authorize-charm: description: Authorize the vault charm to interact with vault properties: token: type: string description: Token to use to authorize charm required: - token refresh-secrets: description: Refresh secret_id's and re-issue retrieval tokens for secrets endpoints get-csr: description: Get intermediate CA csr properties: # Depending on the configuration of CA that will sign the CSRs it # may be necessary to ensure these fields match the CA country: type: string description: >- The C (Country) values in the subject field of the CSR province: type: string description: >- The ST (Province) values in the subject field of the CSR. organization: type: string description: >- The O (Organization) values in the subject field of the CSR. organizational-unit: type: string description: >- The OU (OrganizationalUnit) values in the subject field of the CSR. common-name: type: string description: >- The CN (Common Name) values in the subject field of the CSR. locality: type: string description: >- The L (Locality) values in the subject field of the CSR. upload-signed-csr: description: Upload a signed csr to vault properties: pem: type: string description: base64 encoded certificate allow-subdomains: type: boolean default: True description: >- Specifies if clients can request certificates with enforce-hostnames: type: boolean default: False description: >- Specifies if only valid host names are allowed for CNs, DNS SANs, and the host part of email addresses. allow-any-name: type: boolean default: True description: >- Specifies if clients can request any CN max-ttl: type: string default: '8760h' description: >- Specifies the maximum Time To Live root-ca: type: string description: >- The certificate of the root CA which will be passed out to client on the certificate relation along with the intermediate CA cert required: - pem reissue-certificates: description: Reissue certificates to all clients generate-root-ca: description: Generate a self-signed root CA properties: ttl: type: string default: '87599h' description: >- Specifies the Time To Live for the root CA certificate allow-any-name: type: boolean default: True description: >- Specifies if clients can request certificates for any CN. allowed-domains: type: array items: type: string default: [] description: >- Restricted list of CNs for which the root CA may issue certificates. If domains are provided, allow-any-name should be set to false. allow-bare-domains: type: boolean default: False description: >- Specifies whether clients can request certificates exactly matching the CNs in allowed-domains. allow-subdomains: type: boolean default: False description: >- Specifies whether clients can request certificates for subdomains of the CNs in allowed-domains, including wildcard subdomains. allow-glob-domains: type: boolean default: True description: >- Specifies whether CNs in allowed-domains can contain glob patterns (e.g., 'ftp*'), in which case clients will be able to request certificates for any CN matching the glob pattern. enforce-hostnames: type: boolean default: False description: >- Specifies if only valid host names are allowed for CNs, DNS SANs, and the host part of email addresses. max-ttl: type: string default: '8760h' description: >- Specifies the maximum Time To Live for generated certificates. get-root-ca: description: Get the root CA certificate disable-pki: description: >- Disable the PKI secrets backend. This is needed if you wish to switch the CA type after being set up via either upload-signed-csr or generate-root-ca. pause: description: Pause the vault unit. This stops the vault service. resume: description: >- Resume the vault unit. This starts the vault service. Vault will become sealed. restart: description: Restarts the vault unit. Vault will become sealed. reload: description: >- Reloads the vault unit. This allows for limited configuration options to be re-read. Vault will not become sealed. generate-certificate: description: Generate a certificate agains the Vault PKI properties: ttl: type: string default: 87599h description: >- Specifies the Time To Live for the certificate common-name: type: string description: >- CN field of the new certificate sans: type: string description: >- Space delimited list of Subject Altername Name/IP addresse(s) max-ttl: type: string default: 8760h description: >- Specifies the maximum Time To Live for generated certificates.