import glob import os import time import subprocess import hmac import hashlib import base64 import charms_openstack.charm as openstack_charm import charms_openstack.adapters as adapters import charms.reactive as reactive import charmhelpers.core.decorators as ch_decorators import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv import as host LEADERDB_SECRET_KEY = 'rndc_key' LEADERDB_SYNC_SRC_KEY = 'sync_src' LEADERDB_SYNC_TIME_KEY = 'sync_time' CLUSTER_SYNC_KEY = 'sync_request' WWW_DIR = '/var/www/html' ZONE_DIR = '/var/cache/bind' def install(): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm to install the packages on the unit :returns: None """ DesignateBindCharm.singleton.install() def set_apparmor(): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm to setup apparmor :returns: None """ DesignateBindCharm.singleton.set_apparmor() def init_rndckey(): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm to initalise the rndc key if possible and not already done :returns: str or None. Secret if available, None if not. """ return DesignateBindCharm.singleton.init_rndckey() def get_rndc_secret(): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm to retrieve the RNDC secret :returns: str or None. Secret if available, None if not. """ return DesignateBindCharm.singleton.get_rndc_secret() def get_rndc_algorithm(): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm to retrieve the RNDC algorithm :returns: str or None. Algorithm if available, None if not. """ return DesignateBindCharm.singleton.get_rndc_algorithm() def get_sync_time(): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm to retrieve the time of the published zone zync target :returns: str or None. Current sync target creation time if available, None if not. """ return DesignateBindCharm.singleton.get_sync_time() def setup_sync(): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm to create a zone sync target :returns: None """ DesignateBindCharm.singleton.setup_sync() def retrieve_zones(cluster_relation=None): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm to retrieve the zone information and install it :param hacluster: OpenstackHAPeers() interface class :returns: None """ DesignateBindCharm.singleton.retrieve_zones(cluster_relation) def request_sync(hacluster): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm to request the leader creates a sync target :param hacluster: OpenstackHAPeers() interface class :returns: None """ DesignateBindCharm.singleton.request_sync(hacluster) def process_requests(hacluster): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm setup a sync target if requested :param hacluster: OpenstackHAPeers() interface class :returns: None """ DesignateBindCharm.singleton.process_requests(hacluster) def render_all_configs(interfaces_list): """Use the singleton from the DesignateBindCharm to render configurations and restart services as needed :param interfaces_list: List of instances of interface classes. :returns: None """ DesignateBindCharm.singleton.render_with_interfaces(interfaces_list) class DNSAdapter(adapters.OpenStackRelationAdapter): def __init__(self, relation): super(DNSAdapter, self).__init__(relation) @property def control_listen_ip(self): """IP local rndc service listens on :returns: str: IP local rndc listens on """ return hookenv.unit_private_ip() @property def control_ips(self): """Comma delimited list of rndc client IPs :returns: str: Comma delimited list of rndc client IPs """ return ';'.join(self.relation.client_ips()) @property def algorithm(self): """Algorithm used to encode rndc secret :returns: str: Algorithm used to encode rndc secret """ return DesignateBindCharm.get_rndc_algorithm() @property def secret(self): """RNDC Secret :returns: str: rndc secret """ return DesignateBindCharm.get_rndc_secret() class BindAdapters(adapters.OpenStackRelationAdapters): """ Adapters class for the DesignateBind charm. """ relation_adapters = { 'dns_backend': DNSAdapter, } def __init__(self, relations): super(BindAdapters, self).__init__( relations) class DesignateBindCharm(openstack_charm.OpenStackCharm): name = 'designate_bind' packages = ['bind9', 'apache2'] services = ['bind9'] required_relations = ['dns-backend'] restart_map = { '/etc/bind/named.conf.options': services, '/etc/bind/named.conf': services, '/etc/bind/rndc.key': services, } service_type = 'designate_bind' default_service = 'bind9' adapters_class = BindAdapters release = 'icehouse' def __init__(self, release=None, **kwargs): super(DesignateBindCharm, self).__init__(release='icehouse', **kwargs) @staticmethod def get_rndc_algorithm(): """Algorithm used to encode rndc secret :returns: str: Algorithm used to encode rndc secret """ return 'hmac-md5' @staticmethod def get_rndc_secret(): """rndc secret :returns: str: rndc secret """ return hookenv.leader_get(attribute=LEADERDB_SECRET_KEY) @staticmethod def get_sync_src(): """URL published zone file can be retrieved from :returns: str: URL published zone file can be retrieved from """ return hookenv.leader_get(attribute=LEADERDB_SYNC_SRC_KEY) @staticmethod def get_sync_time(): """Epoch seconds when published sync was created :returns: str: Epoch seconds when published sync was created """ return hookenv.leader_get(attribute=LEADERDB_SYNC_TIME_KEY) def process_requests(self, hacluster): """Check for sync requests and respond This should only be called by an application leader. Check to see if a peer has requested a sync. If so check if the time the request was created is more recent that then published sync target. If so, setup a new sync target. When the target is setup the leader db is updated with the new sync request time and URL. this will trigger a leader-*changed hook on the requesting unit allowing that unit to pick up the new file. :param hacluster: OpenstackHAPeers() interface class :returns: None """ hookenv.log('Processing sync requests', level=hookenv.DEBUG) sync_requests = hacluster.retrieve_remote(CLUSTER_SYNC_KEY) max_time = 0 for req in sync_requests: if float(req) > max_time: max_time = float(req) hookenv.log('Newest sync request: {}'.format(max_time), level=hookenv.DEBUG) if max_time > float(self.get_sync_time()): self.setup_sync() def set_sync_info(self, sync_time, sync_file): """Update leader DB with sync information :param sync_time: str Time sync was created in epoch seconds :param sync_file: str Local file containing zone information :returns: None """ sync_info = { LEADERDB_SYNC_SRC_KEY: 'http://{}:80/zone-syncs/{}'.format( hookenv.unit_private_ip(), sync_file), LEADERDB_SYNC_TIME_KEY: sync_time, } hookenv.leader_set(sync_info) def generate_rndc_key(self): """Generate a RNDC key :returns: str Base64 encoded hmac-md5 digest """ key = os.urandom(10) dig =, msg=b'RNDC Secret', digestmod=hashlib.md5).digest() return base64.b64encode(dig).decode() def init_rndckey(self): """Create a RNDC key if needed Return the rndc key from the leader DB or if one is not present generate a new one. :returns: str: rndc key """ secret = DesignateBindCharm.get_rndc_secret() hookenv.log('Retrieving secret', level=hookenv.DEBUG) if not secret: hookenv.log('Secret not found in leader db', level=hookenv.DEBUG) if hookenv.is_leader(): hookenv.log('Creating new secret as leader', level=hookenv.DEBUG) secret = self.generate_rndc_key() hookenv.leader_set({LEADERDB_SECRET_KEY: secret}) return secret def create_zone_tarball(self, tarfile): """Create a tar ball of zone files :param tarfile: str Location of tar ball to be created. :returns: None """ zone_files = [] for re in ['juju*', 'slave*', '*nzf']: for _file in glob.glob('{}/{}'.format(ZONE_DIR, re)): zone_files.append(os.path.basename(_file)) cmd = ['tar', 'zcvf', tarfile] cmd.extend(zone_files) subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=ZONE_DIR) def setup_sync_dir(self, sync_time): """Create directory to store zone sync files :returns: None """ sync_dir = '{}/zone-syncs'.format(WWW_DIR, sync_time) try: os.mkdir(sync_dir, 0o755) except FileExistsError: os.chmod(sync_dir, 0o755) return sync_dir def create_sync_src_info_file(self): """Touch a file which indicates where this sync file came from :returns: None """ unit_name = hookenv.local_unit().replace('/', '_') touch_file = '{}/juju-zone-src-{}'.format(ZONE_DIR, unit_name) open(touch_file, 'w+').close() def setup_sync(self): """Setup a sync target Stop bind and tar up zone files, and start bind. Then update leaderdb with details of new sync. :returns: None """ hookenv.log('Setting up zone info for collection', level=hookenv.DEBUG) sync_time = str(time.time()) sync_dir = self.setup_sync_dir(sync_time) self.create_sync_src_info_file() # FIXME Try freezing DNS rather than stopping bind self.service_control('stop', ['bind9']) tar_file = '{}/{}.tar.gz'.format(sync_dir, sync_time) self.create_zone_tarball(tar_file) self.service_control('start', ['bind9']) self.set_sync_info(sync_time, '{}.tar.gz'.format(sync_time)) def service_control(self, cmd, services): """Control listed services :param cmd: str Action to take on service (stop, start, restart) :returns: None """ cmds = { 'stop': host.service_stop, 'start': host.service_start, 'restart': host.service_restart, } for service in services: cmds[cmd](service) def request_sync(self, hacluster): """Request peer sets up a sync target Send a request via the cluster relation asking for a sync target to be setup. :param hacluster: OpenstackHAPeers() interface class :returns: None """ request_time = str(time.time()) hacluster.send_all({CLUSTER_SYNC_KEY: request_time}, store_local=True) reactive.set_state('sync.request.sent') @ch_decorators.retry_on_exception(3, base_delay=2, exc_type=subprocess.CalledProcessError) def wget_file(self, url, target_dir): """Retireve file from url into target_dir :param url: str Retrieve file from this url :param target_dir: Place file in this directory :returns: None """ print("{} {}".format(url, target_dir)) cmd = ['wget', url, '--retry-connrefused', '-t', '10'] subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=target_dir) def retrieve_zones(self, cluster_relation=None): """Retrieve and install zones file Check if published sync target was created after this units sync request was sent, if it was install the zones file. Alternatively if no peer relation was set then assume the current sync target is to be used regardless of when it was created. :param cluster_relation: OpenstackHAPeers() interface class :returns: None """ request_time = None if cluster_relation: request_times = list(set( cluster_relation.retrieve_local(CLUSTER_SYNC_KEY))) request_time = request_times[0] sync_time = DesignateBindCharm.get_sync_time() if request_time and request_time > sync_time: hookenv.log(('Request for sync sent but remote sync time is too' ' old, defering until a more up-to-date target is ' 'available'), level=hookenv.WARNING) else: self.service_control('stop', ['bind9']) url = DesignateBindCharm.get_sync_src() self.wget_file(url, ZONE_DIR) tar_file = url.split('/')[-1] subprocess.check_call(['tar', 'xf', tar_file], cwd=ZONE_DIR) os.remove('{}/{}'.format(ZONE_DIR, tar_file)) self.service_control('start', ['bind9']) reactive.remove_state('sync.request.sent') reactive.set_state('zones.initialised') def set_apparmor(self): """Disbale apparmor for named This is currently specified in the designate documentation TODO: Check this is *really* needed :returns: None """ apparmor_file = '/etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.sbin.named' if not os.path.isfile(apparmor_file): open(apparmor_file, 'w').close() host.service_reload('apparmor')