# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Backup manager manages volume backups. Volume Backups are full copies of persistent volumes stored in a backup store e.g. an object store or any other backup store if and when support is added. They are usable without the original object being available. A volume backup can be restored to the original volume it was created from or any other available volume with a minimum size of the original volume. Volume backups can be created, restored, deleted and listed. **Related Flags** :backup_manager: The module name of a class derived from :class:`manager.Manager` (default: :class:`cinder.backup.manager.Manager`). """ import os from castellan import key_manager from eventlet import tpool from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_log import versionutils import oslo_messaging as messaging from oslo_service import loopingcall from oslo_service import periodic_task from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import importutils import six from cinder.backup import driver from cinder.backup import rpcapi as backup_rpcapi from cinder import context from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder.keymgr import migration as key_migration from cinder import manager from cinder import objects from cinder.objects import fields from cinder import quota from cinder import rpc from cinder import utils from cinder.volume import rpcapi as volume_rpcapi from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) backup_manager_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('backup_driver', default='cinder.backup.drivers.swift.SwiftBackupDriver', help='Driver to use for backups.',), cfg.BoolOpt('backup_service_inithost_offload', default=True, help='Offload pending backup delete during ' 'backup service startup. If false, the backup service ' 'will remain down until all pending backups are ' 'deleted.',), cfg.IntOpt('backup_native_threads_pool_size', default=60, min=20, help='Size of the native threads pool for the backups. ' 'Most backup drivers rely heavily on this, it can be ' 'decreased for specific drivers that don\'t.'), ] # This map doesn't need to be extended in the future since it's only # for old backup services mapper = {'cinder.backup.services.swift': 'cinder.backup.drivers.swift', 'cinder.backup.services.ceph': 'cinder.backup.drivers.ceph'} CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(backup_manager_opts) CONF.import_opt('use_multipath_for_image_xfer', 'cinder.volume.driver') CONF.import_opt('num_volume_device_scan_tries', 'cinder.volume.driver') QUOTAS = quota.QUOTAS # TODO(geguileo): Once Eventlet issue #432 gets fixed we can just tpool.execute # the whole call to the driver's backup and restore methods instead of proxy # wrapping the device_file and having the drivers also proxy wrap their # writes/reads and the compression/decompression calls. # (https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/432) class BackupManager(manager.ThreadPoolManager): """Manages backup of block storage devices.""" RPC_API_VERSION = backup_rpcapi.BackupAPI.RPC_API_VERSION target = messaging.Target(version=RPC_API_VERSION) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.az = CONF.storage_availability_zone self.backup_rpcapi = backup_rpcapi.BackupAPI() self.volume_rpcapi = volume_rpcapi.VolumeAPI() super(BackupManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.is_initialized = False self._set_tpool_size(CONF.backup_native_threads_pool_size) self._process_number = kwargs.get('process_number', 1) @property def driver_name(self): """This function maps old backup services to backup drivers.""" return CONF.backup_driver def get_backup_driver(self, context): driver = None try: # TODO(e0ne): remove backward compatibility in S release service = importutils.import_module(self.driver_name) msg = ("Backup driver initialization using module name " "is deprecated and will be removed in a 'S' " "release. Please, use classname for backup driver " "reference in the config.") versionutils.report_deprecated_feature(LOG, msg) driver = service.get_backup_driver(context) except ImportError: driver_class = importutils.import_class(self.driver_name) driver = driver_class(context=context, db=self.db) return driver def _update_backup_error(self, backup, err, status=fields.BackupStatus.ERROR): backup.status = status backup.fail_reason = err backup.save() def init_host(self, **kwargs): """Run initialization needed for a standalone service.""" ctxt = context.get_admin_context() self.setup_backup_backend(ctxt) try: self._cleanup_incomplete_backup_operations(ctxt) except Exception: # Don't block startup of the backup service. LOG.exception("Problem cleaning incomplete backup operations.") # Migrate any ConfKeyManager keys based on fixed_key to the currently # configured key manager. backups = objects.BackupList.get_all_by_host(ctxt, self.host) self._add_to_threadpool(key_migration.migrate_fixed_key, backups=backups) def _setup_backup_driver(self, ctxt): backup_service = self.get_backup_driver(ctxt) backup_service.check_for_setup_error() self.is_initialized = True raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() def setup_backup_backend(self, ctxt): try: init_loop = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall( self._setup_backup_driver, ctxt) init_loop.start(interval=CONF.periodic_interval) except loopingcall.LoopingCallDone: LOG.info("Backup driver was successfully initialized.") except Exception: LOG.exception("Failed to initialize driver.", resource={'type': 'driver', 'id': self.__class__.__name__}) def reset(self): super(BackupManager, self).reset() self.backup_rpcapi = backup_rpcapi.BackupAPI() self.volume_rpcapi = volume_rpcapi.VolumeAPI() @utils.synchronized('backup-pgid-%s' % os.getpgrp(), external=True, delay=0.1) def _cleanup_incomplete_backup_operations(self, ctxt): # Only the first launched process should do the cleanup, the others # have waited on the lock for the first one to finish the cleanup and # can now continue with the start process. if self._process_number != 1: LOG.debug("Process #%s (pgid=%s) skips cleanup.", self._process_number, os.getpgrp()) return LOG.info("Cleaning up incomplete backup operations.") # TODO(smulcahy) implement full resume of backup and restore # operations on restart (rather than simply resetting) backups = objects.BackupList.get_all_by_host(ctxt, self.host) for backup in backups: try: self._cleanup_one_backup(ctxt, backup) except Exception: LOG.exception("Problem cleaning up backup %(bkup)s.", {'bkup': backup['id']}) try: self._cleanup_temp_volumes_snapshots_for_one_backup(ctxt, backup) except Exception: LOG.exception("Problem cleaning temp volumes and " "snapshots for backup %(bkup)s.", {'bkup': backup['id']}) def _cleanup_one_volume(self, ctxt, volume): if volume['status'] == 'backing-up': self._detach_all_attachments(ctxt, volume) LOG.info('Resetting volume %(vol_id)s to previous ' 'status %(status)s (was backing-up).', {'vol_id': volume['id'], 'status': volume['previous_status']}) self.db.volume_update(ctxt, volume['id'], {'status': volume['previous_status']}) elif volume['status'] == 'restoring-backup': self._detach_all_attachments(ctxt, volume) LOG.info('Setting volume %s to error_restoring ' '(was restoring-backup).', volume['id']) self.db.volume_update(ctxt, volume['id'], {'status': 'error_restoring'}) def _cleanup_one_backup(self, ctxt, backup): if backup['status'] == fields.BackupStatus.CREATING: LOG.info('Resetting backup %s to error (was creating).', backup['id']) volume = objects.Volume.get_by_id(ctxt, backup.volume_id) self._cleanup_one_volume(ctxt, volume) err = 'incomplete backup reset on manager restart' self._update_backup_error(backup, err) elif backup['status'] == fields.BackupStatus.RESTORING: LOG.info('Resetting backup %s to ' 'available (was restoring).', backup['id']) volume = objects.Volume.get_by_id(ctxt, backup.restore_volume_id) self._cleanup_one_volume(ctxt, volume) backup.status = fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE backup.save() elif backup['status'] == fields.BackupStatus.DELETING: # Don't resume deleting the backup of an encrypted volume. The # admin context won't be sufficient to delete the backup's copy # of the encryption key ID (a real user context is required). if backup.encryption_key_id is None: LOG.info('Resuming delete on backup: %s.', backup.id) if CONF.backup_service_inithost_offload: # Offload all the pending backup delete operations to the # threadpool to prevent the main backup service thread # from being blocked. self._add_to_threadpool(self.delete_backup, ctxt, backup) else: # Delete backups sequentially self.delete_backup(ctxt, backup) else: LOG.info('Unable to resume deleting backup of an encrypted ' 'volume, resetting backup %s to error_deleting ' '(was deleting).', backup.id) backup.status = fields.BackupStatus.ERROR_DELETING backup.save() def _detach_all_attachments(self, ctxt, volume): attachments = volume['volume_attachment'] or [] for attachment in attachments: if (attachment['attached_host'] == self.host and attachment['instance_uuid'] is None): try: rpcapi = self.volume_rpcapi rpcapi.detach_volume(ctxt, volume, attachment['id']) except Exception: LOG.exception("Detach attachment %(attach_id)s failed.", {'attach_id': attachment['id']}, resource=volume) def _delete_temp_volume(self, ctxt, backup): try: temp_volume = objects.Volume.get_by_id( ctxt, backup.temp_volume_id) self.volume_rpcapi.delete_volume(ctxt, temp_volume) except exception.VolumeNotFound: LOG.debug("Could not find temp volume %(vol)s to clean up " "for backup %(backup)s.", {'vol': backup.temp_volume_id, 'backup': backup.id}) backup.temp_volume_id = None backup.save() def _delete_temp_snapshot(self, ctxt, backup): try: temp_snapshot = objects.Snapshot.get_by_id( ctxt, backup.temp_snapshot_id) # We may want to consider routing those calls through the # cinder API. temp_snapshot.status = fields.SnapshotStatus.DELETING temp_snapshot.save() self.volume_rpcapi.delete_snapshot(ctxt, temp_snapshot) except exception.SnapshotNotFound: LOG.debug("Could not find temp snapshot %(snap)s to clean " "up for backup %(backup)s.", {'snap': backup.temp_snapshot_id, 'backup': backup.id}) backup.temp_snapshot_id = None backup.save() def _cleanup_temp_volumes_snapshots_for_one_backup(self, ctxt, backup): # NOTE(xyang): If the service crashes or gets restarted during the # backup operation, there could be temporary volumes or snapshots # that are not deleted. Make sure any temporary volumes or snapshots # create by the backup job are deleted when service is started. if (backup.temp_volume_id and backup.status == fields.BackupStatus.ERROR): self._delete_temp_volume(ctxt, backup) if (backup.temp_snapshot_id and backup.status == fields.BackupStatus.ERROR): self._delete_temp_snapshot(ctxt, backup) def _cleanup_temp_volumes_snapshots_when_backup_created( self, ctxt, backup): # Delete temp volumes or snapshots when backup creation is completed. if backup.temp_volume_id: self._delete_temp_volume(ctxt, backup) if backup.temp_snapshot_id: self._delete_temp_snapshot(ctxt, backup) def create_backup(self, context, backup): """Create volume backups using configured backup service.""" volume_id = backup.volume_id snapshot_id = backup.snapshot_id volume = objects.Volume.get_by_id(context, volume_id) snapshot = objects.Snapshot.get_by_id( context, snapshot_id) if snapshot_id else None previous_status = volume.get('previous_status', None) updates = {} if snapshot_id: log_message = ('Create backup started, backup: %(backup_id)s ' 'volume: %(volume_id)s snapshot: %(snapshot_id)s.' % {'backup_id': backup.id, 'volume_id': volume_id, 'snapshot_id': snapshot_id}) else: log_message = ('Create backup started, backup: %(backup_id)s ' 'volume: %(volume_id)s.' % {'backup_id': backup.id, 'volume_id': volume_id}) LOG.info(log_message) self._notify_about_backup_usage(context, backup, "create.start") backup.host = self.host backup.service = self.driver_name backup.availability_zone = self.az backup.save() expected_status = "backing-up" if snapshot_id: actual_status = snapshot['status'] if actual_status != expected_status: err = _('Create backup aborted, expected snapshot status ' '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s.') % { 'expected_status': expected_status, 'actual_status': actual_status, } self._update_backup_error(backup, err) raise exception.InvalidSnapshot(reason=err) else: actual_status = volume['status'] if actual_status != expected_status: err = _('Create backup aborted, expected volume status ' '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s.') % { 'expected_status': expected_status, 'actual_status': actual_status, } self._update_backup_error(backup, err) raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=err) expected_status = fields.BackupStatus.CREATING actual_status = backup.status if actual_status != expected_status: err = _('Create backup aborted, expected backup status ' '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s.') % { 'expected_status': expected_status, 'actual_status': actual_status, } self._update_backup_error(backup, err) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err) try: if not self.is_working(): err = _('Create backup aborted due to backup service is down') self._update_backup_error(backup, err) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err) updates = self._run_backup(context, backup, volume) except Exception as err: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if snapshot_id: snapshot.status = fields.SnapshotStatus.AVAILABLE snapshot.save() else: self.db.volume_update( context, volume_id, {'status': previous_status, 'previous_status': 'error_backing-up'}) self._update_backup_error(backup, six.text_type(err)) # Restore the original status. if snapshot_id: self.db.snapshot_update(context, snapshot_id, {'status': fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE}) else: self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': previous_status, 'previous_status': 'backing-up'}) # _run_backup method above updated the status for the backup, so it # will reflect latest status, even if it is deleted completion_msg = 'finished' if backup.status in (fields.BackupStatus.DELETING, fields.BackupStatus.DELETED): completion_msg = 'aborted' else: backup.status = fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE backup.size = volume['size'] if updates: backup.update(updates) backup.save() # Handle the num_dependent_backups of parent backup when child # backup has created successfully. if backup.parent_id: parent_backup = objects.Backup.get_by_id(context, backup.parent_id) parent_backup.num_dependent_backups += 1 parent_backup.save() LOG.info('Create backup %s. backup: %s.', completion_msg, backup.id) self._notify_about_backup_usage(context, backup, "create.end") def _run_backup(self, context, backup, volume): # Save a copy of the encryption key ID in case the volume is deleted. if (volume.encryption_key_id is not None and backup.encryption_key_id is None): backup.encryption_key_id = volume_utils.clone_encryption_key( context, key_manager.API(CONF), volume.encryption_key_id) backup.save() backup_service = self.get_backup_driver(context) properties = utils.brick_get_connector_properties() # NOTE(geguileo): Not all I/O disk operations properly do greenthread # context switching and may end up blocking the greenthread, so we go # with native threads proxy-wrapping the device file object. try: backup_device = self.volume_rpcapi.get_backup_device(context, backup, volume) attach_info = self._attach_device(context, backup_device.device_obj, properties, backup_device.is_snapshot) try: device_path = attach_info['device']['path'] if (isinstance(device_path, six.string_types) and not os.path.isdir(device_path)): if backup_device.secure_enabled: with open(device_path, 'rb') as device_file: updates = backup_service.backup( backup, tpool.Proxy(device_file)) else: with utils.temporary_chown(device_path): with open(device_path, 'rb') as device_file: updates = backup_service.backup( backup, tpool.Proxy(device_file)) # device_path is already file-like so no need to open it else: updates = backup_service.backup(backup, tpool.Proxy(device_path)) finally: self._detach_device(context, attach_info, backup_device.device_obj, properties, backup_device.is_snapshot, force=True, ignore_errors=True) finally: with backup.as_read_deleted(): backup.refresh() self._cleanup_temp_volumes_snapshots_when_backup_created( context, backup) return updates def restore_backup(self, context, backup, volume_id): """Restore volume backups from configured backup service.""" LOG.info('Restore backup started, backup: %(backup_id)s ' 'volume: %(volume_id)s.', {'backup_id': backup.id, 'volume_id': volume_id}) volume = objects.Volume.get_by_id(context, volume_id) self._notify_about_backup_usage(context, backup, "restore.start") backup.host = self.host backup.save() expected_status = 'restoring-backup' actual_status = volume['status'] if actual_status != expected_status: err = (_('Restore backup aborted, expected volume status ' '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s.') % {'expected_status': expected_status, 'actual_status': actual_status}) backup.status = fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE backup.save() self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': 'error_restoring'}) raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=err) expected_status = fields.BackupStatus.RESTORING actual_status = backup['status'] if actual_status != expected_status: err = (_('Restore backup aborted: expected backup status ' '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s.') % {'expected_status': expected_status, 'actual_status': actual_status}) self._update_backup_error(backup, err) self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': 'error'}) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err) if volume['size'] > backup['size']: LOG.info('Volume: %(vol_id)s, size: %(vol_size)d is ' 'larger than backup: %(backup_id)s, ' 'size: %(backup_size)d, continuing with restore.', {'vol_id': volume['id'], 'vol_size': volume['size'], 'backup_id': backup['id'], 'backup_size': backup['size']}) backup_service = backup['service'] configured_service = self.driver_name # TODO(tommylikehu): We upgraded the 'driver_name' from module # to class name, so we use 'in' here to match two namings, # this can be replaced with equal sign during next # release (Rocky). if backup_service not in configured_service: err = _('Restore backup aborted, the backup service currently' ' configured [%(configured_service)s] is not the' ' backup service that was used to create this' ' backup [%(backup_service)s].') % { 'configured_service': configured_service, 'backup_service': backup_service, } backup.status = fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE backup.save() self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': 'error'}) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err) try: canceled = False self._run_restore(context, backup, volume) except exception.BackupRestoreCancel: canceled = True except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {'status': 'error_restoring'}) backup.status = fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE backup.save() volume.status = 'error' if canceled else 'available' volume.save() backup.status = fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE backup.save() LOG.info('%(result)s restoring backup %(backup_id)s to volume ' '%(volume_id)s.', {'result': 'Canceled' if canceled else 'Finished', 'backup_id': backup.id, 'volume_id': volume_id}) self._notify_about_backup_usage(context, backup, "restore.end") def _run_restore(self, context, backup, volume): orig_key_id = volume.encryption_key_id backup_service = self.get_backup_driver(context) properties = utils.brick_get_connector_properties() secure_enabled = ( self.volume_rpcapi.secure_file_operations_enabled(context, volume)) attach_info = self._attach_device(context, volume, properties) # NOTE(geguileo): Not all I/O disk operations properly do greenthread # context switching and may end up blocking the greenthread, so we go # with native threads proxy-wrapping the device file object. try: device_path = attach_info['device']['path'] open_mode = 'rb+' if os.name == 'nt' else 'wb' if (isinstance(device_path, six.string_types) and not os.path.isdir(device_path)): if secure_enabled: with open(device_path, open_mode) as device_file: backup_service.restore(backup, volume.id, tpool.Proxy(device_file)) else: with utils.temporary_chown(device_path): with open(device_path, open_mode) as device_file: backup_service.restore(backup, volume.id, tpool.Proxy(device_file)) # device_path is already file-like so no need to open it else: backup_service.restore(backup, volume.id, tpool.Proxy(device_path)) finally: self._detach_device(context, attach_info, volume, properties, force=True) # Regardless of whether the restore was successful, do some # housekeeping to ensure the restored volume's encryption key ID is # unique, and any previous key ID is deleted. Start by fetching fresh # info on the restored volume. restored_volume = objects.Volume.get_by_id(context, volume.id) restored_key_id = restored_volume.encryption_key_id if restored_key_id != orig_key_id: LOG.info('Updating encryption key ID for volume %(volume_id)s ' 'from backup %(backup_id)s.', {'volume_id': volume.id, 'backup_id': backup.id}) key_mgr = key_manager.API(CONF) if orig_key_id is not None: LOG.debug('Deleting original volume encryption key ID.') volume_utils.delete_encryption_key(context, key_mgr, orig_key_id) if backup.encryption_key_id is None: # This backup predates the current code that stores the cloned # key ID in the backup database. Fortunately, the key ID # restored from the backup data _is_ a clone of the original # volume's key ID, so grab it. LOG.debug('Gleaning backup encryption key ID from metadata.') backup.encryption_key_id = restored_key_id backup.save() # Clone the key ID again to ensure every restored volume has # a unique key ID. The volume's key ID should not be the same # as the backup.encryption_key_id (the copy made when the backup # was first created). new_key_id = volume_utils.clone_encryption_key( context, key_mgr, backup.encryption_key_id) restored_volume.encryption_key_id = new_key_id restored_volume.save() else: LOG.debug('Encryption key ID for volume %(volume_id)s already ' 'matches encryption key ID in backup %(backup_id)s.', {'volume_id': volume.id, 'backup_id': backup.id}) def delete_backup(self, context, backup): """Delete volume backup from configured backup service.""" LOG.info('Delete backup started, backup: %s.', backup.id) self._notify_about_backup_usage(context, backup, "delete.start") backup.host = self.host backup.save() expected_status = fields.BackupStatus.DELETING actual_status = backup.status if actual_status != expected_status: err = _('Delete_backup aborted, expected backup status ' '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s.') \ % {'expected_status': expected_status, 'actual_status': actual_status} self._update_backup_error(backup, err) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err) if not self.is_working(): err = _('Delete backup is aborted due to backup service is down') status = fields.BackupStatus.ERROR_DELETING self._update_backup_error(backup, err, status) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err) backup_service = backup['service'] if backup_service is not None: configured_service = self.driver_name # TODO(tommylikehu): We upgraded the 'driver_name' from module # to class name, so we use 'in' here to match two namings, # this can be replaced with equal sign during next # release (Rocky). if backup_service not in configured_service: err = _('Delete backup aborted, the backup service currently' ' configured [%(configured_service)s] is not the' ' backup service that was used to create this' ' backup [%(backup_service)s].')\ % {'configured_service': configured_service, 'backup_service': backup_service} self._update_backup_error(backup, err) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err) try: backup_service = self.get_backup_driver(context) backup_service.delete_backup(backup) except Exception as err: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self._update_backup_error(backup, six.text_type(err)) # Get reservations try: reserve_opts = { 'backups': -1, 'backup_gigabytes': -backup.size, } reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context, project_id=backup.project_id, **reserve_opts) except Exception: reservations = None LOG.exception("Failed to update usages deleting backup") if backup.encryption_key_id is not None: volume_utils.delete_encryption_key(context, key_manager.API(CONF), backup.encryption_key_id) backup.encryption_key_id = None backup.save() backup.destroy() # If this backup is incremental backup, handle the # num_dependent_backups of parent backup if backup.parent_id: parent_backup = objects.Backup.get_by_id(context, backup.parent_id) if parent_backup.has_dependent_backups: parent_backup.num_dependent_backups -= 1 parent_backup.save() # Commit the reservations if reservations: QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations, project_id=backup.project_id) LOG.info('Delete backup finished, backup %s deleted.', backup.id) self._notify_about_backup_usage(context, backup, "delete.end") def _notify_about_backup_usage(self, context, backup, event_suffix, extra_usage_info=None): volume_utils.notify_about_backup_usage( context, backup, event_suffix, extra_usage_info=extra_usage_info, host=self.host) def export_record(self, context, backup): """Export all volume backup metadata details to allow clean import. Export backup metadata so it could be re-imported into the database without any prerequisite in the backup database. :param context: running context :param backup: backup object to export :returns: backup_record - a description of how to import the backup :returns: contains 'backup_url' - how to import the backup, and :returns: 'backup_service' describing the needed driver. :raises InvalidBackup: """ LOG.info('Export record started, backup: %s.', backup.id) expected_status = fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE actual_status = backup.status if actual_status != expected_status: err = (_('Export backup aborted, expected backup status ' '%(expected_status)s but got %(actual_status)s.') % {'expected_status': expected_status, 'actual_status': actual_status}) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err) backup_record = {'backup_service': backup.service} backup_service = backup.service configured_service = self.driver_name # TODO(tommylikehu): We upgraded the 'driver_name' from module # to class name, so we use 'in' here to match two namings, # this can be replaced with equal sign during next # release (Rocky). if backup_service not in configured_service: err = (_('Export record aborted, the backup service currently ' 'configured [%(configured_service)s] is not the ' 'backup service that was used to create this ' 'backup [%(backup_service)s].') % {'configured_service': configured_service, 'backup_service': backup_service}) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err) # Call driver to create backup description string try: backup_service = self.get_backup_driver(context) driver_info = backup_service.export_record(backup) backup_url = backup.encode_record(driver_info=driver_info) backup_record['backup_url'] = backup_url except Exception as err: msg = six.text_type(err) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=msg) LOG.info('Export record finished, backup %s exported.', backup.id) return backup_record def import_record(self, context, backup, backup_service, backup_url, backup_hosts): """Import all volume backup metadata details to the backup db. :param context: running context :param backup: The new backup object for the import :param backup_service: The needed backup driver for import :param backup_url: An identifier string to locate the backup :param backup_hosts: Potential hosts to execute the import :raises InvalidBackup: :raises ServiceNotFound: """ LOG.info('Import record started, backup_url: %s.', backup_url) # Can we import this backup? if backup_service != self.driver_name: # No, are there additional potential backup hosts in the list? if len(backup_hosts) > 0: # try the next host on the list, maybe he can import first_host = backup_hosts.pop() self.backup_rpcapi.import_record(context, first_host, backup, backup_service, backup_url, backup_hosts) else: # empty list - we are the last host on the list, fail err = _('Import record failed, cannot find backup ' 'service to perform the import. Request service ' '%(service)s.') % {'service': backup_service} self._update_backup_error(backup, err) raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service_id=backup_service) else: # Yes... try: # Deserialize backup record information backup_options = backup.decode_record(backup_url) # Extract driver specific info and pass it to the driver driver_options = backup_options.pop('driver_info', {}) backup_service = self.get_backup_driver(context) backup_service.import_record(backup, driver_options) except Exception as err: msg = six.text_type(err) self._update_backup_error(backup, msg) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=msg) required_import_options = { 'display_name', 'display_description', 'container', 'size', 'service_metadata', 'object_count', 'id' } # Check for missing fields in imported data missing_opts = required_import_options - set(backup_options) if missing_opts: msg = (_('Driver successfully decoded imported backup data, ' 'but there are missing fields (%s).') % ', '.join(missing_opts)) self._update_backup_error(backup, msg) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=msg) # Confirm the ID from the record in the DB is the right one backup_id = backup_options['id'] if backup_id != backup.id: msg = (_('Trying to import backup metadata from id %(meta_id)s' ' into backup %(id)s.') % {'meta_id': backup_id, 'id': backup.id}) self._update_backup_error(backup, msg) raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=msg) # Overwrite some fields backup_options['service'] = self.driver_name backup_options['availability_zone'] = self.az backup_options['host'] = self.host # Remove some values which are not actual fields and some that # were set by the API node for key in ('name', 'user_id', 'project_id', 'deleted_at', 'deleted', 'fail_reason', 'status'): backup_options.pop(key, None) # Update the database backup.update(backup_options) backup.save() # Verify backup try: if isinstance(backup_service, driver.BackupDriverWithVerify): backup_service.verify(backup.id) else: LOG.warning('Backup service %(service)s does not ' 'support verify. Backup id %(id)s is ' 'not verified. Skipping verify.', {'service': self.driver_name, 'id': backup.id}) except exception.InvalidBackup as err: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self._update_backup_error(backup, six.text_type(err)) # Update the backup's status backup.update({"status": fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE}) backup.save() LOG.info('Import record id %s metadata from driver ' 'finished.', backup.id) def reset_status(self, context, backup, status): """Reset volume backup status. :param context: running context :param backup: The backup object for reset status operation :param status: The status to be set :raises InvalidBackup: :raises BackupVerifyUnsupportedDriver: :raises AttributeError: """ LOG.info('Reset backup status started, backup_id: ' '%(backup_id)s, status: %(status)s.', {'backup_id': backup.id, 'status': status}) backup_service_name = backup.service LOG.info('Backup service: %s.', backup_service_name) if backup_service_name is not None: configured_service = self.driver_name # TODO(tommylikehu): We upgraded the 'driver_name' from module # to class name, so we use 'in' here to match two namings, # this can be replaced with equal sign during next # release (Rocky). if backup_service_name not in configured_service: err = _('Reset backup status aborted, the backup service' ' currently configured [%(configured_service)s] ' 'is not the backup service that was used to create' ' this backup [%(backup_service)s].') % \ {'configured_service': configured_service, 'backup_service': backup_service_name} raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err) # Verify backup try: # check whether the backup is ok or not if (status == fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE and backup['status'] != fields.BackupStatus.RESTORING): # check whether we could verify the backup is ok or not backup_service = self.get_backup_driver(context) if isinstance(backup_service, driver.BackupDriverWithVerify): backup_service.verify(backup.id) backup.status = status backup.save() # driver does not support verify function else: msg = (_('Backup service %(configured_service)s ' 'does not support verify. Backup id' ' %(id)s is not verified. ' 'Skipping verify.') % {'configured_service': self.driver_name, 'id': backup.id}) raise exception.BackupVerifyUnsupportedDriver( reason=msg) # reset status to error or from restoring to available else: if (status == fields.BackupStatus.ERROR or (status == fields.BackupStatus.AVAILABLE and backup.status == fields.BackupStatus.RESTORING)): backup.status = status backup.save() except exception.InvalidBackup: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Backup id %s is not invalid. Skipping reset.", backup.id) except exception.BackupVerifyUnsupportedDriver: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error('Backup service %(configured_service)s ' 'does not support verify. Backup id ' '%(id)s is not verified. ' 'Skipping verify.', {'configured_service': self.driver_name, 'id': backup.id}) except AttributeError: msg = (_('Backup service %(service)s does not support ' 'verify. Backup id %(id)s is not verified. ' 'Skipping reset.') % {'service': self.driver_name, 'id': backup.id}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.BackupVerifyUnsupportedDriver( reason=msg) # Needs to clean temporary volumes and snapshots. try: self._cleanup_temp_volumes_snapshots_for_one_backup( context, backup) except Exception: LOG.exception("Problem cleaning temp volumes and " "snapshots for backup %(bkup)s.", {'bkup': backup.id}) # send notification to ceilometer notifier_info = {'id': backup.id, 'update': {'status': status}} notifier = rpc.get_notifier('backupStatusUpdate') notifier.info(context, "backups.reset_status.end", notifier_info) def check_support_to_force_delete(self, context): """Check if the backup driver supports force delete operation. :param context: running context """ backup_service = self.get_backup_driver(context) return backup_service.support_force_delete def _attach_device(self, ctxt, backup_device, properties, is_snapshot=False): """Attach backup device.""" if not is_snapshot: return self._attach_volume(ctxt, backup_device, properties) else: return self._attach_snapshot(ctxt, backup_device, properties) def _attach_volume(self, context, volume, properties): """Attach a volume.""" try: conn = self.volume_rpcapi.initialize_connection(context, volume, properties) return self._connect_device(conn) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): try: self.volume_rpcapi.terminate_connection(context, volume, properties, force=True) except Exception: LOG.warning("Failed to terminate the connection " "of volume %(volume_id)s, but it is " "acceptable.", {'volume_id', volume.id}) def _attach_snapshot(self, ctxt, snapshot, properties): """Attach a snapshot.""" try: conn = self.volume_rpcapi.initialize_connection_snapshot( ctxt, snapshot, properties) return self._connect_device(conn) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): try: self.volume_rpcapi.terminate_connection_snapshot( ctxt, snapshot, properties, force=True) except Exception: LOG.warning("Failed to terminate the connection " "of snapshot %(snapshot_id)s, but it is " "acceptable.", {'snapshot_id', snapshot.id}) def _connect_device(self, conn): """Establish connection to device.""" use_multipath = CONF.use_multipath_for_image_xfer device_scan_attempts = CONF.num_volume_device_scan_tries protocol = conn['driver_volume_type'] connector = utils.brick_get_connector( protocol, use_multipath=use_multipath, device_scan_attempts=device_scan_attempts, conn=conn, expect_raw_disk=True) vol_handle = connector.connect_volume(conn['data']) return {'conn': conn, 'device': vol_handle, 'connector': connector} def _detach_device(self, ctxt, attach_info, device, properties, is_snapshot=False, force=False, ignore_errors=False): """Disconnect the volume or snapshot from the host. """ connector = attach_info['connector'] connector.disconnect_volume(attach_info['conn']['data'], attach_info['device'], force=force, ignore_errors=ignore_errors) rpcapi = self.volume_rpcapi if not is_snapshot: rpcapi.terminate_connection(ctxt, device, properties, force=force) rpcapi.remove_export(ctxt, device) else: rpcapi.terminate_connection_snapshot(ctxt, device, properties, force=force) rpcapi.remove_export_snapshot(ctxt, device) def is_working(self): return self.is_initialized @periodic_task.periodic_task(spacing=CONF.periodic_interval) def _report_driver_status(self, context): if not self.is_working(): self.setup_backup_backend(context)