# Overview This interface layer handles the communication with MySQL via the `mysql-shared` interface protocol. # Usage ## Requires The interface layer will set the following states, as appropriate: * `{relation_name}.connected` The relation is established, but MySQL has not been provided the database information. * `{relation_name}.available` MySQL is ready for use. You can get the base connection information via the following methods: * `allowed_units()` * `database()` * `db_host()` * `hostname()` * `username()` * `password()` * `{relation_name}.available.access_network` MySQL access network is ready for use. You can get this optional connection information via the following method: * `access_network()` * `{relation_name}.available.ssl` MySQL ssl data is ready for use. You can get this optional connection information via the following methods: * `ssl_ca()` * `ssl_cert()` * `ssl_key()` For example: ```python from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import log, status_set, unit_get from charms.reactive import when, when_not @when('database.connected') def setup_database(database): database.configure('mydatabase', 'myusername', prefix="first") database.configure('mydatabase2', 'myusername2', prefix="second") @when('database.available') def use_database(database): # base data provided by our charm layer log("first_database=%s" % database.database("first")) log("first_username=%s" % database.username("first")) log("first_hostname=%s" % database.hostname("first")) log("second_database=%s" % database.database("second")) log("second_username=%s" % database.username("second")) log("second_hostname=%s" % database.hostname("second")) # base data provided by mysql log("db_host=%s" % database.db_host()) log("first_password=%s" % database.password("first")) log("first_allowed_units=%s" % database.allowed_units("first")) log("second_password=%s" % database.password("second")) log("second_allowed_units=%s" % database.allowed_units("second")) @when('database.available.access_network') def use_database_access_network(database): # optional data provided by mysql log("access-network=%s" % database.access_network()) @when('database.available.ssl') def use_database_ssl(database): # optional data provided by mysql log("ssl_ca=%s" % database.ssl_ca()) log("ssl_cert=%s" % database.ssl_cert()) log("ssl_key=%s" % database.ssl_key()) @when('database.connected') @when_not('database.available') def waiting_mysql(database): status_set('waiting', 'Waiting for MySQL') @when('database.connected', 'database.available') def unit_ready(database): status_set('active', 'Unit is ready') ``` In Juju 2.0 environments, the interface will automatically determine the network space binding on the local unit to present to the remote mysql-shared service based on the name of the relation. In older Juju versions, the private-address of the unit will be used instead. This can be overridden using the hostname parameter of the configure method. ```python @when('database.connected') def setup_database(database): database.configure('mydatabase', 'myusername', hostname='hostname.override') ```