"""Adapter classes and utilities for use with Reactive interfaces""" from charmhelpers.core import hookenv class OpenStackRelationAdapter(object): """ Base adapter class for all OpenStack related adapters. """ interface_type = None """ The generic type of the interface the adapter is wrapping. """ def __init__(self, relation, accessors=None): self.relation = relation if accessors: self.accessors = accessors else: self.accessors = [] self._setup_properties() @property def relation_name(self): """ Name of the relation this adapter is handling. """ return self._relation.relation_name def _setup_properties(self): """ Setup property based accessors for an interfaces auto accessors """ self.accessors.extend(self.relation.auto_accessors) for field in self.accessors: meth_name = field.replace('-', '_') # TODO: see if we can make this dynamic, rather # than making all calls on setup. self.__dict__[meth_name] = getattr(self.relation, meth_name)() class RabbitMQRelationAdapter(OpenStackRelationAdapter): """ Adapter for the RabbitMQRequires relation interface. """ interface_type = "messaging" def __init__(self, relation): add_accessors = ['vhost', 'username'] super(RabbitMQRelationAdapter, self).__init__(relation, add_accessors) @property def host(self): """ Hostname that should be used to access RabbitMQ. """ if self.vip: return self.vip else: return self.private_address @property def hosts(self): """ Comma separated list of hosts that should be used to access RabbitMQ. """ hosts = self.relation.rabbitmq_hosts() if len(hosts) > 1: return ','.join(hosts) else: return None class DatabaseRelationAdapter(OpenStackRelationAdapter): """ Adapter for the Database relation interface. """ interface_type = "database" def __init__(self, relation): add_accessors = ['password', 'username', 'database'] super(DatabaseRelationAdapter, self).__init__(relation, add_accessors) @property def host(self): """ Hostname that should be used to access RabbitMQ. """ return self.relation.db_host() @property def type(self): return 'mysql' def get_uri(self, prefix=None): if prefix: uri = 'mysql://{}:{}@{}/{}'.format( self.relation.username(prefix=prefix), self.relation.password(prefix=prefix), self.host, self.relation.database(prefix=prefix), ) else: uri = 'mysql://{}:{}@{}/{}'.format( self.username, self.password, self.host, self.database, ) if self.ssl_ca: uri = '{}?ssl_ca={}'.format(uri, self.ssl_ca) if self.ssl_cert: uri = '{}&ssl_cert={}&ssl_key={}'.format(uri, self.ssl_cert, self.ssl_key) return uri @property def uri(self): return self.get_uri() class ConfigurationAdapter(object): """ Configuration Adapter which provides python based access to all configuration options for the current charm. """ def __init__(self): _config = hookenv.config() for k, v in _config.items(): k = k.replace('-', '_') self.__dict__[k] = v class OpenStackRelationAdapters(object): """ Base adapters class for OpenStack Charms, used to aggregate the relations associated with a particular charm so that their properties can be accessed using dot notation, e.g: adapters.amqp.private_address """ relation_adapters = {} """ Dictionary mapping relation names to adapter classes, e.g: relation_adapters = { 'amqp': RabbitMQRelationAdapter, } By default, relations will be wrapped in an OpenStackRelationAdapter. """ _adapters = { 'amqp': RabbitMQRelationAdapter, 'shared_db': DatabaseRelationAdapter, } """ Default adapter mappings; may be overridden by relation adapters in subclasses. """ def __init__(self, relations, options=ConfigurationAdapter): self._adapters.update(self.relation_adapters) self._relations = [] for relation in relations: relation_name = relation.relation_name.replace('-', '_') if relation_name in self._adapters: self.__dict__[relation_name] = ( self._adapters[relation_name](relation) ) else: self.__dict__[relation_name] = ( OpenStackRelationAdapter(relation) ) self._relations.append(relation_name) self.__dict__['options'] = options() self._relations.append('options') def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the relations presented to the charm. """ for relation in self._relations: yield relation, self.__dict__[relation]