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default: '80%'
description: How much data do you want to keep in memory in the DB. This will be used to tune settings in the database server appropriately. Any more specific settings will override these defaults though. This currently sets innodb_buffer_pool_size or key_cache_size depending on the setting in preferred-storage-engine. If query-cache-type is set to 'ON' or 'DEMAND' 20% of this is given to query-cache-size. Suffix this value with 'K','M','G', or 'T' to get the relevant kilo/mega/etc. bytes. If suffixed with %, one will get that percentage of RAM devoted to dataset and (if enabled) query cache.
type: string
default: InnoDB
type: string
description: Tune the server for usage of this storage engine. Other possible value is MyISAM. Comma separated will cause settings to split resources evenly among given engines.
default: safest
type: string
description: Valid values are 'safest', 'fast', and 'unsafe'. If set to safest, all settings are tuned to have maximum safety at the cost of performance. Fast will turn off most controls, but may lose data on crashes. unsafe will turn off all protections.
default: "OFF"
type: string
description: Query cache is usually a good idea, but can hurt concurrency. Valid values are "OFF", "ON", or "DEMAND".
default: -1
type: int
description: Override the computed version from dataset-size. Still works if query-cache-type is "OFF" since sessions can override the cache type setting on their own.
default: -1
type: int
description: Maximum connections to allow. -1 means use the server's compiled in default.
type: string
description: Virtual IP to use to front Percona XtraDB Cluster in active/active HA configuration
type: string
default: eth0
description: Network interface on which to place the Virtual IP
type: int
default: 24
description: Netmask that will be used for the Virtual IP
type: string
default: eth0
description: Default network interface on which HA cluster will bind to communication with the other members of the HA Cluster.
type: int
default: 5490
description: Default multicast port number that will be used to communicate between HA Cluster nodes.
type: string
description: Root password for MySQL access; must be configured pre-deployment for Active-Active clusters.
type: string
description: Re-sync account password for new cluster nodes; must be configured pre-deployment for Active-Active clusters.