#!/usr/bin/python3 # This Amulet test deploys rabbitmq-server, and the related charms. import amulet import os import subprocess import time # The number of seconds to wait for the environment to setup. seconds = 2700 # The number of units to scale rabbitmq-server to. scale = 2 # The port that amqp traffic is sent on. amqp_port = '5672' # The directory to use as a block devie for the ceph devices = '/srv/osd1' # The default version of ceph does not support directories as devices. havana = 'cloud:precise-updates/havana' # Create a dictionary of configuration values for ceph. ceph_configuration = { 'fsid': 'ecbb8960-0e21-11e2-b495-83a88f44db01', 'monitor-secret': 'AQBomftSyK1LORAAhg71ukxBxN9ml90stexqEw==', 'osd-devices': devices, 'source': havana } # Create a dictionary of configuration values for cinder. cinder_configuration = { 'block-device': 'None' } # Create a dictionary of the rabbit configuration values. rabbit_configuration = { 'vip': '', 'vip_cidr': 19, 'vip_iface': 'eth0', 'ha-bindiface': 'eth0', 'ha-mcastport': 5406, 'rbd-size': '2G', 'rbd-name': 'testrabbit1' } # The AMQP package is only available for python version 2.x. python2 = '/usr/bin/python' if not os.path.isfile(python2): error_message = 'Error, python version 2 is required for this test.' amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=error_message) series = 'trusty' d = amulet.Deployment(series=series) # Add rabbitmq-server to the deployment. d.add('rabbitmq-server', units=scale) # TODO(billy-olsen) - Rework this following set of code to be more in-line # with how the other openstack services are done. For now, we want to test # the current branch with the appropriate branches of related charms in # order to test /next with /next branches and /trunk with /trunk branches. stable = False def determine_charm_branches(services): if stable: for svc in services: temp = 'lp:charms/{}' svc['location'] = temp.format(svc['name']) else: for svc in services: temp = 'lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/{}/{}/next' svc['location'] = temp.format(series, svc['name']) return services def add_services(services): """ Adds services to the deployment. The input is a list of dicts with the key of 'name' name for the service name. The branch location will be determined automatically. """ services = determine_charm_branches(services) for svc in services: d.add(svc['name'], charm=svc['location']) services_to_add = [ {'name': 'ceph'}, {'name': 'cinder'}, {'name': 'hacluster'}, ] # Add the services to the deployment add_services(services_to_add) # The ceph charm requires configuration to deploy successfully. d.configure('ceph', ceph_configuration) # Configure the cinder charm. d.configure('cinder', cinder_configuration) # Configure the rabbit charm. d.configure('rabbitmq-server', rabbit_configuration) # Add relation from rabbitmq-server to ceph testing the ceph relation. d.relate('rabbitmq-server:ceph', 'ceph:client') # Add relation from rabbitmq-server to cinder testing the amqp relation. d.relate('rabbitmq-server:amqp', 'cinder:amqp') # Add relation from rabibtmq-server to hacluster testing the ha relation. d.relate('rabbitmq-server:ha', 'hacluster:ha') # Expose the rabbitmq-server. d.expose('rabbitmq-server') try: # Execute the deployer with the current mapping. d.setup(timeout=seconds) # Wait for the relation to finish the transations. d.sentry.wait(seconds) except amulet.helpers.TimeoutError: message = 'The environment did not setup in %d seconds.' % seconds # The SKIP status enables skip or fail the test based on configuration. amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) except: raise print('The environment successfully deployed.') # Create a counter to make the messages unique. counter = 1 # Get the directory in this way to load the files from the tests directory. path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Create a path to the python test file to call. amqp_tester = os.path.join(path, 'amqp_tester.py') if not os.path.isfile(amqp_tester): error_message = 'Unable to locate python test file %s' % amqp_tester amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=error_message) # Verify the ceph unit was created. ceph_unit = d.sentry.unit['ceph/0'] # Verify the cinder unit was created. cinder_unit = d.sentry.unit['cinder/0'] rabbit_units = [] for n in range(scale): # Get each rabbitmq unit that was deployed. rabbit_units.append(d.sentry.unit['rabbitmq-server/%d' % n]) # Iterate over every rabbitmq-unit to get the different relations. for rabbit_unit in rabbit_units: ########################################################################### # Test Relations ########################################################################### # Verify the ceph relation was created for the rabbit unit. rabbit_relation = rabbit_unit.relation('ceph', 'ceph:client') print('rabbit relation to ceph:') for key, value in rabbit_relation.items(): print(key, value) # Verify the amqp relation was created for the rabbit unit. rabbit_relation = rabbit_unit.relation('amqp', 'cinder:amqp') print('rabbit relation to amqp:') for key, value in rabbit_relation.items(): print(key, value) # The hacluster charm is a subordinate, since the relation-sentry is also # a subordinate charm no sentry is created for the hacluster relation. # Verify the rabbit relation was created with the ceph unit. ceph_relation = ceph_unit.relation('client', 'rabbitmq-server:ceph') print('ceph relation to rabbitmq-server:') for key, value in ceph_relation.items(): print(key, value) # Verify the rabbit relation was created with the cinder unit. cinder_relation = cinder_unit.relation('amqp', 'rabbitmq-server:amqp') print('cinder relation to rabbitmq-server:') for key, value in cinder_relation.items(): print(key, value) ########################################################################### # Test AMQP ########################################################################### # The AMQP python library is only available for python2 at this time. # Call out a command to run the python2 code to test the AMQP protocol. # Get the public address for rabbitmq-server instance. server_address = rabbit_unit.info['public-address'] # Create a time stamp to help make the AMQP message unique. time_stamp = time.strftime('%F %r') # Create the message to send on the AMPQ protocol. amqp_message = "Message #{0} to send using the AMPQ protocol {1}".format( counter, time_stamp) # Create the command with arguments that sends the message. send_command = [python2, amqp_tester, server_address, amqp_port, amqp_message] print(send_command) # Call the python command to send the AMQP message to the server. output = subprocess.check_output(send_command) # Create the command with arguments to receive messages. receive_command = [python2, amqp_tester, server_address, amqp_port] print(receive_command) # Call the python command to receive the AMQP message from the same server. output = subprocess.check_output(receive_command) # The output is a byte string so convert the message to a byte string. if output.find(amqp_message.encode()) == -1: print('The AMQP test to {0}:{1} failed.'.format(server_address, amqp_port)) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=output) else: print('The AMQP test to {0}:{1} completed successfully.'.format( server_address, amqp_port)) counter += 1 ########################################################################### # Verify that the rabbitmq cluster status is correct. ########################################################################### # Create the command that checks if the rabbitmq-server service is running. command = 'rabbitmqctl cluster_status' print(command) # Execute the command on the deployed service. output, code = rabbit_unit.run(command) print(output) # Check the return code for the success and failure of this test. if (code != 0): message = 'The ' + command + ' did not return the expected code of 0.' amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) else: print('The rabbitmq-server cluster status is OK.') ############################################################################### # Test the AMQP messages can be sent from and read from another. ############################################################################### # Get the public address for rabbitmq-server instance 0. send_address = rabbit_units[0].info['public-address'] # Create a message to send from instance 0 and read it from instance 1. amqp_message = "Message #{0} sent from {1} using the AMQP protocol.".format( counter, send_address) counter += 1 # Create the command that sends the message to instance 0. send_command = [python2, amqp_tester, send_address, amqp_port, amqp_message] print(send_command) output = subprocess.check_output(send_command) # Get the public address for rabbitmq-server instance 1. receive_address = rabbit_units[1].info['public-address'] # Create the command that receives the message from instance 1. recieve_command = [python2, amqp_tester, receive_address, amqp_port] print(recieve_command) output = subprocess.check_output(receive_command) # The output is a byte string so convert the message to a byte string. if output.find(amqp_message.encode()) == -1: print(output) message = 'Server {0} did not receive the AMQP message "{1}"'.format( receive_address, amqp_message) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) else: print('Server {0} received the AMQP message sent from {1}'.format( receive_address, send_address)) print('The rabbitmq-server charm passed this relations test.')