": "0da543b8", "exit-code": 0}', # 'ceph-public-address': '', # 'key': 'AQCLDttVuHXINhAAvI144CB09dYchhHyTUY9BQ==', # 'private-address': '', # }, # 'glance/0': { # 'broker_req': ('{"api-version": 1, "request-id": "0bc7dc54", ' # '"ops": [{"replicas": 3, "name": "glance", ' # '"op": "create-pool"}]}'), # 'private-address': '', # }, # } def get_previous_request(rid): """Return the last ceph broker request sent on a given relation @param rid: Relation id to query for request """ request = None broker_req = relation_get(attribute='broker_req', rid=rid, unit=local_unit()) if broker_req: request_data = json.loads(broker_req) request = CephBrokerRq(api_version=request_data['api-version'], request_id=request_data['request-id']) request.set_ops(request_data['ops']) return request def get_request_states(request): """Return a dict of requests per relation id with their corresponding completion state. This allows a charm, which has a request for ceph, to see whether there is an equivalent request already being processed and if so what state that request is in. @param request: A CephBrokerRq object """ complete = [] requests = {} for rid in relation_ids('ceph'): complete = False previous_request = get_previous_request(rid) if request == previous_request: sent = True complete = is_request_complete_for_rid(previous_request, rid) else: sent = False complete = False requests[rid] = { 'sent': sent, 'complete': complete, } return requests def is_request_sent(request): """Check to see if a functionally equivalent request has already been sent Returns True if a similair request has been sent @param request: A CephBrokerRq object """ states = get_request_states(request) for rid in states.keys(): if not states[rid]['sent']: return False return True def is_request_complete(request): """Check to see if a functionally equivalent request has already been completed Returns True if a similair request has been completed @param request: A CephBrokerRq object """ states = get_request_states(request) for rid in states.keys(): if not states[rid]['complete']: return False return True def is_request_complete_for_rid(request, rid): """Check if a given request has been completed on the given relation @param request: A CephBrokerRq object @param rid: Relation ID """ broker_key = get_broker_rsp_key() for unit in related_units(rid): rdata = relation_get(rid=rid, unit=unit) if rdata.get(broker_key): rsp = CephBrokerRsp(rdata.get(broker_key)) if rsp.request_id == request.request_id: if not rsp.exit_code: return True else: # The remote unit sent no reply targeted at this unit so either the # remote ceph cluster does not support unit targeted replies or it # has not processed our request yet. if rdata.get('broker_rsp'): request_data = json.loads(rdata['broker_rsp']) if request_data.get('request-id'): log('Ignoring legacy broker_rsp without unit key as remote ' 'service supports unit specific replies', level=DEBUG) else: log('Using legacy broker_rsp as remote service does not ' 'supports unit specific replies', level=DEBUG) rsp = CephBrokerRsp(rdata['broker_rsp']) if not rsp.exit_code: return True return False def get_broker_rsp_key(): """Return broker response key for this unit This is the key that ceph is going to use to pass request status information back to this unit """ return 'broker-rsp-' + local_unit().replace('/', '-') def send_request_if_needed(request): """Send broker request if an equivalent request has not already been sent @param request: A CephBrokerRq object """ if is_request_sent(request): log('Request already sent but not complete, not sending new request', level=DEBUG) else: for rid in relation_ids('ceph'): log('Sending request {}'.format(request.request_id), level=DEBUG) relation_set(relation_id=rid, broker_req=request.request)