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.. _cinder-zfssa-nfs:
.. list-table:: Description of ZFS Storage Appliance NFS driver configuration options
:header-rows: 1
:class: config-ref-table
* - Configuration option = Default value
- Description
* - **[DEFAULT]**
* - ``zfssa_cache_directory`` = ``os-cinder-cache``
- (String) Name of directory inside zfssa_nfs_share where cache volumes are stored.
* - ``zfssa_cache_project`` = ``os-cinder-cache``
- (String) Name of ZFSSA project where cache volumes are stored.
* - ``zfssa_data_ip`` = ``None``
- (String) Data path IP address
* - ``zfssa_enable_local_cache`` = ``True``
- (Boolean) Flag to enable local caching: True, False.
* - ``zfssa_https_port`` = ``443``
- (String) HTTPS port number
* - ``zfssa_manage_policy`` = ``loose``
- (String) Driver policy for volume manage.
* - ``zfssa_nfs_mount_options`` =
- (String) Options to be passed while mounting share over nfs
* - ``zfssa_nfs_pool`` =
- (String) Storage pool name.
* - ``zfssa_nfs_project`` = ``NFSProject``
- (String) Project name.
* - ``zfssa_nfs_share`` = ``nfs_share``
- (String) Share name.
* - ``zfssa_nfs_share_compression`` = ``off``
- (String) Data compression.
* - ``zfssa_nfs_share_logbias`` = ``latency``
- (String) Synchronous write bias-latency, throughput.
* - ``zfssa_rest_timeout`` = ``None``
- (Integer) REST connection timeout. (seconds)