
96 lines
2.9 KiB

import collections
import socket
import subprocess
import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv
import charms_openstack.charm
import charms_openstack.ip as os_ip
# import charms_openstack.sdn.odl as odl
# import charms_openstack.sdn.ovs as ovs
class MistralCharm(charms_openstack.charm.HAOpenStackCharm):
# Internal name of charm
service_name = name = 'mistral'
# First release supported
release = 'mitaka'
# List of packages to install for this charm
packages = ['mistral-api', 'mistral-engine', 'mistral-executor', 'python-apt']
api_ports = {
'mistral-api': {
os_ip.PUBLIC: 8989,
os_ip.ADMIN: 8989,
os_ip.INTERNAL: 8989,
service_type = 'mistral'
default_service = 'mistral-api'
services = ['haproxy', 'mistral-api', 'mistral-engine', 'mistral-executor']
# Note that the hsm interface is optional - defined in config.yaml
required_relations = ['shared-db', 'amqp', 'identity-service']
restart_map = {
'/etc/mistral/mistral.conf': services,
'/etc/mistral/policy.json': services,
'/etc/mistral/logging.conf': services,
'/etc/mistral/wf_trace_logging.conf': services}
ha_resources = ['vips', 'haproxy']
release_pkg = 'mistral-common'
package_codenames = {
'mistral-common': collections.OrderedDict([
('2', 'mitaka'),
('3', 'newton'),
('4', 'ocata'),
sync_cmd = ['mistral-db-manage', '--config-file', '/etc/mistral/mistral.conf', 'upgrade', 'head']
def db_sync(self):
"""Perform a database sync using the command defined in the
self.sync_cmd attribute. The services defined in are
restarted after the database sync.
if not self.db_sync_done() and hookenv.is_leader():
subprocess.check_call(['mistral-db-manage', '--config-file', '/etc/mistral/mistral.conf', 'upgrade', 'head'])
subprocess.check_call(['mistral-db-manage', '--config-file', '/etc/mistral/mistral.conf', 'stamp', 'head'])
subprocess.check_call(['mistral-db-manage', '--config-file', '/etc/mistral/mistral.conf', 'populate'])
hookenv.leader_set({'db-sync-done': True})
# Restart services immediately after db sync as
# render_domain_config needs a working system
def get_amqp_credentials(self):
return ('mistral', 'mistral')
def get_database_setup(self):
return [{
'database': 'mistral',
'username': 'mistral',
'hostname': hookenv.unit_private_ip() },]
def public_url(self):
return super().public_url + "/v2"
def admin_url(self):
return super().admin_url + "/v2"
def internal_url(self):
return super().internal_url + "/v2"