# Nimble Storage, Inc. (c) 2013-2014 # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Volume driver for Nimble Storage. This driver supports Nimble Storage controller CS-Series and Nimble AF Arrays. """ import abc import eventlet import functools import json import random import re import requests import six import string import sys from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import units from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder import interface from cinder.objects import volume from cinder import utils from cinder.volume import configuration from cinder.volume import driver from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san from cinder.volume import volume_types from cinder.zonemanager import utils as fczm_utils DRIVER_VERSION = "4.0.1" AES_256_XTS_CIPHER = 'aes_256_xts' DEFAULT_CIPHER = 'none' EXTRA_SPEC_ENCRYPTION = 'nimble:encryption' EXTRA_SPEC_PERF_POLICY = 'nimble:perfpol-name' EXTRA_SPEC_MULTI_INITIATOR = 'nimble:multi-initiator' EXTRA_SPEC_DEDUPE = 'nimble:dedupe' EXTRA_SPEC_IOPS_LIMIT = 'nimble:iops-limit' EXTRA_SPEC_FOLDER = 'nimble:folder' DEFAULT_PERF_POLICY_SETTING = 'default' DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_SETTING = 'no' DEFAULT_DEDUPE_SETTING = 'false' DEFAULT_IOPS_LIMIT_SETTING = None DEFAULT_MULTI_INITIATOR_SETTING = 'false' DEFAULT_FOLDER_SETTING = None DEFAULT_SNAP_QUOTA = sys.maxsize BACKUP_VOL_PREFIX = 'backup-vol-' AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK = 'openstack' AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST = 'openstackv2' AGENT_TYPE_NONE = 'none' SM_SUBNET_DATA = 'data' SM_SUBNET_MGMT_PLUS_DATA = 'mgmt-data' SM_STATE_MSG = "is already in requested state" SM_OBJ_EXIST_MSG = "Object exists" SM_OBJ_ENOENT_MSG = "No such object" SM_OBJ_HAS_CLONE = "has a clone" IOPS_ERR_MSG = "Please set valid IOPS limit in the range" LUN_ID = '0' WARN_LEVEL = 80 DEFAULT_SLEEP = 5 MIN_IOPS = 256 MAX_IOPS = 4294967294 NimbleDefaultVersion = 1 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) nimble_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('nimble_pool_name', default='default', help='Nimble Controller pool name'), cfg.StrOpt('nimble_subnet_label', default='*', help='Nimble Subnet Label'), cfg.BoolOpt('nimble_verify_certificate', default=False, help='Whether to verify Nimble SSL Certificate'), cfg.StrOpt('nimble_verify_cert_path', help='Path to Nimble Array SSL certificate'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(nimble_opts, group=configuration.SHARED_CONF_GROUP) class NimbleDriverException(exception.VolumeDriverException): message = _("Nimble Cinder Driver exception") class NimbleAPIException(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("Unexpected response from Nimble API") class NimbleVolumeBusyException(exception.VolumeIsBusy): message = _("Nimble Cinder Driver: Volume Busy") class NimbleBaseVolumeDriver(san.SanDriver): """OpenStack driver to enable Nimble Controller. Version history: .. code-block:: none 1.0 - Initial driver 1.1.1 - Updated VERSION to Nimble driver version 1.1.2 - Update snap-quota to unlimited 2.0.0 - Added Extra Spec Capability Correct capacity reporting Added Manage/Unmanage volume support 2.0.1 - Added multi-initiator support through extra-specs 2.0.2 - Fixed supporting extra specs while cloning vols 3.0.0 - Newton Support for Force Backup 3.1.0 - Fibre Channel Support 4.0.0 - Migrate from SOAP to REST API Add support for Group Scoped Target 4.0.1 - Add QoS and dedupe support """ VERSION = DRIVER_VERSION # ThirdPartySystems wiki page CI_WIKI_NAME = "Nimble_Storage_CI" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NimbleBaseVolumeDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.APIExecutor = None self.group_stats = {} self.api_protocol = None self._storage_protocol = None self._group_target_enabled = False self.configuration.append_config_values(nimble_opts) self.verify = False if self.configuration.nimble_verify_certificate is True: self.verify = self.configuration.nimble_verify_cert_path or True def _check_config(self): """Ensure that the flags we care about are set.""" required_config = ['san_ip', 'san_login', 'san_password'] for attr in required_config: if not getattr(self.configuration, attr, None): raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=_('%s is not set.') % attr) def create_volume(self, volume): """Create a new volume.""" reserve = not self.configuration.san_thin_provision self.APIExecutor.create_vol( volume, self.configuration.nimble_pool_name, reserve, self._storage_protocol, self._group_target_enabled) return self._get_model_info(volume['name']) def is_volume_backup_clone(self, volume): """check if the volume is created through cinder-backup workflow. :param volume """ vol_info = self.APIExecutor.get_vol_info(volume['name']) LOG.debug("is_clone: %(is_clone)s base_snap_id: %(snap)s, " "parent_vol_id: %(vol)s", {'is_clone': vol_info['clone'], 'snap': vol_info['base_snap_id'], 'vol': vol_info['parent_vol_id']}) if vol_info['base_snap_id'] and ( vol_info['parent_vol_id'] is not None): LOG.debug("Nimble base-snap exists for volume %(vol)s", {'vol': volume['name']}) volume_name_prefix = volume['name'].replace(volume['id'], "") LOG.debug("volume_name_prefix : %(prefix)s", {'prefix': volume_name_prefix}) snap_id = self.APIExecutor.get_snap_info_by_id( vol_info['base_snap_id'], vol_info['parent_vol_id']) snap_info = self.APIExecutor.get_snap_info_detail(snap_id['id']) LOG.debug("snap_info description %(snap_info)s", {'snap_info': snap_info['description']}) if snap_info['description'] and BACKUP_VOL_PREFIX in ( snap_info['description']): # TODO(rkumar): get parent vol id from parent volume name parent_vol_name = self.APIExecutor.get_volume_name( vol_info['parent_vol_id']) parent_vol_id = parent_vol_name. replace( volume_name_prefix, "") if BACKUP_VOL_PREFIX + parent_vol_id in snap_info[ 'description']: LOG.info('Nimble backup-snapshot exists name=%(' 'name)s', {'name': snap_info['name']}) snap_vol_name = self.APIExecutor.get_volume_name( snap_info['vol_id']) LOG.debug("snap_vol_name %(snap)s", {'snap': snap_vol_name}) return snap_info['name'], snap_vol_name return "", "" def delete_volume(self, volume): """Delete the specified volume.""" backup_snap_name, backup_vol_name = self.is_volume_backup_clone(volume) eventlet.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP) self.APIExecutor.online_vol(volume['name'], False) LOG.debug("Deleting volume %(vol)s", {'vol': volume['name']}) @utils.retry(NimbleAPIException, retries=3) def _retry_remove_vol(volume): self.APIExecutor.delete_vol(volume['name']) try: _retry_remove_vol(volume) except NimbleAPIException as ex: LOG.debug("delete volume exception: %s", ex) if SM_OBJ_HAS_CLONE in six.text_type(ex): LOG.warning('Volume %(vol)s : %(state)s', {'vol': volume['name'], 'state': SM_OBJ_HAS_CLONE}) # set the volume back to be online and raise busy exception self.APIExecutor.online_vol(volume['name'], True) raise exception.VolumeIsBusy(volume_name=volume['name']) raise # Nimble backend does not delete the snapshot from the parent volume # if there is a dependent clone. So the deletes need to be in reverse # order i.e. # 1. First delete the clone volume used for backup # 2. Delete the base snapshot used for clone from the parent volume. # This is only done for the force backup clone operation as it is # a temporary operation in which we are certain that the snapshot does # not need to be preserved after the backup is completed. if (backup_snap_name != "" and backup_vol_name != "") and ( backup_snap_name is not None): LOG.debug("Delete volume backup vol: %(vol)s snap: %(snap)s", {'vol': backup_vol_name, 'snap': backup_snap_name}) self.APIExecutor.online_snap(backup_vol_name, False, backup_snap_name) self.APIExecutor.delete_snap(backup_vol_name, backup_snap_name) def _generate_random_string(self, length): """Generates random_string.""" char_set = string.ascii_lowercase return ''.join(random.sample(char_set, length)) def _clone_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Clone volume from snapshot. Extend the volume if the size of the volume is more than the snapshot. """ reserve = not self.configuration.san_thin_provision pool_name = self.configuration.nimble_pool_name self.APIExecutor.clone_vol(volume, snapshot, reserve, self._group_target_enabled, self._storage_protocol, pool_name) if(volume['size'] > snapshot['volume_size']): vol_size = volume['size'] * units.Ki reserve_size = 100 if reserve else 0 data = {"data": {'size': vol_size, 'reserve': reserve_size, 'warn_level': int(WARN_LEVEL), 'limit': 100, 'snap_limit': DEFAULT_SNAP_QUOTA}} LOG.debug("Edit Vol request %(data)s", {'data': data}) self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(volume['name'], data) return self._get_model_info(volume['name']) def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref): """Create a clone of the specified volume.""" snapshot_name = ('openstack-clone-' + volume['name'] + '-' + self._generate_random_string(12)) snapshot = {'volume_name': src_vref['name'], 'name': snapshot_name, 'volume_size': src_vref['size'], 'display_name': volume.display_name, 'display_description': ''} self.APIExecutor.snap_vol(snapshot) self._clone_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot) return self._get_model_info(volume['name']) def create_export(self, context, volume, connector): """Driver entry point to get the export info for a new volume.""" return self._get_model_info(volume['name']) def ensure_export(self, context, volume): """Driver entry point to get the export info for an existing volume.""" return self._get_model_info(volume['name']) def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Create a snapshot.""" self.APIExecutor.snap_vol(snapshot) def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Delete a snapshot.""" self.APIExecutor.online_snap( snapshot['volume_name'], False, snapshot['name']) self.APIExecutor.delete_snap(snapshot['volume_name'], snapshot['name']) def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Create a volume from a snapshot.""" self._clone_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot) return self._get_model_info(volume['name']) def _enable_group_scoped_target(self, group_info): if 'version_current' in group_info: current_version = group_info['version_current'] major_minor = current_version.split(".") if len(major_minor) >= 3: major = major_minor[0] minor = major_minor[1] # TODO(rkumar): Fix the major version if int(major) >= 4 and int(minor) >= 0: # Enforce group scoped target if 'group_target_enabled' in group_info: if group_info['group_target_enabled'] is False: try: self.APIExecutor.enable_group_scoped_target() except Exception: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to enable" " GST")) self._group_target_enabled = True LOG.info("Group Scoped Target enabled for " "group %(group)s: %(ip)s", {'group': group_info['name'], 'ip': self.configuration.san_ip}) elif 'group_target_enabled' not in group_info: LOG.info("Group Scoped Target NOT " "present for group %(group)s: " "%(ip)s", {'group': group_info['name'], 'ip': self.configuration.san_ip}) else: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to get current software " "version for %s") % self.configuration.san_ip) def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): """Get volume stats. This is more of getting group stats.""" if refresh: group_info = self.APIExecutor.get_group_info() if 'usage_valid' not in group_info: raise NimbleDriverException(_('SpaceInfo returned by' 'array is invalid')) total_capacity = (group_info['usable_capacity_bytes'] / float(units.Gi)) used_space = ((group_info['compressed_vol_usage_bytes'] + group_info['compressed_snap_usage_bytes'] + group_info['unused_reserve_bytes']) / float(units.Gi)) free_space = total_capacity - used_space LOG.debug('total_capacity=%(capacity)f ' 'used_space=%(used)f free_space=%(free)f', {'capacity': total_capacity, 'used': used_space, 'free': free_space}) backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get( 'volume_backend_name') or self.__class__.__name__ self.group_stats = {'volume_backend_name': backend_name, 'vendor_name': 'Nimble', 'driver_version': DRIVER_VERSION, 'storage_protocol': self._storage_protocol} # Just use a single pool for now, FIXME to support multiple # pools single_pool = dict( pool_name=backend_name, total_capacity_gb=total_capacity, free_capacity_gb=free_space, reserved_percentage=0, QoS_support=False) self.group_stats['pools'] = [single_pool] return self.group_stats def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size): """Extend an existing volume.""" volume_name = volume['name'] LOG.info('Entering extend_volume volume=%(vol)s ' 'new_size=%(size)s', {'vol': volume_name, 'size': new_size}) vol_size = int(new_size) * units.Ki reserve = not self.configuration.san_thin_provision reserve_size = 100 if reserve else 0 LOG.debug("new volume size in MB (size)s", {'size': vol_size}) data = {"data": {'size': vol_size, 'reserve': reserve_size, 'warn_level': int(WARN_LEVEL), 'limit': 100, 'snap_limit': DEFAULT_SNAP_QUOTA}} self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(volume_name, data) def _get_existing_volume_ref_name(self, existing_ref): """Returns the volume name of an existing ref""" vol_name = None if 'source-name' in existing_ref: vol_name = existing_ref['source-name'] else: reason = _("Reference must contain source-name.") raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason) return vol_name def _get_volumetype_extraspecs_with_type(self, type_id): specs = {} if type_id is not None: specs = volume_types.get_volume_type_extra_specs(type_id) return specs def retype(self, context, volume, new_type, diff, host): """Retype from one volume type to another. At this point HPE Nimble Storage does not differentiate between volume types on the same array. This is a no-op for us if there are no extra specs else honor the extra-specs. """ if new_type is None: return True, None LOG.debug("retype called with volume_type %s", new_type) volume_type_id = new_type['id'] if volume_type_id is None: raise NimbleAPIException(_("No volume_type_id present in" " %(type)s") % {'type': new_type}) LOG.debug("volume_type id is %s", volume_type_id) specs_map = self._get_volumetype_extraspecs_with_type( volume_type_id) if specs_map is None: # no extra specs to retype LOG.debug("volume_type %s has no extra specs", volume_type_id) return True, None vol_info = self.APIExecutor.get_vol_info(volume['name']) LOG.debug("new extra specs %s", specs_map) data = self.APIExecutor.get_valid_nimble_extraspecs(specs_map, vol_info) if data is None: # return if there is no update LOG.debug("no data to update for %s", new_type) return True, None try: # offline the volume before edit self.APIExecutor.online_vol(volume['name'], False) # modify the volume LOG.debug("updated volume %s", data) self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(volume['name'], data) # make the volume online after changing the specs self.APIExecutor.online_vol(volume['name'], True) except NimbleAPIException as ex: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retype %(vol)s to " "%(type)s: %(err)s") % {'vol': volume['name'], 'type': new_type, 'err': ex.message}) return True, None def manage_existing(self, volume, external_ref): """Manage an existing nimble volume (import to cinder)""" # Get the volume name from the external reference target_vol_name = self._get_existing_volume_ref_name(external_ref) LOG.debug('Entering manage_existing. ' 'Target_volume_name =%s', target_vol_name) # Get vol info from the volume name obtained from the reference vol_info = self.APIExecutor.get_vol_info(target_vol_name) # Check if volume is already managed by OpenStack if vol_info['agent_type'] == AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK or ( vol_info['agent_type'] == AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST): raise exception.ManageExistingAlreadyManaged( volume_ref=volume['id']) # If agent-type is not None then raise exception if vol_info['agent_type'] != AGENT_TYPE_NONE: msg = (_('Volume should have agent-type set as None.')) raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg) new_vol_name = volume['name'] LOG.info("Volume status before managing it : %(status)s", {'status': vol_info['online']}) if vol_info['online'] is True: msg = (_('Volume %s is online. Set volume to offline for ' 'managing using OpenStack.') % target_vol_name) raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg) # edit the volume data = {'data': {'name': new_vol_name}} if self._group_target_enabled is True: # check if any ACL's are attached to this volume if 'access_control_records' in vol_info and ( vol_info['access_control_records'] is not None): msg = (_('Volume %s has ACL associated with it. Remove ACL ' 'for managing using OpenStack') % target_vol_name) raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg) data['data']['agent_type'] = AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST else: data['data']['agent_type'] = AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK LOG.debug("Data for edit %(data)s", {'data': data}) self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(target_vol_name, data) # make the volume online after rename self.APIExecutor.online_vol(new_vol_name, True) return self._get_model_info(new_vol_name) def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, external_ref): """Return size of an existing volume""" LOG.debug('Volume name : %(name)s External ref : %(ref)s', {'name': volume['name'], 'ref': external_ref}) target_vol_name = self._get_existing_volume_ref_name(external_ref) # get vol info vol_info = self.APIExecutor.get_vol_info(target_vol_name) LOG.debug('Volume size : %(size)s Volume-name : %(name)s', {'size': vol_info['size'], 'name': vol_info['name']}) return int(vol_info['size'] / units.Ki) def unmanage(self, volume): """Removes the specified volume from Cinder management.""" vol_name = volume['name'] LOG.debug("Entering unmanage_volume volume =%s", vol_name) # check agent type vol_info = self.APIExecutor.get_vol_info(vol_name) if vol_info['agent_type'] != AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK and ( vol_info['agent_type'] != AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST): msg = (_('Only volumes managed by OpenStack can be unmanaged.')) raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg) data = {'data': {'agent_type': AGENT_TYPE_NONE}} # update the agent-type to None self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(vol_name, data) # offline the volume self.APIExecutor.online_vol(vol_name, False) def do_setup(self, context): """Setup the Nimble Cinder volume driver.""" self._check_config() # Setup API Executor try: self.APIExecutor = NimbleRestAPIExecutor( username=self.configuration.san_login, password=self.configuration.san_password, ip=self.configuration.san_ip, verify=self.verify) if self._storage_protocol == "iSCSI": group_info = self.APIExecutor.get_group_info() self._enable_group_scoped_target(group_info) except Exception: LOG.error('Failed to create REST client. ' 'Check san_ip, username, password' ' and make sure the array version is compatible') raise self._update_existing_vols_agent_type(context) def _update_existing_vols_agent_type(self, context): backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') all_vols = volume.VolumeList.get_all( context, None, None, None, None, {'status': 'available'}) for vol in all_vols: if backend_name in vol.host: try: vol_info = self.APIExecutor.get_vol_info(vol.name) # update agent_type only if no ACL's are present if 'access_control_records' in vol_info and ( vol_info['access_control_records'] is None): if self._group_target_enabled: LOG.debug("Updating %(vol)s to have agent_type :" "%(agent)s", {'vol': vol.name, 'agent': AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST}) # check if this is an upgrade case from # openstack to openstackv2 if vol_info['agent_type'] == AGENT_TYPE_NONE: data = {'data': {'agent_type': AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST}} self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(vol.name, data) elif vol_info['agent_type'] == ( AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK): # 1. update the agent type to None data = {'data': {'agent_type': AGENT_TYPE_NONE}} self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(vol.name, data) # 2. update the agent type to openstack_gst data = {'data': {'agent_type': AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST}} self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(vol.name, data) else: LOG.debug("Updating %(vol)s to have agent_type :" "%(agent)s", {'vol': vol.name, 'agent': AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST}) if vol_info['agent_type'] == AGENT_TYPE_NONE: data = {'data': {'agent_type': AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK}} self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(vol.name, data) elif vol_info['agent_type'] == ( AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST): # 1. update the agent type to None data = {'data': {'agent_type': AGENT_TYPE_NONE}} self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(vol.name, data) # 2. update the agent type to openstack data = {'data': {'agent_type': AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK}} self.APIExecutor.edit_vol(vol.name, data) except NimbleAPIException: # just log the error but don't fail driver initialization LOG.warning('Error updating agent-type for ' 'volume %s.', vol.name) def _get_model_info(self, volume_name): """Get model info for the volume.""" return ( {'provider_location': self._get_provider_location(volume_name), 'provider_auth': None}) @abc.abstractmethod def _get_provider_location(self, volume_name): """Volume info for iSCSI and FC""" pass def _create_igroup_for_initiator(self, initiator_name, wwpns): """Creates igroup for an initiator and returns the igroup name.""" igrp_name = 'openstack-' + self._generate_random_string(12) LOG.info('Creating initiator group %(grp)s ' 'with initiator %(iname)s', {'grp': igrp_name, 'iname': initiator_name}) if self._storage_protocol == "iSCSI": self.APIExecutor.create_initiator_group(igrp_name) self.APIExecutor.add_initiator_to_igroup(igrp_name, initiator_name) elif self._storage_protocol == "FC": self.APIExecutor.create_initiator_group_fc(igrp_name) for wwpn in wwpns: self.APIExecutor.add_initiator_to_igroup_fc(igrp_name, wwpn) return igrp_name def _get_igroupname_for_initiator_fc(self, initiator_wwpns): initiator_groups = self.APIExecutor.get_initiator_grp_list() for initiator_group in initiator_groups: if 'fc_initiators' in initiator_group and initiator_group[ 'fc_initiators'] is not None: wwpns_list = [] for initiator in initiator_group['fc_initiators']: wwpn = str(initiator['wwpn']).replace(":", "") wwpns_list.append(wwpn) LOG.debug("initiator_wwpns=%(initiator)s " "wwpns_list_from_array=%(wwpns)s", {'initiator': initiator_wwpns, 'wwpns': wwpns_list}) if set(initiator_wwpns) == set(wwpns_list): LOG.info('igroup %(grp)s found for ' 'initiator %(wwpns_list)s', {'grp': initiator_group['name'], 'wwpns_list': wwpns_list}) return initiator_group['name'] LOG.info('No igroup found for initiators %s', initiator_wwpns) return '' def _get_igroupname_for_initiator(self, initiator_name): initiator_groups = self.APIExecutor.get_initiator_grp_list() for initiator_group in initiator_groups: if initiator_group['iscsi_initiators'] is not None: if (len(initiator_group['iscsi_initiators']) == 1 and initiator_group['iscsi_initiators'][0]['iqn'] == initiator_name): LOG.info('igroup %(grp)s found for ' 'initiator %(iname)s', {'grp': initiator_group['name'], 'iname': initiator_name}) return initiator_group['name'] LOG.info('No igroup found for initiator %s', initiator_name) return '' def get_lun_number(self, volume, initiator_group_name): vol_info = self.APIExecutor.get_vol_info(volume['name']) for acl in vol_info['access_control_records']: if (initiator_group_name == acl['initiator_group_name']): LOG.info("access_control_record =%(acl)s", {'acl': acl}) lun = acl['lun'] LOG.info("LUN : %(lun)s", {"lun": lun}) return lun raise NimbleAPIException(_("Lun number not found for volume %(vol)s " "with initiator_group: %(igroup)s") % {'vol': volume['name'], 'igroup': initiator_group_name}) @interface.volumedriver class NimbleISCSIDriver(NimbleBaseVolumeDriver, san.SanISCSIDriver): """OpenStack driver to enable Nimble ISCSI Controller.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NimbleISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._storage_protocol = "iSCSI" self._group_target_name = None def _set_gst_for_group(self): group_info = self.APIExecutor.get_group_info() if 'group_target_enabled' in group_info and ( group_info['group_target_enabled']) is True and ( 'group_target_name' in group_info) and ( group_info['group_target_name'] is not None): self._group_target_name = group_info['group_target_name'] def _get_gst_for_group(self): return self._group_target_name def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): """Driver entry point to attach a volume to an instance.""" LOG.info('Entering initialize_connection volume=%(vol)s' ' connector=%(conn)s location=%(loc)s', {'vol': volume, 'conn': connector, 'loc': volume['provider_location']}) initiator_name = connector['initiator'] initiator_group_name = self._get_igroupname_for_initiator( initiator_name) if not initiator_group_name: initiator_group_name = self._create_igroup_for_initiator( initiator_name, None) LOG.info('Initiator group name is %(grp)s for initiator ' '%(iname)s', {'grp': initiator_group_name, 'iname': initiator_name}) self.APIExecutor.add_acl(volume, initiator_group_name) properties = {"driver_volume_type": "iscsi", "data": {"target_discovered": False}, } properties['data']['volume_id'] = volume['id'] # used by xen currently (iscsi_portal, iqn) = volume['provider_location'].split() if self._get_gst_for_group() is not None: lun_num = self.get_lun_number(volume, initiator_group_name) netconfig = self.APIExecutor.get_netconfig('active') target_portals = self._get_data_ips(netconfig) LOG.info("target portals %(portals)s", {'portals': target_portals}) target_luns = [int(lun_num)] * len(target_portals) target_iqns = [iqn] * len(target_portals) LOG.debug("target iqns %(iqns)s target luns %(luns)s", {'iqns': target_iqns, 'luns': target_luns}) if target_luns and target_iqns and target_portals: properties["data"]["target_luns"] = target_luns properties["data"]["target_iqns"] = target_iqns properties["data"]["target_portals"] = target_portals else: # handling volume scoped target lun_num = LUN_ID properties['data']['target_portal'] = iscsi_portal properties['data']['target_iqn'] = iqn properties['data']['target_lun'] = int(lun_num) return properties def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs): """Driver entry point to unattach a volume from an instance.""" LOG.info('Entering terminate_connection volume=%(vol)s' ' connector=%(conn)s location=%(loc)s.', {'vol': volume['name'], 'conn': connector, 'loc': volume['provider_location']}) if connector is None: LOG.warning("Removing ALL host connections for volume %s", volume) self.APIExecutor.remove_all_acls(volume) return initiator_name = connector['initiator'] initiator_group_name = self._get_igroupname_for_initiator( initiator_name) if not initiator_group_name: raise NimbleDriverException(_('No initiator group found for ' 'initiator %s') % initiator_name) self.APIExecutor.remove_acl(volume, initiator_group_name) eventlet.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP) def _get_provider_location(self, volume_name): """Get volume iqn for initiator access.""" vol_info = self.APIExecutor.get_vol_info(volume_name) netconfig = self.APIExecutor.get_netconfig('active') self._set_gst_for_group() if self._get_gst_for_group() is not None: iqn = self._get_gst_for_group() else: iqn = vol_info['target_name'] target_ipaddr = self._get_discovery_ip(netconfig) iscsi_portal = target_ipaddr + ':3260' provider_location = '%s %s' % (iscsi_portal, iqn) LOG.info('vol_name=%(name)s provider_location=%(loc)s', {'name': volume_name, 'loc': provider_location}) return provider_location def _get_data_ips(self, netconfig): """Get data ips.""" subnet_label = self.configuration.nimble_subnet_label LOG.debug('subnet_label used %(netlabel)s, netconfig %(netconf)s', {'netlabel': subnet_label, 'netconf': netconfig}) ret_data_ips = [] for subnet in netconfig['array_list'][0]['nic_list']: LOG.info('Exploring array subnet label %s', subnet[ 'subnet_label']) if subnet['data_ip']: if subnet_label == '*': # if all subnets are mentioned then return all portals # else just return specific subnet LOG.info('Data ip %(data_ip)s is used ' 'on data subnet %(net_label)s', {'data_ip': subnet['data_ip'], 'net_label': subnet['subnet_label']}) ret_data_ips.append(str(subnet['data_ip']) + ':3260') elif subnet_label == subnet['subnet_label']: LOG.info('Data ip %(data_ip)s is used' ' on subnet %(net_label)s', {'data_ip': subnet['data_ip'], 'net_label': subnet['subnet_label']}) data_ips_single_subnet = [] data_ips_single_subnet.append(str(subnet['data_ip']) + ':3260') return data_ips_single_subnet if ret_data_ips: LOG.info('Data ips %s', ret_data_ips) return ret_data_ips else: raise NimbleDriverException(_('No suitable data ip found')) def _get_discovery_ip(self, netconfig): """Get discovery ip.""" subnet_label = self.configuration.nimble_subnet_label LOG.debug('subnet_label used %(netlabel)s, netconfig %(netconf)s', {'netlabel': subnet_label, 'netconf': netconfig}) ret_discovery_ip = '' for subnet in netconfig['subnet_list']: LOG.info('Exploring array subnet label %s', subnet['label']) if subnet_label == '*': # Use the first data subnet, save mgmt+data for later if subnet['type'] == SM_SUBNET_DATA: LOG.info('Discovery ip %(disc_ip)s is used ' 'on data subnet %(net_label)s', {'disc_ip': subnet['discovery_ip'], 'net_label': subnet['label']}) return subnet['discovery_ip'] elif (subnet['type'] == SM_SUBNET_MGMT_PLUS_DATA): LOG.info('Discovery ip %(disc_ip)s is found' ' on mgmt+data subnet %(net_label)s', {'disc_ip': subnet['discovery_ip'], 'net_label': subnet['label']}) ret_discovery_ip = subnet['discovery_ip'] # If subnet is specified and found, use the subnet elif subnet_label == subnet['label']: LOG.info('Discovery ip %(disc_ip)s is used' ' on subnet %(net_label)s', {'disc_ip': subnet['discovery_ip'], 'net_label': subnet['label']}) return subnet['discovery_ip'] if ret_discovery_ip: LOG.info('Discovery ip %s is used on mgmt+data subnet', ret_discovery_ip) return ret_discovery_ip else: raise NimbleDriverException(_('No suitable discovery ip found')) @interface.volumedriver class NimbleFCDriver(NimbleBaseVolumeDriver, driver.FibreChannelDriver): """OpenStack driver to enable Nimble FC Driver Controller.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NimbleFCDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._storage_protocol = "FC" self._lookup_service = fczm_utils.create_lookup_service() def _get_provider_location(self, volume_name): """Get array info wwn details.""" netconfig = self.APIExecutor.get_netconfig('active') array_name = netconfig['group_leader_array'] provider_location = '%s' % (array_name) LOG.info('vol_name=%(name)s provider_location=%(loc)s', {'name': volume_name, 'loc': provider_location}) return provider_location def _build_initiator_target_map(self, target_wwns, connector): """Build the target_wwns and the initiator target map.""" LOG.debug("_build_initiator_target_map for %(wwns)s", {'wwns': target_wwns}) init_targ_map = {} if self._lookup_service: # use FC san lookup to determine which wwpns to use # for the new VLUN. dev_map = self._lookup_service.get_device_mapping_from_network( connector['wwpns'], target_wwns) map_fabric = dev_map LOG.info("dev_map =%(fabric)s", {'fabric': map_fabric}) for fabric_name in dev_map: fabric = dev_map[fabric_name] for initiator in fabric['initiator_port_wwn_list']: if initiator not in init_targ_map: init_targ_map[initiator] = [] init_targ_map[initiator] += fabric['target_port_wwn_list'] init_targ_map[initiator] = list(set( init_targ_map[initiator])) else: init_targ_map = dict.fromkeys(connector["wwpns"], target_wwns) return init_targ_map def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): """Driver entry point to attach a volume to an instance.""" LOG.info('Entering initialize_connection volume=%(vol)s' ' connector=%(conn)s location=%(loc)s', {'vol': volume, 'conn': connector, 'loc': volume['provider_location']}) wwpns = [] initiator_name = connector['initiator'] for wwpn in connector['wwpns']: wwpns.append(wwpn) initiator_group_name = self._get_igroupname_for_initiator_fc(wwpns) if not initiator_group_name: initiator_group_name = self._create_igroup_for_initiator( initiator_name, wwpns) LOG.info('Initiator group name is %(grp)s for initiator ' '%(iname)s', {'grp': initiator_group_name, 'iname': initiator_name}) self.APIExecutor.add_acl(volume, initiator_group_name) lun = self.get_lun_number(volume, initiator_group_name) init_targ_map = {} (array_name) = volume['provider_location'].split() target_wwns = self.get_wwpns_from_array(array_name) init_targ_map = self._build_initiator_target_map(target_wwns, connector) data = {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel', 'data': {'target_lun': lun, 'target_discovered': True, 'target_wwn': target_wwns, 'initiator_target_map': init_targ_map}} LOG.info("Return FC data for zone addition: %(data)s.", {'data': data}) fczm_utils.add_fc_zone(data) return data def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs): """Driver entry point to unattach a volume from an instance.""" LOG.info('Entering terminate_connection volume=%(vol)s' ' connector=%(conn)s location=%(loc)s.', {'vol': volume, 'conn': connector, 'loc': volume['provider_location']}) wwpns = [] if connector is None: LOG.warning("Removing ALL host connections for volume %s", volume) self.APIExecutor.remove_all_acls(volume) return initiator_name = connector['initiator'] for wwpn in connector['wwpns']: wwpns.append(wwpn) (array_name) = volume['provider_location'].split() target_wwns = self.get_wwpns_from_array(array_name) init_targ_map = self._build_initiator_target_map(target_wwns, connector) initiator_group_name = self._get_igroupname_for_initiator_fc(wwpns) if not initiator_group_name: raise NimbleDriverException( _('No initiator group found for initiator %s') % initiator_name) LOG.debug("initiator_target_map %s", init_targ_map) self.APIExecutor.remove_acl(volume, initiator_group_name) eventlet.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP) # FIXME to check for other volumes attached to the host and then # return the data. Bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1617472 data = {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel', 'data': {'target_wwn': target_wwns}} # FIXME: need to optionally add the initiator_target_map here when # there are no more volumes exported to the initiator / target pair # otherwise the zone will never get removed. fczm_utils.remove_fc_zone(data) return data def get_wwpns_from_array(self, array_name): """Retrieve the wwpns from the array""" LOG.debug("get_wwpns_from_array %s", array_name) target_wwpns = [] interface_info = self.APIExecutor.get_fc_interface_list(array_name) LOG.info("interface_info %(interface_info)s", {"interface_info": interface_info}) for wwpn_list in interface_info: wwpn = wwpn_list['wwpn'] wwpn = wwpn.replace(":", "") target_wwpns.append(wwpn) return target_wwpns def _convert_string_to_colon_separated_wwnn(self, wwnn): return ':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(wwnn[::2], wwnn[1::2])) def _connection_checker(func): """Decorator to re-establish and re-run the api if session has expired.""" @functools.wraps(func) def inner_connection_checker(self, *args, **kwargs): for attempts in range(2): try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if attempts < 1 and (re.search("Failed to execute", six.text_type(e))): LOG.info('Session might have expired.' ' Trying to relogin') self.login() continue else: LOG.error('Re-throwing Exception %s', e) raise return inner_connection_checker class NimbleRestAPIExecutor(object): """Makes Nimble REST API calls.""" def __init__(self, api_version=NimbleDefaultVersion, *args, **kwargs): self.token_id = None self.ip = kwargs['ip'] self.username = kwargs['username'] self.password = kwargs['password'] self.verify = kwargs['verify'] self.api_version = api_version self.uri = "https://%(ip)s:5392/v%(version)s/" % { 'ip': self.ip, 'version': self.api_version} self.login() def login(self): data = {'data': {"username": self.username, "password": self.password, "app_name": "NimbleCinderDriver"}} r = requests.post(self.uri + "tokens", data=json.dumps(data), verify=self.verify) if r.status_code != 201 and r.status_code != 200: msg = _("Failed to login for user %s"), self.username raise NimbleAPIException(msg) self.token_id = r.json()['data']['session_token'] self.headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.token_id} def get_group_id(self): api = 'groups' r = self.get(api) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve Group Object for : " "%s") % self.ip) return r.json()['data'][0]['id'] def get_group_info(self): group_id = self.get_group_id() api = 'groups/' + six.text_type(group_id) r = self.get(api) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve Group info for: %s") % group_id) return r.json()['data'] def get_folder_id(self, folder_name): api = 'folders' filter = {"name": folder_name} r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve information for " "Folder: %s") % folder_name) return r.json()['data'][0]['id'] def get_folder_info(self, folder_name): folder_id = self.get_folder_id(folder_name) api = "folders/" + six.text_type(folder_id) r = self.get(api) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve Folder info for: " "%s") % folder_id) return r.json()['data'] def get_performance_policy_id(self, perf_policy_name): api = 'performance_policies/' filter = {'name': perf_policy_name} LOG.debug("Performance policy Name %s", perf_policy_name) r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("No performance policy found for: " "%(perf)s") % {'perf': perf_policy_name}) LOG.debug("Performance policy ID :%(perf)s", {'perf': r.json()['data'][0]['id']}) return r.json()['data'][0]['id'] def get_netconfig(self, role): api = "network_configs/detail" filter = {'role': role} r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("No %s network config exists") % role) return r.json()['data'][0] def _get_volumetype_extraspecs(self, volume): specs = {} type_id = volume['volume_type_id'] if type_id is not None: specs = volume_types.get_volume_type_extra_specs(type_id) return specs def _get_extra_spec_values(self, extra_specs): """Nimble specific extra specs.""" perf_policy_name = extra_specs.get(EXTRA_SPEC_PERF_POLICY, DEFAULT_PERF_POLICY_SETTING) encryption = extra_specs.get(EXTRA_SPEC_ENCRYPTION, DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_SETTING) multi_initiator = extra_specs.get(EXTRA_SPEC_MULTI_INITIATOR, DEFAULT_MULTI_INITIATOR_SETTING) iops_limit = extra_specs.get(EXTRA_SPEC_IOPS_LIMIT, DEFAULT_IOPS_LIMIT_SETTING) folder_name = extra_specs.get(EXTRA_SPEC_FOLDER, DEFAULT_FOLDER_SETTING) dedupe = extra_specs.get(EXTRA_SPEC_DEDUPE, DEFAULT_DEDUPE_SETTING) extra_specs_map = {} extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_PERF_POLICY] = perf_policy_name extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_ENCRYPTION] = encryption extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_MULTI_INITIATOR] = multi_initiator extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_IOPS_LIMIT] = iops_limit extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_DEDUPE] = dedupe extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_FOLDER] = folder_name return extra_specs_map def get_valid_nimble_extraspecs(self, extra_specs_map, vol_info): extra_specs_map_updated = self._get_extra_spec_values(extra_specs_map) data = {"data": {}} perf_policy_name = extra_specs_map_updated[EXTRA_SPEC_PERF_POLICY] perf_policy_id = self.get_performance_policy_id(perf_policy_name) data['perfpolicy_id'] = perf_policy_id encrypt = extra_specs_map_updated[EXTRA_SPEC_ENCRYPTION] cipher = DEFAULT_CIPHER if encrypt.lower() == 'yes': cipher = AES_256_XTS_CIPHER data['cipher'] = cipher multi_initiator = extra_specs_map_updated[EXTRA_SPEC_MULTI_INITIATOR] data['multi_initiator'] = multi_initiator folder_name = extra_specs_map_updated[EXTRA_SPEC_FOLDER] folder_id = None pool_id = vol_info['pool_id'] pool_name = vol_info['pool_name'] if folder_name is not None: # validate if folder exists in pool_name pool_info = self.get_pool_info(pool_id) if 'folder_list' in pool_info and (pool_info['folder_list'] is not None): for folder_list in pool_info['folder_list']: LOG.debug("folder_list : %s", folder_list) if folder_list['fqn'] == "/" + folder_name: LOG.debug("Folder %(folder)s present in pool " "%(pool)s", {'folder': folder_name, 'pool': pool_name}) folder_id = self.get_folder_id(folder_name) if folder_id is not None: data['data']["folder_id"] = folder_id if folder_id is None: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Folder '%(folder)s' not " "present in pool '%(" "pool)s'") % {'folder': folder_name, 'pool': pool_name}) else: raise NimbleAPIException(_( "Folder '%(folder)s' not present in pool '%(pool)s'") % {'folder': folder_name, 'pool': pool_name}) iops_limit = extra_specs_map_updated[EXTRA_SPEC_IOPS_LIMIT] if iops_limit is not None: if not iops_limit.isdigit() or ( int(iops_limit) < MIN_IOPS) or (int(iops_limit) > MAX_IOPS): raise NimbleAPIException(_("%(err)s [%(min)s, %(max)s]") % {'err': IOPS_ERR_MSG, 'min': MIN_IOPS, 'max': MAX_IOPS}) data['data']['limit_iops'] = iops_limit dedupe = extra_specs_map_updated[EXTRA_SPEC_DEDUPE] if dedupe.lower() == 'true': data['data']['dedupe_enabled'] = True return data def create_vol(self, volume, pool_name, reserve, protocol, is_gst_enabled): response = self._execute_create_vol(volume, pool_name, reserve, protocol, is_gst_enabled) LOG.info('Successfully created volume %(name)s', {'name': response['name']}) return response['name'] def _is_ascii(self, value): try: return all(ord(c) < 128 for c in value) except TypeError: return False def _execute_create_vol(self, volume, pool_name, reserve, protocol, is_gst_enabled): """Create volume :return: r['data'] """ # Set volume size, display name and description volume_size = volume['size'] * units.Ki reserve_size = 100 if reserve else 0 # Set volume description display_name = getattr(volume, 'display_name', '') display_description = getattr(volume, 'display_description', '') if self._is_ascii(display_name) and self._is_ascii( display_description): display_list = [getattr(volume, 'display_name', ''), getattr(volume, 'display_description', '')] description = ':'.join(filter(None, display_list)) elif self._is_ascii(display_name): description = display_name elif self._is_ascii(display_description): description = display_description else: description = "" # Limit description size to 254 characters description = description[:254] pool_id = self.get_pool_id(pool_name) specs = self._get_volumetype_extraspecs(volume) extra_specs_map = self._get_extra_spec_values(specs) perf_policy_name = extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_PERF_POLICY] perf_policy_id = self.get_performance_policy_id(perf_policy_name) encrypt = extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_ENCRYPTION] multi_initiator = extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_MULTI_INITIATOR] folder_name = extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_FOLDER] iops_limit = extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_IOPS_LIMIT] dedupe = extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_DEDUPE] cipher = DEFAULT_CIPHER if encrypt.lower() == 'yes': cipher = AES_256_XTS_CIPHER if is_gst_enabled is True: agent_type = AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST else: agent_type = AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK LOG.debug('Creating a new volume=%(vol)s size=%(size)s' ' reserve=%(reserve)s in pool=%(pool)s' ' description=%(description)s with Extra Specs' ' perfpol-name=%(perfpol-name)s' ' encryption=%(encryption)s cipher=%(cipher)s' ' agent-type=%(agent-type)s' ' multi-initiator=%(multi-initiator)s', {'vol': volume['name'], 'size': volume_size, 'reserve': reserve_size, 'pool': pool_name, 'description': description, 'perfpol-name': perf_policy_name, 'encryption': encrypt, 'cipher': cipher, 'agent-type': agent_type, 'multi-initiator': multi_initiator}) data = {"data": {'name': volume['name'], 'description': description, 'size': volume_size, 'reserve': reserve_size, 'warn_level': int(WARN_LEVEL), 'limit': 100, 'snap_limit': DEFAULT_SNAP_QUOTA, 'online': True, 'pool_id': pool_id, 'agent_type': agent_type, 'perfpolicy_id': perf_policy_id, 'encryption_cipher': cipher}} if protocol == "iSCSI": data['data']['multi_initiator'] = multi_initiator if dedupe.lower() == 'true': data['data']['dedupe_enabled'] = True folder_id = None if folder_name is not None: # validate if folder exists in pool_name pool_info = self.get_pool_info(pool_id) if 'folder_list' in pool_info and (pool_info['folder_list'] is not None): for folder_list in pool_info['folder_list']: LOG.debug("folder_list : %s", folder_list) if folder_list['fqn'] == "/" + folder_name: LOG.debug("Folder %(folder)s present in pool " "%(pool)s", {'folder': folder_name, 'pool': pool_name}) folder_id = self.get_folder_id(folder_name) if folder_id is not None: data['data']["folder_id"] = folder_id if folder_id is None: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Folder '%(folder)s' not " "present in pool '%(pool)s'") % {'folder': folder_name, 'pool': pool_name}) else: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Folder '%(folder)s' not present in" " pool '%(pool)s'") % {'folder': folder_name, 'pool': pool_name}) if iops_limit is not None: if not iops_limit.isdigit() or ( int(iops_limit) < MIN_IOPS) or (int(iops_limit) > MAX_IOPS): raise NimbleAPIException(_("%(err)s [%(min)s, %(max)s]") % {'err': IOPS_ERR_MSG, 'min': MIN_IOPS, 'max': MAX_IOPS}) data['data']['limit_iops'] = iops_limit LOG.debug("Volume metadata :%s", volume.metadata) for key, value in volume.metadata.items(): LOG.debug("Key %(key)s Value %(value)s", {'key': key, 'value': value}) if key == EXTRA_SPEC_IOPS_LIMIT and value.isdigit(): if type(value) == int or int(value) < MIN_IOPS or ( int(value) > MAX_IOPS): raise NimbleAPIException(_("%(err)s [%(min)s, %(max)s]") % {'err': IOPS_ERR_MSG, 'min': MIN_IOPS, 'max': MAX_IOPS}) LOG.debug("IOPS Limit %s", value) data['data']['limit_iops'] = value LOG.debug("Data : %s", data) api = 'volumes' r = self.post(api, data) return r['data'] def create_initiator_group(self, initiator_grp_name): api = "initiator_groups" data = {"data": {"name": initiator_grp_name, "access_protocol": "iscsi", }} r = self.post(api, data) return r['data'] def create_initiator_group_fc(self, initiator_grp_name): api = "initiator_groups" data = {} data["data"] = {} data["data"]["name"] = initiator_grp_name data["data"]["access_protocol"] = "fc" r = self.post(api, data) return r['data'] def get_initiator_grp_id(self, initiator_grp_name): api = "initiator_groups" filter = {'name': initiator_grp_name} r = self.get_query(api, filter) return r.json()['data'][0]['id'] def add_initiator_to_igroup(self, initiator_grp_name, initiator_name): initiator_group_id = self.get_initiator_grp_id(initiator_grp_name) api = "initiators" data = {"data": { "access_protocol": "iscsi", "initiator_group_id": initiator_group_id, "label": initiator_name, "iqn": initiator_name }} r = self.post(api, data) return r['data'] def add_initiator_to_igroup_fc(self, initiator_grp_name, wwpn): initiator_group_id = self.get_initiator_grp_id(initiator_grp_name) api = "initiators" data = {"data": { "access_protocol": "fc", "initiator_group_id": initiator_group_id, "wwpn": self._format_to_wwpn(wwpn) }} r = self.post(api, data) return r['data'] def get_pool_id(self, pool_name): api = "pools/" filter = {'name': pool_name} r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve information for " "pool : %(pool)s") % {'pool': pool_name}) return r.json()['data'][0]['id'] def get_pool_info(self, pool_id): api = 'pools/' + six.text_type(pool_id) r = self.get(api) return r.json()['data'] def get_initiator_grp_list(self): api = "initiator_groups/detail" r = self.get(api) if 'data' not in r.json(): raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve initiator group " "list")) LOG.info('Successfully retrieved InitiatorGrpList') return r.json()['data'] def get_initiator_grp_id_by_name(self, initiator_group_name): api = 'initiator_groups' filter = {"name": initiator_group_name} r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve information for" "initiator group : %s") % initiator_group_name) return r.json()['data'][0]['id'] def get_volume_id_by_name(self, name): api = "volumes" filter = {"name": name} r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve information for " "volume: %s") % name) return r.json()['data'][0]['id'] def get_volume_name(self, volume_id): api = "volumes/" + six.text_type(volume_id) r = self.get(api) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve information for " "volume: %s") % volume_id) return r.json()['data']['name'] def add_acl(self, volume, initiator_group_name): initiator_group_id = self.get_initiator_grp_id_by_name( initiator_group_name) volume_id = self.get_volume_id_by_name(volume['name']) data = {'data': {"apply_to": 'both', "initiator_group_id": initiator_group_id, "vol_id": volume_id }} api = 'access_control_records' try: self.post(api, data) except NimbleAPIException as ex: LOG.debug("add_acl_exception: %s", ex) if SM_OBJ_EXIST_MSG in six.text_type(ex): LOG.warning('Volume %(vol)s : %(state)s', {'vol': volume['name'], 'state': SM_OBJ_EXIST_MSG}) else: msg = (_("Add access control failed with error: %s") % six.text_type(ex)) raise NimbleAPIException(msg) def get_acl_record(self, volume_id, initiator_group_id): filter = {"vol_id": volume_id, "initiator_group_id": initiator_group_id} api = "access_control_records" r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve ACL for volume: " "%(vol)s %(igroup)s ") % {'vol': volume_id, 'igroup': initiator_group_id}) return r.json()['data'][0] def get_volume_acl_records(self, volume_id): api = "volumes/" + six.text_type(volume_id) r = self.get(api) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve information for " "volume: %s") % volume_id) return r.json()['data']['access_control_records'] def remove_all_acls(self, volume): LOG.info("removing all access control list from volume=%(vol)s", {"vol": volume['name']}) volume_id = self.get_volume_id_by_name(volume['name']) acl_records = self.get_volume_acl_records(volume_id) if acl_records is not None: for acl_record in acl_records: LOG.info("removing acl=%(acl)s with igroup=%(igroup)s", {"acl": acl_record['id'], "igroup": acl_record['initiator_group_name']}) self.remove_acl(volume, acl_record['initiator_group_name']) def remove_acl(self, volume, initiator_group_name): LOG.info("removing ACL from volume=%(vol)s" "and %(igroup)s", {"vol": volume['name'], "igroup": initiator_group_name}) initiator_group_id = self.get_initiator_grp_id_by_name( initiator_group_name) volume_id = self.get_volume_id_by_name(volume['name']) try: acl_record = self.get_acl_record(volume_id, initiator_group_id) LOG.debug("ACL Record %(acl)s", {"acl": acl_record}) acl_id = acl_record['id'] api = 'access_control_records/' + six.text_type(acl_id) self.delete(api) except NimbleAPIException as ex: LOG.debug("remove_acl_exception: %s", ex) if SM_OBJ_ENOENT_MSG in six.text_type(ex): LOG.warning('Volume %(vol)s : %(state)s', {'vol': volume['name'], 'state': SM_OBJ_ENOENT_MSG}) else: msg = (_("Remove access control failed with error: %s") % six.text_type(ex)) raise NimbleAPIException(msg) def get_snap_info_by_id(self, snap_id, vol_id): filter = {"id": snap_id, "vol_id": vol_id} api = 'snapshots' r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Unable to retrieve snapshot info for " "snap_id: %(snap)s volume id: %(vol)s") % {'snap': snap_id, 'vol': vol_id}) LOG.debug("SnapInfo :%s", r.json()['data'][0]) return r.json()['data'][0] def get_snap_info(self, snap_name, vol_name): filter = {"name": snap_name, "vol_name": vol_name} api = 'snapshots' r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Snapshot: %(snap)s of Volume: %(vol)s " "doesn't exist") % {'snap': snap_name, 'vol': vol_name}) return r.json()['data'][0] def get_snap_info_detail(self, snap_id): api = 'snapshots/detail' filter = {'id': snap_id} r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Snapshot: %s doesn't exist") % snap_id) return r.json()['data'][0] @utils.retry(NimbleAPIException, 2, 3) def online_vol(self, volume_name, online_flag): volume_id = self.get_volume_id_by_name(volume_name) LOG.debug("volume_id %s", six.text_type(volume_id)) eventlet.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP) api = "volumes/" + six.text_type(volume_id) data = {'data': {"online": online_flag, 'force': True}} try: LOG.debug("data :%s", data) self.put(api, data) LOG.debug("Volume %(vol)s is in requested online state :%(flag)s", {'vol': volume_name, 'flag': online_flag}) except Exception as ex: msg = (_("Error %s") % ex) LOG.debug("online_vol_exception: %s", msg) if msg.__contains__("Object is %s" % SM_STATE_MSG): LOG.warning('Volume %(vol)s : %(state)s', {'vol': volume_name, 'state': SM_STATE_MSG}) # TODO(rkumar): Check if we need to ignore the connected # initiator elif msg.__contains__("Initiators are connected to"): raise NimbleAPIException(msg) else: raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg) def online_snap(self, volume_name, online_flag, snap_name): snap_info = self.get_snap_info(snap_name, volume_name) api = "snapshots/" + six.text_type(snap_info['id']) data = {'data': {"online": online_flag}} try: self.put(api, data) LOG.debug("Snapshot %(snap)s is in requested online state " ":%(flag)s", {'snap': snap_name, 'flag': online_flag}) except Exception as ex: LOG.debug("online_snap_exception: %s", ex) if six.text_type(ex).__contains__("Object %s" % SM_STATE_MSG): LOG.warning('Snapshot %(snap)s :%(state)s', {'snap': snap_name, 'state': SM_STATE_MSG}) else: raise @utils.retry(NimbleAPIException, 2, 3) def get_vol_info(self, volume_name): volume_id = self.get_volume_id_by_name(volume_name) api = 'volumes/' + six.text_type(volume_id) r = self.get(api) if not r.json()['data']: raise exception.VolumeNotFound(_("Volume: %s not found") % volume_name) return r.json()['data'] def delete_vol(self, volume_name): volume_id = self.get_volume_id_by_name(volume_name) api = "volumes/" + six.text_type(volume_id) self.delete(api) def snap_vol(self, snapshot): api = "snapshots" volume_name = snapshot['volume_name'] vol_id = self.get_volume_id_by_name(volume_name) snap_name = snapshot['name'] # Set snapshot description display_list = [ getattr(snapshot, 'display_name', snapshot['display_name']), getattr(snapshot, 'display_description', '')] snap_description = ':'.join(filter(None, display_list)) # Limit to 254 characters snap_description = snap_description[:254] data = {"data": {"name": snap_name, "description": snap_description, "vol_id": vol_id } } r = self.post(api, data) return r['data'] def clone_vol(self, volume, snapshot, reserve, is_gst_enabled, protocol, pool_name): api = "volumes" volume_name = snapshot['volume_name'] snap_name = snapshot['name'] snap_info = self.get_snap_info(snap_name, volume_name) clone_name = volume['name'] snap_size = snapshot['volume_size'] reserve_size = 100 if reserve else 0 specs = self._get_volumetype_extraspecs(volume) extra_specs_map = self._get_extra_spec_values(specs) perf_policy_name = extra_specs_map.get(EXTRA_SPEC_PERF_POLICY) perf_policy_id = self.get_performance_policy_id(perf_policy_name) encrypt = extra_specs_map.get(EXTRA_SPEC_ENCRYPTION) multi_initiator = extra_specs_map.get(EXTRA_SPEC_MULTI_INITIATOR) iops_limit = extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_IOPS_LIMIT] folder_name = extra_specs_map[EXTRA_SPEC_FOLDER] pool_id = self.get_pool_id(pool_name) # default value of cipher for encryption cipher = DEFAULT_CIPHER if encrypt.lower() == 'yes': cipher = AES_256_XTS_CIPHER if is_gst_enabled is True: agent_type = AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK_GST else: agent_type = AGENT_TYPE_OPENSTACK LOG.info('Cloning volume from snapshot volume=%(vol)s ' 'snapshot=%(snap)s clone=%(clone)s snap_size=%(size)s ' 'reserve=%(reserve)s' 'agent-type=%(agent-type)s ' 'perfpol-name=%(perfpol-name)s ' 'encryption=%(encryption)s cipher=%(cipher)s ' 'multi-initiator=%(multi-initiator)s', {'vol': volume_name, 'snap': snap_name, 'clone': clone_name, 'size': snap_size, 'reserve': reserve_size, 'agent-type': agent_type, 'perfpol-name': perf_policy_name, 'encryption': encrypt, 'cipher': cipher, 'multi-initiator': multi_initiator}) data = {"data": {"name": clone_name, "clone": 'true', "base_snap_id": snap_info['id'], 'snap_limit': DEFAULT_SNAP_QUOTA, 'warn_level': int(WARN_LEVEL), 'limit': 100, "online": 'true', "reserve": reserve_size, "agent_type": agent_type, "perfpolicy_id": perf_policy_id, "encryption_cipher": cipher } } if protocol == "iSCSI": data['data']['multi_initiator'] = multi_initiator folder_id = None if folder_name is not None: # validate if folder exists in pool_name pool_info = self.get_pool_info(pool_id) if 'folder_list' in pool_info and (pool_info['folder_list'] is not None): for folder_list in pool_info['folder_list']: LOG.debug("folder_list : %s", folder_list) if folder_list['fqn'] == "/" + folder_name: LOG.debug("Folder %(folder)s present in pool " "%(pool)s", {'folder': folder_name, 'pool': pool_name}) folder_id = self.get_folder_id(folder_name) if folder_id is not None: data['data']["folder_id"] = folder_id if folder_id is None: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Folder '%(folder)s' not " "present in pool '%(pool)s'") % {'folder': folder_name, 'pool': pool_name}) else: raise NimbleAPIException(_("Folder '%(folder)s' not present in" " pool '%(pool)s'") % {'folder': folder_name, 'pool': pool_name}) if iops_limit is not None: if not iops_limit.isdigit() or ( int(iops_limit) < MIN_IOPS) or (int(iops_limit) > MAX_IOPS): raise NimbleAPIException(_("%(err)s [%(min)s, %(max)s]") % {'err': IOPS_ERR_MSG, 'min': MIN_IOPS, 'max': MAX_IOPS}) data['data']['limit_iops'] = iops_limit if iops_limit is not None: if not iops_limit.isdigit() or ( int(iops_limit) < MIN_IOPS) or (int(iops_limit) > MAX_IOPS): raise NimbleAPIException(_("Please set valid IOPS limit" " in the range [%(min)s, %(max)s]") % {'min': MIN_IOPS, 'max': MAX_IOPS}) data['data']['limit_iops'] = iops_limit LOG.debug("Volume metadata :%s", volume.metadata) for key, value in volume.metadata.items(): LOG.debug("Key %(key)s Value %(value)s", {'key': key, 'value': value}) if key == EXTRA_SPEC_IOPS_LIMIT and value.isdigit(): if type(value) == int or int(value) < MIN_IOPS or ( int(value) > MAX_IOPS): raise NimbleAPIException(_("Please enter valid IOPS " "limit in the range [" "%(min)s, %(max)s]") % {'min': MIN_IOPS, 'max': MAX_IOPS}) LOG.debug("IOPS Limit %s", value) data['data']['limit_iops'] = value r = self.post(api, data) return r['data'] def edit_vol(self, volume_name, data): vol_id = self.get_volume_id_by_name(volume_name) api = "volumes/" + six.text_type(vol_id) self.put(api, data) def delete_snap(self, volume_name, snap_name): snap_info = self.get_snap_info(snap_name, volume_name) api = "snapshots/" + six.text_type(snap_info['id']) try: self.delete(api) except NimbleAPIException as ex: LOG.debug("delete snapshot exception: %s", ex) if SM_OBJ_HAS_CLONE in six.text_type(ex): # if snap has a clone log the error and continue ahead LOG.warning('Snapshot %(snap)s : %(state)s', {'snap': snap_name, 'state': SM_OBJ_HAS_CLONE}) else: raise @_connection_checker def get(self, api): return self.get_query(api, None) @_connection_checker def get_query(self, api, query): url = self.uri + api return requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=query, verify=self.verify) @_connection_checker def put(self, api, payload): url = self.uri + api r = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=self.headers, verify=self.verify) if r.status_code != 201 and r.status_code != 200: base = "Failed to execute api %(api)s : Error Code :%(code)s" % { 'api': api, 'code': r.status_code} LOG.debug("Base error : %(base)s", {'base': base}) try: msg = _("%(base)s Message: %(msg)s") % { 'base': base, 'msg': r.json()['messages'][1]['text']} except IndexError: msg = _("%(base)s Message: %(msg)s") % { 'base': base, 'msg': six.text_type(r.json())} raise NimbleAPIException(msg) return r.json() @_connection_checker def post(self, api, payload): url = self.uri + api r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=self.headers, verify=self.verify) if r.status_code != 201 and r.status_code != 200: msg = _("Failed to execute api %(api)s : %(msg)s : %(code)s") % { 'api': api, 'msg': r.json()['messages'][1]['text'], 'code': r.status_code} raise NimbleAPIException(msg) return r.json() @_connection_checker def delete(self, api): url = self.uri + api r = requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers, verify=self.verify) if r.status_code != 201 and r.status_code != 200: base = "Failed to execute api %(api)s: Error Code: %(code)s" % { 'api': api, 'code': r.status_code} LOG.debug("Base error : %(base)s", {'base': base}) try: msg = _("%(base)s Message: %(msg)s") % { 'base': base, 'msg': r.json()['messages'][1]['text']} except IndexError: msg = _("%(base)s Message: %(msg)s") % { 'base': base, 'msg': six.text_type(r.json())} raise NimbleAPIException(msg) return r.json() def _format_to_wwpn(self, string_wwpn): return ':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(* [iter(string_wwpn)] * 2)) def get_fc_interface_list(self, array_name): """getFibreChannelInterfaceList API to get FC interfaces on array.""" api = 'fibre_channel_interfaces/detail' filter = {'array_name_or_serial': array_name} r = self.get_query(api, filter) if not r.json()['data']: raise NimbleAPIException(_("No fc interfaces for array %s") % array_name) return r.json()['data'] def enable_group_scoped_target(self): group_id = self.get_group_id() api = "groups/" + six.text_type(group_id) data = {'data': {'group_target_enabled': True}} self.put(api, data)